'WOKE Racism'. I just bought this book.

You were doing good until this statement. Have you ever been to an all "Black" party in the ghetto?

Look at the Kim Potter sentencing and get back to me.

:) Gee. I must have missed out. No. I haven't been to a 'All Black Party in the Ghetto'.
Not real sure this has anything to do with McWhorter's book, Wokesters, or instilling 'Victimhood' on Black children as a way of Advancement in the Modern World.
:) Gee. I must have missed out. No. I haven't been to a 'All Black Party in the Ghetto'.
Not real sure this has anything to do with McWhorter's book, Wokesters, or instilling 'Victimhood' on Black children as a way of Advancement in the Modern World.

goat is yet another racist
:) Gee. I must have missed out. No. I haven't been to a 'All Black Party in the Ghetto'.
Not real sure this has anything to do with McWhorter's book, Wokesters, or instilling 'Victimhood' on Black children as a way of Advancement in the Modern World.
The US and its systemic racism will never be a merit based integrated society. We are a police state of hate headed for civil war. The ghetto is an urban reservation of containment preyed upon by every government institution.
The US and its systemic racism will never be a merit based integrated society. We are a police state of hate headed for civil war. The ghetto is an urban reservation of containment preyed upon by every government institution.

'systematic racism'. Another Wokester word.
Black children do poor in school ... 'systematic racism'.
Black teens shooting each other ... 'systematic racism'.
Black families with missing fathers ... 'systematic racism'.

Lots of real problems. Wokesters ... it's because of White People.

Never any Solutions, just Finger-Pointing.
I've never read McWhorter before. He specifically stated his book WASN'T for the TDAK types, ones blinded by a racist mindset. He writes that the book is for those 'on the fence' and those that are open for a discussion on the topic.
At this point (Chapter One) he seems like an intellectual that has done well in life and is speaking from that perspective.
My impression is that his opposition to "essentially dumb things down in the classroom and blacks can't compete on tests etc" is a response to making Black lives*better. By graduating High School not able to read isn't 'bettering' a Black person. I think he views 'people as Human Beings' and they will be judged on their competence. I think (I haven't read the book) that his main spiel may be about 'Black Identity' and to NOT let the Past ... define the Future for Black children today.

Yes. I already accept the fact the US is an integrated society and that 'merit' should be our mantra.

I should have been more clear there. You are correct, he wrote this book for people in the middle/liberals who are open to the discussion of race. Not everyone on the left is in full agreement with where racial issues/discussions have gone and that's who he is speaking too.

I've heard him answer on podcasts the question of is he giving comfort to racists. I don't want to misquote him but basically he said they will think what they want (the TDAK's of the world). McWhorter is saying I'm trying to improve the lot for black people and I'm not going to be afraid to say what I think because some unsavory types may use what I say. (if that makes sense)

I was making the connection, in my previous post, between what TDAK thinks and those who argue for the weakening of standards etc. That is relevant to the book but also not, so not trying to necessarily steer the conversation in that direction.
I should have been more clear there. You are correct, he wrote this book for people in the middle/liberals who are open to the discussion of race. Not everyone on the left is in full agreement with where racial issues/discussions have gone and that's who he is speaking too.

I've heard him answer on podcasts the question of is he giving comfort to racists. I don't want to misquote him but basically he said they will think what they want (the TDAK's of the world). McWhorter is saying I'm trying to improve the lot for black people and I'm not going to be afraid to say what I think because some unsavory types may use what I say. (if that makes sense)

I was making the connection, in my previous post, between what TDAK thinks and those who argue for the weakening of standards etc. That is relevant to the book but also not, so not trying to necessarily steer the conversation in that direction.

:) McWhorter is an interesting character. He mentions getting a lot of flack from 'Liberals'.

I watched some of the Podcast you posted. He mentioned 'Trade Schools' over 'University Admissions' would probably be better for low income Blacks. That's very pragmatic and makes sense to me. Welders, Plumbers, Car Mechanics, ... don't need to be in the top of your Class for that.

I'm into Chapter 2. He's talking about 'The Elect' and their 'Cancel Cultural' agenda. --->Not good enough to just disagree with the other person. The other person must be socially and economically destroyed.
He's comparing it to 'Christians' and 'Witches'. He's a good writer. I'm enjoying the book.
:) McWhorter is an interesting character. He mentions getting a lot of flack from 'Liberals'.

