'WOKE Racism'. I just bought this book.

This is right:

In a 2001 article, McWhorter wrote that black attitudes, rather than white racism, were what held African-Americans back in the United States. According to McWhorter, "victimology, separatism, and anti-intellectualism underlie the general black community's response to all race-related issues," and "it's time for well-intentioned whites to stop pardoning as 'understandable' the worst of human nature whenever black people exhibit it."[28]
"How a New Religion has Betrayed Black America".

Anybody read this?

At war with the woke: A fresh perspective makes the same tired arguments

John McWhorter’s new book, “Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America,” is a standard-issue tirade against “cancel culture,” a Bill Maher routine without the jokes or a Tucker Carlson segment without the bow tie and smirk. The alleged twist here is that it’s a Black man saying it this time. Even that has been done better and less hamhandedly by the past few years of Dave Chappelle’s career.

"... being Black marks you as a Victim even if you don'y feel like one".

from the Book Cover.
When fascism comes to America it will be gender neutral and wrapped in a woke flag.
At war with the woke: A fresh perspective makes the same tired arguments

John McWhorter’s new book, “Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America,” is a standard-issue tirade against “cancel culture,” a Bill Maher routine without the jokes or a Tucker Carlson segment without the bow tie and smirk. The alleged twist here is that it’s a Black man saying it this time. Even that has been done better and less hamhandedly by the past few years of Dave Chappelle’s career.


Yes. I think it is against the 'Cancel Culture'. He teaches at Columbia University, so it does*lend a little intellectualism to the Argument. Maher and Chapelle have given it 'Street Cred', this guy kicks it up a notch.
I have not read the book. But I have read his editorials at NYTimes.
Seems to be for White racists comforted by a Black man saying it is okay.

He seems to be giving his perspective of what he perceives. I'm good with that.

"... harming his fellow Black Americans by infantilizing black people ..."

This is my take on the word 'Nigger'. White People have declared this word 'Off Limits'. Why? Because Blacks are like children and need Whites to protect them from the 'Bad Words'. Is that it?
John McWhorter is a linguistics professor, and he is an outstanding teacher of linguistics. I have taken courses from him, and almost everything I know about linguistics is through him.

But he is not a sociologist, political scientist, or anthropologist. His insights do not come from a deep wellspring of knowledge and expertise here. Some publisher decided that because he has a modest amount of name recognition, they would be able to sell books attributed to him.
John McWhorter is a linguistics professor, and he is an outstanding teacher of linguistics. I have taken courses from him, and almost everything I know about linguistics is through him.

But he is not a sociologist, political scientist, or anthropologist. His insights do not come from a deep wellspring of knowledge and expertise here. Some publisher decided that because he has a modest amount of name recognition, they would be able to sell books attributed to him.

Do you think he has a valid point?
He seems to be giving his perspective of what he perceives. I'm good with that.

"... harming his fellow Black Americans by infantilizing black people ..."

This is my take on the word 'Nigger'. White People have declared this word 'Off Limits'. Why? Because Blacks are like children and need Whites to protect them from the 'Bad Words'. Is that it?

you're just a racist
John McWhorter is a linguistics professor, and he is an outstanding teacher of linguistics. I have taken courses from him, and almost everything I know about linguistics is through him.

But he is not a sociologist, political scientist, or anthropologist. His insights do not come from a deep wellspring of knowledge and expertise here. Some publisher decided that because he has a modest amount of name recognition, they would be able to sell books attributed to him.
If you've taken courses then you should know that linguistics by definition are anthropologist, sociologist, and political scientist.