'WOKE Racism'. I just bought this book.

"How a New Religion has Betrayed Black America".

Anybody read this?

I've read it, along with several of his other books, and it's an excellent read. He's such an interesting guy. Well educated, politically progressive (and a Trump hater) yet he takes heterodox views on racial issues.

One is free to read his book and disagree with him but he's not some partisan bomb thrower. There's a reason this book is getting so much attention and its because he articulates well what many people are thinking.
Do you think he has a valid point?

I'll throw this out there. The guy has been black all his life, written multiple books on racial issues and is on regular podcasts discussing racial issues. Yet he's not qualified to speak on this subject?

One does not have to agree with his viewpoint and perspective but trying to claim he's not qualified? Naw...
I've read it, along with several of his other books, and it's an excellent read. He's such an interesting guy. Well educated, politically progressive (and a Trump hater) yet he takes heterodox views on racial issues.

One is free to read his book and disagree with him but he's not some partisan bomb thrower. There's a reason this book is getting so much attention and its because he articulates well what many people are thinking.

Thanks. I've heard he is articulate and can identify what he thinks is non-beneficial for Blacks. He doesn't seem to have an Agenda, and is just giving his opinion here. I expect it to be interesting.
If you've taken courses then you should know that linguistics by definition are anthropologist, sociologist, and political scientist.

John McWhorter is a literature and language professor. He teaches linguistics classes.

The reason universities don't hire him to be a professor of political science, anthropology, or sociology is because he doesn't have the training or expertise in those fields.

He is a minor celebrity capable of selling books and making money for a publisher. I will give his opinion the same weight as any other celebrity. In short, I generally don't pay money for a book presenting the opinions of celebrities.
I'll throw this out there. The guy has been black all his life, written multiple books on racial issues and is on regular podcasts discussing racial issues. Yet he's not qualified to speak on this subject?

One does not have to agree with his viewpoint and perspective but trying to claim he's not qualified? Naw...

:) One of the complaints is that 'he's not Black enough'. Which, is what they said about Obama.
Thanks. I've heard he is articulate and can identify what he thinks is non-beneficial for Blacks. He doesn't seem to have an Agenda, and is just giving his opinion here. I expect it to be interesting.

It's not a politically partisan book in that he's not talking about voting one way or the other. It's not about that. He refers to himself as being woke but what he's writing about is how the excesses of wokeness have taken over and many people are being cowered by it.
:) One of the complaints is that 'he's not Black enough'. Which, is what they said about Obama.

He references that regularly in his podcasts. Even though he's a political liberal he still gets called Uncle Tom, a sellout etc. etc. and because he doesn't speak like he's from the streets and is well educated he's been accused of not being authentically black. When you step back and think about it it's a very interesting dynamic.
White Racists are going to Damn Black people no matter what they do- or don't do- SO I WOULDN'T PUT A LOT OF weight on how they view the term WOKE.

When people start listening to White Racists at the water cooler, start kicking the tires with them, and listen to what they have to say about the Black race or the terms they use to describe their plight, you are already starting to captitulate and surrender yourself to Racism.

Woke would not be my choice of words to describe my awareness of systematic racism. I mean, what is the antonym of the term woke? Asleep? Unwoke? Anti-woke? I do not believe that one who does not believe that systematic racism exists in America should be defined as Unwoke, Asleep. or ANTI-woke!

No Sir! You have to call a racist a racist! Either you are racist- or you are not! BEING AWAKE OR ASLEEP MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IN A WORLD Still chock full of RACISM.

It is a weak term that wasn't thought out to well by the ones who defined it and use it.

So this is a term that didn't get much traction on bringing Whites and Blacks together- as all it really accomplished was just A BIG JOKE AND JOKING FODDER for the racists!

Much like the campaign Term "MAGA" was the biggest joke ever told!
White Racists are going to Damn Black people no matter what they do- or don't do- SO I WOULDN'T PUT A LOT OF weight on how they view the term WOKE.

