And McCain never produced his, no matter how many times you repeat it.
You are either one of the most ignorant twits on the entire planet, or one of the biggest liars. Google "McCain" and "birth certificate". You will get a few thousands hits, including all kinds of images, such as this one: of McCain's LONG FORM, which he released to the U.S. Senate on their demand. (I wonder why the democratically controlled Senate never asked for Obama's, when they DID ask for McCain's, even though both had challenges to their eligibility?)
You will even find, similar to the bullshit running around today, of claims the BC McCain issued being a fake, ( questioning whether he was born at a U.S. facility in Panama or somewhere else in Panama, etc. etc. etc, fucking tin foil hat conspiracy bullshit up the fucking yang.
The difference being, McCain DID release his long form BC - contrary to your lies - whereas Obama is hiding his, along with innumerable other documents commonly released by presidential candidates.
Interestingly, however, McCain's eligibility was based on an assumption which has not, in reality, been legally tested in federal court. There are those Constitutional lawyers who hold the opinion that being born of two U.S. citizens, but outside U.S. territories, is not enough to make one automatically a U.S. citizen. Further, the state department has issued the opinion that U.S. military bases on foreign soil are NOT, legally, U.S. territory, and being born on a U.S. military base does not qualify one for automatic natural-born citizen status.
They do not, however, address the question of being born to two U.S. citizens while abroad. Neither does the 14th Amendment. And while many believe any challenge of the natural-born status of a child born to two U.S. citizens outside the U.S., especially when one parent is of the U.S. military, stationed overseas, would be resolved in favor of natural-born status in the courts, the fact is the idea has never been fully, legally resolved.
Bottom line with reference to this particular thread, however, the facts remain that McCain DID face challenges to his eligibility - BEFORE Obama did - and resolved those challenges by issuing a copy of his long-form birth certificate, along with other birth documents. There are still blogs out there today claiming McCain is not a real citizen. But those blogs are completely relegated to the TFHA realm because, unlike Obama, McCain DID release his long form. Why won't Obama do the same? For poly points? If so, he's a bigger ass than I ever dreamed.
So any claims that Obama is being "singled out" (especially the age-old, tired-to-the-point-of-nausea "because he's BLACK" crappola) are, as typical to so many of the mindless liberal twits who post here, pure unadulterated pasture patties.