'WOKE Racism'. I just bought this book.

Have you ever written a post without using the first person? McWhorter is a personal hero of mine and I read him avidly. You, on the other hand, are a sanctimonious, hectoring, pompous, preening poppinjay.

"You, on the other hand, are a sanctimonious, hectoring, pompous, preening poppinjay."


I have NEVER heard ANYTHING this egregious! I have Reported this to Management ... along with a suggested 2 week Ban!
Biden thinks Climate Change is REAL.
Donald Trump thinks Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax.

Do I need to say anything more?

This is the tweet sent by Trump, I largely agree with it.

Trump’s tweet said, "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."
This is the tweet sent by Trump, I largely agree with it.

Trump’s tweet said, "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."

Getting your enemy to stand down is always better than fighting.

WAR 101
Have you ever written a post without using the first person?

McWhorter is a personal hero of mine and I read him avidly. You, on the other hand, are a sanctimonious, hectoring, pompous, preening poppinjay.
^ Drenched in irony.

I'm just putting this out here for anyone who may be interested. Coleman Hughes is a young (black) intellectual. Like McWhorter he's a Democrat but often takes heterodox views on racial issues. This is his podcast where he interviews McWhorter about the book.

In the political world unfortunately so many of us want to put people in boxes. It's so restricting. Even within the black community, where voters often go 90% for Democrats, there are diverse viewpoints. These two are an example of that.

Again, I have not read the book. I am posting these reviews as giving one perspective.

I do not pay money to read the opinions of minor celebrities. IMO, it is reasonable to pay money to acquire the knowledge and opinions of subject matter experts.

I will admit, I did buy an Al Franken book once.
I'm just putting this out here for anyone who may be interested. Coleman Hughes is a young (black) intellectual. Like McWhorter he's a Democrat but often takes heterodox views on racial issues. This is his podcast where he interviews McWhorter about the book.

In the political world unfortunately so many of us want to put people in boxes. It's so restricting. Even within the black community, where voters often go 90% for Democrats, there are diverse viewpoints. These two are an example of that.

I read the first Chapter. It was hilarious. He's named them. 'The Elect'. Like religious fundamentalists ... 'doing good'. :)
I read the first Chapter. It was hilarious. He's named them. 'The Elect'. Like religious fundamentalists ... 'doing good'. :)

Yep. McWhorter is an atheist so when he's comparing the Elect to the religious it's not in a glowing manner.
Yep. McWhorter is an atheist so when he's comparing the Elect to the religious it's not in a glowing manner.

:) He states "... people wishing they hadn't missed the late 1960s, dismayed the basic work has already been done".
That made me laugh. It rang so true.

Another comment was about 'Who talks the most'. And 'Taking all the air out of the room'. That was relevant. The Theme seems to be 'Whites have perpetual Privilege, Blacks are perpetual Victims'.
Probably not the best way to bring up Black children if you want them to thrive in today's world.
I learned a lot from John McWhorter about the evolution and relationships of world languages, and would gladly pay money for any linguistics class he offers.

I don't pay much attention to his personal opinion on American social culture, but for those who admire his opinion here is one of his: Trump is a blatant racist.

The Black People Who Voted for Trump Know He’s Racist

By John McWhorter

:) He states "... people wishing they hadn't missed the late 1960s, dismayed the basic work has already been done".
That made me laugh. It rang so true.

Another comment was about 'Who talks the most'. And 'Taking all the air out of the room'. That was relevant. The Theme seems to be 'Whites have perpetual Privilege, Blacks are perpetual Victims'.
Probably not the best way to bring up Black children if you want them to thrive in today's world.

I've read several books of his, read many of his articles at places like The Atlantic and listened to him many times on Podcasts so I don't know if he writes about specifically in this book but he's said some of the Elect are in certain ways not all that different than people like TDAK. At first you're think WTF but it actually makes sense when you think about it. TDAK is basically a caricature but nonetheless what does he always say? That blacks are inferior. McWhorter is saying those who think we need to essentially dumb things down in the classroom and blacks can't compete on tests etc. aren't all that different. They use the term equity to justify their actions but there's similarity.

It's interesting food for thought and makes you think.
I've read several books of his, read many of his articles at places like The Atlantic and listened to him many times on Podcasts so I don't know if he writes about specifically in this book but he's said some of the Elect are in certain ways not all that different than people like TDAK. At first you're think WTF but it actually makes sense when you think about it. TDAK is basically a caricature but nonetheless what does he always say? That blacks are inferior. McWhorter is saying those who think we need to essentially dumb things down in the classroom and blacks can't compete on tests etc. aren't all that different. They use the term equity to justify their actions but there's similarity.

It's interesting food for thought and makes you think.

I've never read McWhorter before. He specifically stated his book WASN'T for the TDAK types, ones blinded by a racist mindset. He writes that the book is for those 'on the fence' and those that are open for a discussion on the topic.
At this point (Chapter One) he seems like an intellectual that has done well in life and is speaking from that perspective.
My impression is that his opposition to "essentially dumb things down in the classroom and blacks can't compete on tests etc" is a response to making Black lives*better. By graduating High School not able to read isn't 'bettering' a Black person. I think he views 'people as Human Beings' and they will be judged on their competence. I think (I haven't read the book) that his main spiel may be about 'Black Identity' and to NOT let the Past ... define the Future for Black children today.

Yes. I already accept the fact the US is an integrated society and that 'merit' should be our mantra.
I've never read McWhorter before. He specifically stated his book WASN'T for the TDAK types, ones blinded by a racist mindset. He writes that the book is for those 'on the fence' and those that are open for a discussion on the topic.
At this point (Chapter One) he seems like an intellectual that has done well in life and is speaking from that perspective.
My impression is that his opposition to "essentially dumb things down in the classroom and blacks can't compete on tests etc" is a response to making Black lives*better. By graduating High School not able to read isn't 'bettering' a Black person. I think he views 'people as Human Beings' and they will be judged on their competence. I think (I haven't read the book) that his main spiel may be about 'Black Identity' and to NOT let the Past ... define the Future for Black children today.

Yes. I already accept the fact the US is an integrated society and that 'merit' should be our mantra.
You were doing good until this statement. Have you ever been to an all "Black" party in the ghetto?

Look at the Kim Potter sentencing and get back to me.
White Racists are going to Damn Black people no matter what they do- or don't do- SO I WOULDN'T PUT A LOT OF weight on how they view the term WOKE.

When people start listening to White Racists at the water cooler, start kicking the tires with them, and listen to what they have to say about the Black race or the terms they use to describe their plight, you are already starting to captitulate and surrender yourself to Racism.

Woke would not be my choice of words to describe my awareness of systematic racism. I mean, what is the antonym of the term woke? Asleep? Unwoke? Anti-woke? I do not believe that one who does not believe that systematic racism exists in America should be defined as Unwoke, Asleep. or ANTI-woke!

No Sir! You have to call a racist a racist! Either you are racist- or you are not! BEING AWAKE OR ASLEEP MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IN A WORLD Still chock full of RACISM.

It is a weak term that wasn't thought out to well by the ones who defined it and use it.

So this is a term that didn't get much traction on bringing Whites and Blacks together- as all it really accomplished was just A BIG JOKE AND JOKING FODDER for the racists!

Much like the campaign Term "MAGA" was the biggest joke ever told!

you win the internet today!

racist whites love slogans like cancel culture as well