Women are nuts.......


Well-known member
Leaving tomorrow for a quick vacation. If you could see the amount of crap the old lady is hauling down with us it would make your head spin. Unless you are married that is,.....then you already know all too well. She has enuff clothing and what nots for 5 vacations. :whoa: She has always been that way but this year is off the charts! Must be getting old. :cool:
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Leaving tomorrow for a quick vacation. If you could see the amount of crap the old lady is hauling down with us it would make your head spin. Unless you are married that is,.....then you already know all too well. She has enuff clothing and what nots for 5 vacations. :whoa: She has always been that way but this year is off the charts! Must be getting old. :cool:

Same here. If we are going somewhere just overnight it's three bloody bags
Solved that problem years ago, just bought one high quality, oversized luggage bag which allows her to pack just about anything she wants, who cares if it is just one bag regardless of size
Leaving tomorrow for a quick vacation. If you could see the amount of crap the old lady is hauling down with us it would make your head spin. Unless you are married that is,.....then you already know all too well. She has enuff clothing and what nots for 5 vacations. :whoa: She has always been that way but this year is off the charts! Must be getting old. :cool:
Do you appreciate the way she looks? Does she make you proud?
Solved that problem years ago, just bought one high quality, oversized luggage bag which allows her to pack just about anything she wants, who cares if it is just one bag regardless of size

One large bag takes the same amount of room as 3 small bags/suitcases. DUH!
Leaving tomorrow for a quick vacation. If you could see the amount of crap the old lady is hauling down with us it would make your head spin. Unless you are married that is,.....then you already know all too well. She has enuff clothing and what nots for 5 vacations. :whoa: She has always been that way but this year is off the charts! Must be getting old. :cool:
Hope your trip is going well...have a wonderful Valentine's Day tomorrow...
(She packs "too much"...I cook "too much"...it Always works out well in the end...Trust us..;))
We travel a lot and my wife has learned to count the nights and pick out what to wear. She is very efficient but the cosmetics add the weight, if not bulk. We fly first so we don’t have to worry about weight. Travel can out a strain on relationships so it’s important to work together.

I tell her she looks beautiful every single day. She didn’t hear that enough when she was growing up and she is still insecure about her looks. She had a brutal childhood. As for feeling proud of her, she voted for the first time in 2018. She became more aware and with that awareness she shed years of ingrained racism and misogyny and has become active in politics and support for abused women. To do that at 50 is remarkable and I hope my support and sometimes my patience (she said she would have voted for Trump in 2016) helped her grow. But it was her that did that. I think it makes her amazing and I’m in awe of that.

I’m guessing other posters in this thread would find that journey unacceptable and wouldn’t be proud at all. That’s sad. You should want that from a partner, gender aside. It makes for a great relationship. I love my wife and I make sure she knows it. If that makes me a ‘beta’ then beta is where it’s at.
You are a disgusting chauvinist pig. You want a door mat. I guess it pisses you off that there are fewer of those.

awwww, why so serious? don't get butthurt, truly. I get that younger women probably have zero interest in you, therefore you have no clue what's going on in the younger modern society, but you couldn't be more wrong about me.

but whatever makes you feel better about your lack of masculinity
awwww, why so serious? don't get butthurt, truly. I get that younger women probably have zero interest in you, therefore you have no clue what's going on in the younger modern society, but you couldn't be more wrong about me.

but whatever makes you feel better about your lack of masculinity

I’m 67 years old and couldn’t care less if younger women, older women, black white Latino or Asian women have zero interest in me. I’m married. But it’s pretty obvious I’ve forgotten more than you know about women.

I’m guessing your ideal woman has more breast and less brain than you have. That way they won’t realize what a scumbag you are.