'WOKE Racism'. I just bought this book.

Can you specifically name this inherent racism? One of the questions McWhorter brings up.

McWhorter talks about the 1960s, the Great Society, the Civil Rights Legislation of 50 years ago, and looks around at the current landscape.
As an Academic, he questions why Black kids do so poorly in school.
Why are there so many families with Single Mothers and No Fathers.
Why are Black teens shooting and killing each other.

McWhorter sees this 'religion' of Blame Whitey as the Answer/Solution. Whatever deficiency is found in the Black Community, it's because of 'systemic racism' by those with White Privilege.
McWhorter points out that these people have no real answers, ... other than to call people 'racists'.

McWhorter has 3 'Planks' or suggestions:
!. End the Drug War.
2. Teach Black kids to Read.
3. Provide Vocational Training Schools.

This book would have been dismissed out of hand if a White author would have penned it. And yes, the author does answer the question 'Is he Black enough?".
McWhorter doesn't know what he's talking about. Jobs have been leaving the cities for over 30 years. All you have to do is drive around and count all the boarded up factories and fenced in school prison camps. Learning to read won't end the despair. Again, the only way out is to conform to military life. The war machine is always hiring.

The reader has to be able to question the absurdity of McWhorter's planks. Things are about to get a lot worse, people all over the globe are tired of living under the boot of the US empire. What does McWhorter say about that?
I thought about buying 'White Fragility' as a counterweight, but after looking at the Reviews on Amazon, I think I'll pass on that idea.

I've posted this on here before. I went to school with this girl growing up and she posted this on social media.

"Just finished White Fragility. It is a MUST READ, especially if you are white and/or you are accepted as white in American society. Seriously, I don’t care what political party you affiliate with. I don’t care how progressive you think you are, I don’t care if you think you aren’t racist. If you are white, you are racist, myself included. We have so much to learn and the first step is being completely open to that learning and being willing (even excited) to dismantle our role in white supremacy. *as a quick side note, it’s almost impossible to get a hard copy of this book as its popularity has soared, but it’s easy to get the ebook or audiobook. If you choose to get the audiobook, I suggest going through Libro.fm as you get to choose an independent bookstore to support rather than lining Jeff Bezos’s pockets with even more money."

McWhorter (and others) absolutely crush her book.
Can you specifically name this inherent racism? One of the questions McWhorter brings up.

McWhorter talks about the 1960s, the Great Society, the Civil Rights Legislation of 50 years ago, and looks around at the current landscape.
As an Academic, he questions why Black kids do so poorly in school.
Why are there so many families with Single Mothers and No Fathers.
Why are Black teens shooting and killing each other.

McWhorter sees this 'religion' of Blame Whitey as the Answer/Solution. Whatever deficiency is found in the Black Community, it's because of 'systemic racism' by those with White Privilege.
McWhorter points out that these people have no real answers, ... other than to call people 'racists'.

McWhorter has 3 'Planks' or suggestions:
!. End the Drug War.
2. Teach Black kids to Read.
3. Provide Vocational Training Schools.

This book would have been dismissed out of hand if a White author would have penned it. And yes, the author does answer the question 'Is he Black enough?".

I think its important to include that he doesn't deny the existence of racism and the role its played. It's that added level of nuance that elevates the conversation IMO. You can acknowledge racism while also pointing out the short comings he does while saying they don't solely exist because of racism. It's not always a comfortable conversation to have but without doing so nothing really changes and that's where he's coming from.
McWhorter doesn't know what he's talking about. Jobs have been leaving the cities for over 30 years. All you have to do is drive around and count all the boarded up factories and fenced in school prison camps. Learning to read won't end the despair. Again, the only way out is to conform to military life. The war machine is always hiring.

The reader has to be able to question the absurdity of McWhorter's planks. Things are about to get a lot worse, people all over the globe are tired of living under the boot of the US empire. What does McWhorter say about that?

One thing he points out is that none of the Wokesters can point out 'systemic racism'.

What YOU are discussing is 'Global Capitalism' and it's move toward an 'efficient market' through Automation, Outsourcing, and Importation of Third World Labor.
50% of the US population owns Stock, so they welcome the savings of cutting Labor Costs. Cutting the 'Labor Input Costs' means more Profits.
The other 50% of Americans live hand to mouth. They are the ones being hurt by:
1. Automation.
2. Outsourcing.
3. Importation on Third World Labor.

