'WOKE Racism'. I just bought this book.

Why did you buy the book?
Never mind. Dumb question.
Why did you read the book?

Sounded interesting. Heard McWhorter on Bill Maher. He sounded pragmatic.
He, in a way, came across as looking as the Woke, as the New*Book Burners.
Wokesters are the 'Politically Correct', everyone else must be silenced.

Haven't read it yet.
Virtually all of McWhorter’s critiques involve contestable empirical claims, and yet the book is extremely thin on the relevant social science. This is a recipe for selling a lot of books — not for elevating our discourse or changing minds.

^^ Basically a carbon copy of what I wrote about his lack of scholarly expertise in sociology and political science. (The guy is an incredible linguistics teacher though).

He is entitled to his opinion. But I give his opinion the same weight I give to any other minor celebrity.
^^ Basically a carbon copy of what I wrote about his lack of scholarly expertise in sociology and political science. (The guy is an incredible linguistics teacher though).

He is entitled to his opinion. But I give his opinion the same weight I give to any other minor celebrity.

Again, I have not read the book. I am posting these reviews as giving one perspective.
^^ Basically a carbon copy of what I wrote about his lack of scholarly expertise in sociology and political science. (The guy is an incredible linguistics teacher though).

He is entitled to his opinion. But I give his opinion the same weight I give to any other minor celebrity.

Have you ever written a post without using the first person? McWhorter is a personal hero of mine and I read him avidly. You, on the other hand, are a sanctimonious, hectoring, pompous, preening poppinjay.
Sounded interesting. Heard McWhorter on Bill Maher. He sounded pragmatic.
He, in a way, came across as looking as the Woke, as the New*Book Burners.
Wokesters are the 'Politically Correct', everyone else must be silenced.

Haven't read it yet.

Yet you still support Biden and the Regressives, why is that?
"White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era is a book by American author Shelby Steele in 2006. Wikipedia"

I'm almost through with this. It's a bit dated but still has a Theme of the Wokesters and Cancel Culture.
He talks about how Blacks are being conditioned to identify with a Group (Black Victim) rather than identify as a Individual (Free Person).
The Argument is that there is more to gain by being a 'Black Victim' than a 'Successful Individual'.

Glad to see you've found Shelby Steele as well, brilliant man. Naturally the Left detest him as they do John McWhorter and Thomas Sowell.
Biden thinks Climate Change is REAL.
Donald Trump thinks Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax.

Do I need to say anything more?

Trump is right again,,,,not a shock.....climate change has all the markings of a con job says Peter Hitchens and Douglas Murray.