When people start listening to White Racists at the water cooler, start kicking the tires with them, and listen to what they have to say about the Black race or the terms they use to describe their plight, you are already starting to captitulate and surrender yourself to Racism.

Woke would not be my choice of words to describe my awareness of systematic racism. I mean, what is the antonym of the term woke? Asleep? Unwoke? Anti-woke? I do not believe that one who does not believe that systematic racism exists in America should be defined as Unwoke, Asleep. or ANTI-woke!

No Sir! You have to call a racist a racist! Either you are racist- or you are not! BEING AWAKE OR ASLEEP MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IN A WORLD Still chock full of RACISM.

It is a weak term that wasn't thought out to well by the ones who defined it and use it.

So this is a term that didn't get much traction on bringing Whites and Blacks together- as all it really accomplished was just A BIG JOKE AND JOKING FODDER for the racists!

Kinda of like the term- "MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" was the biggest joke ever told!

Racists are used to being around other racists. When they trot out their racism before everyone else, they act shocked by the accusation.
White Racists are going to Damn Black people no matter what they do- or don't do- SO I WOULDN'T PUT A LOT OF weight on how they view the term WOKE.

When people start listening to White Racists at the water cooler, start kicking the tires with them, and listen to what they have to say about the Black race or the terms they use to describe their plight, you are already starting to captitulate and surrender yourself to Racism.

Woke would not be my choice of words to describe my awareness of systematic racism. I mean, what is the antonym of the term woke? Asleep? Unwoke? Anti-woke? I do not believe that one who does not believe that systematic racism exists in America should be defined as Unwoke, Asleep. or ANTI-woke!

No Sir! You have to call a racist a racist! Either you are racist- or you are not! BEING AWAKE OR ASLEEP MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IN A WORLD Still chock full of RACISM.

It is a weak term that wasn't thought out to well by the ones who defined it and use it.

So this is a term that didn't get much traction on bringing Whites and Blacks together- as all it really accomplished was just A BIG JOKE AND JOKING FODDER for the racists!

Kinda of like the term- "MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" was the biggest joke ever told!

I think you're missing the point of the book. He's describing (racist) actions by those who would definitely not describe themselves as racists - folks who would state they are against racism.
It's not a politically partisan book in that he's not talking about voting one way or the other. It's not about that. He refers to himself as being woke but what he's writing about is how the excesses of wokeness have taken over and many people are being cowered by it.

"White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era is a book by American author Shelby Steele in 2006. Wikipedia"

I'm almost through with this. It's a bit dated but still has a Theme of the Wokesters and Cancel Culture.
He talks about how Blacks are being conditioned to identify with a Group (Black Victim) rather than identify as a Individual (Free Person).
The Argument is that there is more to gain by being a 'Black Victim' than a 'Successful Individual'.
John McWhorter’s latest book relies on hollow caricatures of antiracist thinking.

The title of his book — which uses the polarizing label “woke” and then accuses his opponents of being racist — seems designed to stop conversations, not start them. The book itself reads like a Fox News diatribe. His exegesis of his opponents is short on specifics and strangely personal (as when he calls attention to Ibram X. Kendi’s dreadlocks). Rather than striking the measured, analytic tone one would expect from an intellectual of McWhorter’s renown, Woke Racism reads like an extended Twitter rant. Virtually all of McWhorter’s critiques involve contestable empirical claims, and yet the book is extremely thin on the relevant social science. This is a recipe for selling a lot of books — not for elevating our discourse or changing minds.

He references that regularly in his podcasts. Even though he's a political liberal he still gets called Uncle Tom, a sellout etc. etc. and because he doesn't speak like he's from the streets and is well educated he's been accused of not being authentically black. When you step back and think about it it's a very interesting dynamic.

Larry Elder IS a Hustler. He is being controversial on purpose just to gin everyone up. Larry knows ... 'It's all about the Money'. :)

Yeah. I like the objective perspective. Not some 'Red Team/Blue Team' hack that just sputters the 'Politically Correct' line. I heard McWhorter was a good read. Thanks for the endorsement.