I watched some of the Podcast you posted. He mentioned 'Trade Schools' over 'University Admissions' would probably be better for low income Blacks. That's very pragmatic and makes sense to me. Welders, Plumbers, Car Mechanics, ... don't need to be in the top of your Class for that.

I'm into Chapter 2. He's talking about 'The Elect' and their 'Cancel Cultural' agenda. --->Not good enough to just disagree with the other person. The other person must be socially and economically destroyed.
He's comparing it to 'Christians' and 'Witches'. He's a good writer. I'm enjoying the book.

He is very interesting. Obviously a very sharp guy. But what really appeals to me is that he's not an ideologue and even though he's a liberal Democrat he's not a political partisan/hack. There's a reason he's written multiple books. There's a reason he's written for publications like The Atlantic. There's a reason he writes so many columns for the New York Times. There's no shortage of partisans on the right and left willing to tell us what we want to hear. McWhorter is first and foremost authentic and he offers something unique, hence his appeal imo.
He is very interesting. Obviously a very sharp guy. But what really appeals to me is that he's not an ideologue and even though he's a liberal Democrat he's not a political partisan/hack. There's a reason he's written multiple books. There's a reason he's written for publications like The Atlantic. There's a reason he writes so many columns for the New York Times. There's no shortage of partisans on the right and left willing to tell us what we want to hear. McWhorter is first and foremost authentic and he offers something unique, hence his appeal imo.

:) I hate to admit this, but ... I never heard of the guy.

He seems like an intellectual, comfortable in his life, probably with a nice home, nice income, nice family, and over all ... nice. :)
I'm wondering why he is so wrapped up in this 'religious' moniker for the 'Elect'?
Maybe because 'Logic & Reason' aren't being used by the 'Wokesters'?

He keeps making religious comparisons. Maybe I'll find out later?
:) I hate to admit this, but ... I never heard of the guy.

He seems like an intellectual, comfortable in his life, probably with a nice home, nice income, nice family, and over all ... nice. :)
I'm wondering why he is so wrapped up in this 'religious' moniker for the 'Elect'?
Maybe because 'Logic & Reason' aren't being used by the 'Wokesters'?

He keeps making religious comparisons. Maybe I'll find out later?

I bought what I believe was his first book (but don't quote me on that) in 2000 called Losing the Race.

He lives in Queens. He's obviously not writing these books for free but in listening to him I get the sense money isn't a big driver for him. Like you said, he's an intellectual and he's into reading and writing, language and ideas.

Keep on reading. I want to hear your thoughts.
I bought what I believe was his first book (but don't quote me on that) in 2000 called Losing the Race.

He lives in Queens. He's obviously not writing these books for free but in listening to him I get the sense money isn't a big driver for him. Like you said, he's an intellectual and he's into reading and writing, language and ideas.

Keep on reading. I want to hear your thoughts.

:) Well. He's discussing this more on a 'professional' level than on the plebeian class level. He mentions Gary Garrels of SF Museum of Modern Art being fired for "being insufficiently committed to non-white artists". "The long-serving curator concurred but added that the Museum would not stop collecting white artists entirely because that would constitute 'reverse discrimination' ". NOT THE RIGHT ANSWER.
Then McWhorter talks about less than a mile away in the Tenderloin, clusters of people living in tents. So Wokesters (The Elect) not really forging much societal change.

He talks about this happening in Newsrooms, Universities, ... World Scrabble Championship (disallows the N-word).

He mentions 'White Fragility' and a few other books I've heard of but never read. I'm starting to feel 'unhip' as he tosses out names of authors and book titles that I haven't read and know little about. :(
:) Well. He's discussing this more on a 'professional' level than on the plebeian class level. He mentions Gary Garrels of SF Museum of Modern Art being fired for "being insufficiently committed to non-white artists". "The long-serving curator concurred but added that the Museum would not stop collecting white artists entirely because that would constitute 'reverse discrimination' ". NOT THE RIGHT ANSWER.
Then McWhorter talks about less than a mile away in the Tenderloin, clusters of people living in tents. So Wokesters (The Elect) not really forging much societal change.

He talks about this happening in Newsrooms, Universities, ... World Scrabble Championship (disallows the N-word).

He mentions 'White Fragility' and a few other books I've heard of but never read. I'm starting to feel 'unhip' as he tosses out names of authors and book titles that I haven't read and know little about. :(

Haha, yeah there could be somewhat of a generational divide here. Lol. (That SF Moma story definitely made the news locally.) Stick with it, you've got this!