If your idea is to have the Black Sharecroppers fight with the White Sharecroppers, and the White Sharecroppers fight with the Black Sharecroppers, Congratulations, that's what the Plantation Owner wants too.
(you know, keeps the Worker Drones busy, and keeps the attention off all the Money he is raking in)

McWhorter, as a Black person, has suggestions as to what he sees is the Problem in the Black Community.
McWhorter didn't address Global Capitalism and it's effects on First World Workers.
I've posted this on here before. I went to school with this girl growing up and she posted this on social media.

"Just finished White Fragility. It is a MUST READ, especially if you are white and/or you are accepted as white in American society. Seriously, I don’t care what political party you affiliate with. I don’t care how progressive you think you are, I don’t care if you think you aren’t racist. If you are white, you are racist, myself included. We have so much to learn and the first step is being completely open to that learning and being willing (even excited) to dismantle our role in white supremacy. *as a quick side note, it’s almost impossible to get a hard copy of this book as its popularity has soared, but it’s easy to get the ebook or audiobook. If you choose to get the audiobook, I suggest going through Libro.fm as you get to choose an independent bookstore to support rather than lining Jeff Bezos’s pockets with even more money."

McWhorter (and others) absolutely crush her book.

:) The Reviews were terrible. I think I've seen her on TV.
I think its important to include that he doesn't deny the existence of racism and the role its played. It's that added level of nuance that elevates the conversation IMO. You can acknowledge racism while also pointing out the short comings he does while saying they don't solely exist because of racism. It's not always a comfortable conversation to have but without doing so nothing really changes and that's where he's coming from.

Cawack: "I think its important to include that he doesn't deny the existence of racism and the role its played."
Jack: Agree. I think he is pragmatic. No one believes the TDAKs (or Gunos) of the world are going to disappear.

Cawack: "You can acknowledge racism while also pointing out the short comings he does while saying they don't solely exist because of racism."
Jack: Unlike the Wokesters, he specifically points out areas that need to be addressed. Educational Failure, Single-Mother Homes, Black-on-Black Violence. He points it out, then comes up with what he feels are solutions. The Wokesters ... all they do is mutter 'systematic racism' ... 'White Privilege'. ZERO Solutions, unless 'White Guilt' is an Answer.

Cawack: "It's not always a comfortable conversation to have but without doing so nothing really changes and that's where he's coming from."
Jack: It's a REAL COMFORTABLE conversation. This guy is satirical, solemn, honest, direct ... all at the same time. You laugh at how tragic it all sounds. This guy is a perfect Spokesperson.

This guy tosses*a lot of marbles out there. Each one contains a different conversation.

Just a Thought: McWhorter mentions that a 100 years ago Blacks who travel would enter a town and not know where to stay. They would spot a 'Negro' on the street and pull up, greet each other with a common bond of segregation, and ask about where they could stay, and told where the lodging could be found.
Fast Forward a 100 years. 'Is this Common Bond, this Identity, this Solidarity, coming apart?'

Like earlier 'German', 'Italian', 'Japanese', 'Jewish' families being 'Americanized'? Are 'Blacks' now entering the 'American Mainstream'? Are Academic Blacks now in a Panic about the 'Black Identity' being lost to 'America'? Is the polarizing 'Victim/Oppressor' Theme an attempt to STOP the March into the American Melting Pot?

Anyway. There's a book about a 'Black' dad and a 'White' wife that have a child that is 'blue-eyed and blond'. He's in a quandary about how to explain 'the Black experience' to her and ... if he should/could explain why she is a Victim? :) (It might be the next book I buy)
"The American writer Thomas Chatterton Williams is racially ambiguous enough to be mistaken as Algerian in Paris, where he and his French wife are raising two children, their heads capped with airy blond curls."

"The author and critic discusses why we should move away from race categories defined ‘using plantation logic’ – and suggests ‘retiring from race’ "

"It was the birth of his daughter, Marlow, six years ago, that set off a panic in him. What did it mean that he, then a self-identified black man who had always accepted the black/white binary, had a child who would be perceived as white?"
I think you're missing the point of the book. He's describing (racist) actions by those who would definitely not describe themselves as racists - folks who would state they are against racism.

Yes Sir! This is why you can't throw all the babies out with the bathwater!

Take Donald Trump as an example- He thinks he is superior to everyone- so I don't know if that is racism or egotism!

And just because there are some White Nationalists in the Republican Party- does not mean all Republicans are racists.

Just like most Democrats or even Black Democrats are not on Welfare, as most Democrats I know never ask for anything from anyone- They work hard every working day, and take care of their very own!

What we have out there are many politically motivated assholes on both sides of the aisle that try to put everyone in a slot or category- ONE SIZE FITS ALL!