'WOKE Racism'. I just bought this book.

'systematic racism'. Another Wokester word.
Black children do poor in school ... 'systematic racism'.
Black teens shooting each other ... 'systematic racism'.
Black families with missing fathers ... 'systematic racism'.

Lots of real problems. Wokesters ... it's because of White People.

Never any Solutions, just Finger-Pointing.
Your dogma is showing, Jack. The working class didn't outsource their jobs and board up the factories. The poor and powerless didn't crash the global economy in 2008 with corruption. How did we get to this situation we find ourselves in? You need to open your mind if you want to discuss a topic you know nothing about.
Your dogma is showing, Jack. The working class didn't outsource their jobs and board up the factories. The poor and powerless didn't crash the global economy in 2008 with corruption. How did we get to this situation we find ourselves in? You need to open your mind if you want to discuss a topic you know nothing about.

The Topic is 'Racism' and 'Wokesters'.
The book (I'm about half way thru) claims Blacks get a pass on Failure because ... white racism.
Basically releasing Blacks of any responsibility.

Goat: "How did we get to this situation we find ourselves in? "
Jack: Automation, Outsourcing, Importation of Third World Labor.

A different Topic, but one that effects the Black Working Class. Wokesters are blind to this.
The Topic is 'Racism' and 'Wokesters'.
The book (I'm about half way thru) claims Blacks get a pass on Failure because ... white racism.
Basically releasing Blacks of any responsibility.

Goat: "How did we get to this situation we find ourselves in? "
Jack: Automation, Outsourcing, Importation of Third World Labor.

A different Topic, but one that effects the Black Working Class. Wokesters are blind to this.
Greedy white CEOs caused Detroit to fail, not the auto workers. White middle-class suburbia gave corporate personhood a pass and blame the decaying cities on the long-term unemployed who didn't learn how to code. The school to prison pipeline is more proof of for-profit institutional racism. The only way out is to join the military and conform to the national security state.
Greedy white CEOs caused Detroit to fail, not the auto workers. White middle-class suburbia gave corporate personhood a pass and blame the decaying cities on the long-term unemployed who didn't learn how to code. The school to prison pipeline is more proof of for-profit institutional racism. The only way out is to join the military and conform to the national security state.

That must be it. If we could eliminate the White people, all would be well.
Let's start with 'The Elect'.

'The Elect' are the Wokesters that claim all Black problems stem from racism.

The book focuses on Academia and the so-called Intelligentzia.

"The intelligentsia is a status class composed of the university-educated people of a society who engage in the complex mental labours by which they critique, shape, and lead in the politics, policies, ... Wikipedia"
:) Gee. I must have missed out. No. I haven't been to a 'All Black Party in the Ghetto'.
Not real sure this has anything to do with McWhorter's book, Wokesters, or instilling 'Victimhood' on Black children as a way of Advancement in the Modern World.

I actually have been to an all Black Party!
I worked at a huge bingo hall,and met lots of Blacks socially. Including a real cool gf.
Authors like Ta-Nehisi Coates, Robin DiAngelo, Ibram Kendi, and Pulitzer winner Nikole Hannah-Jones and her 'Revolutionary War was fought to preserve Slavery' revelation, are all presented as 'The Elect'.

"There's nothing wrong with Black people that the complete and total elimination of White supremacy would not fix".
Authors like Ta-Nehisi Coates, Robin DiAngelo, Ibram Kendi, and Pulitzer winner Nikole Hannah-Jones and her 'Revolutionary War was fought to preserve Slavery' revelation, are all presented as 'The Elect'.

"There's nothing wrong with Black people that the complete and total elimination of White supremacy would not fix".

What is the root of White Supremacy?
I actually have been to an all Black Party!
I worked at a huge bingo hall,and met lots of Blacks socially. Including a real cool gf.

Rule #8. If you are white and date only white people, you are a racist.

Rule #8 If you are white and date a black person, you are exotifying an 'other'.

(either way, you are a racist)
'systematic racism'. Another Wokester word.
Black children do poor in school ... 'systematic racism'.
Black teens shooting each other ... 'systematic racism'.
Black families with missing fathers ... 'systematic racism'.

Lots of real problems. Wokesters ... it's because of White People.

Never any Solutions, just Finger-Pointing.

'The Elect' are the Wokesters that claim all Black problems stem from racism.

The book focuses on Academia and the so-called Intelligentzia.

"The intelligentsia is a status class composed of the university-educated people of a society who engage in the complex mental labours by which they critique, shape, and lead in the politics, policies, ... Wikipedia"
Systematic racism is real, Jack, it's been around a lot longer than Wokesters. How much time did McWhorter spend in the ghetto before writing this book?
Systematic racism is real, Jack, it's been around a lot longer than Wokesters. How much time did McWhorter spend in the ghetto before writing this book?

Can you specifically name this inherent racism? One of the questions McWhorter brings up.

McWhorter talks about the 1960s, the Great Society, the Civil Rights Legislation of 50 years ago, and looks around at the current landscape.
As an Academic, he questions why Black kids do so poorly in school.
Why are there so many families with Single Mothers and No Fathers.
Why are Black teens shooting and killing each other.

McWhorter sees this 'religion' of Blame Whitey as the Answer/Solution. Whatever deficiency is found in the Black Community, it's because of 'systemic racism' by those with White Privilege.
McWhorter points out that these people have no real answers, ... other than to call people 'racists'.

McWhorter has 3 'Planks' or suggestions:
!. End the Drug War.
2. Teach Black kids to Read.
3. Provide Vocational Training Schools.

This book would have been dismissed out of hand if a White author would have penned it. And yes, the author does answer the question 'Is he Black enough?".
I thought about buying 'White Fragility' as a counterweight, but after looking at the Reviews on Amazon, I think I'll pass on that idea.