'WOKE Racism'. I just bought this book.

Larry Elder IS a Hustler. He is being controversial on purpose just to gin everyone up. Larry knows ... 'It's all about the Money'. :)

Yeah. I like the objective perspective. Not some 'Red Team/Blue Team' hack that just sputters the 'Politically Correct' line. I heard McWhorter was a good read. Thanks for the endorsement.

Of course. I'll be curious to hear what you think. Please let us know.
John McWhorter is a literature and language professor. He teaches linguistics classes.

The reason universities don't hire him to be a professor of political science, anthropology, or sociology is because he doesn't have the training or expertise in those fields.

He is a minor celebrity capable of selling books and making money for a publisher. I will give his opinion the same weight as any other celebrity. In short, I generally don't pay money for a book presenting the opinions of celebrities.
I don't see how one can be in linguistics without also being a social anthropologist.
The title of his book — which uses the polarizing label “woke” and then accuses his opponents of being racist — seems designed to stop conversations, not start them. The book itself reads like a Fox News diatribe. His exegesis of his opponents is short on specifics and strangely personal (as when he calls attention to Ibram X. Kendi’s dreadlocks). Rather than striking the measured, analytic tone one would expect from an intellectual of McWhorter’s renown, Woke Racism reads like an extended Twitter rant. Virtually all of McWhorter’s critiques involve contestable empirical claims, and yet the book is extremely thin on the relevant social science. This is a recipe for selling a lot of books — not for elevating our discourse or changing minds.


Sniff Sniff.
When fascism comes to America it will be gender neutral and wrapped in a woke flag.

What a dumb rube

the actual quote

That they go all the way to Eduardo Peñalver to proclaim this book garbage is proof that it is persuasive. This was high priority.
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