Women are nuts.......

“Typical feminist”, typical misogynist statement!

Generalizations are lazy, not all men are bigger or stronger, more logical or less emotional than women. His stating they are is not a fact, it’s misogyny.

Women are proving more each day how they can exceed at things we were once told we could not do.

50 pushups and 15 pullups. Next!

Let's go with 4.9 50 yard dash next, k?
When you can do any of those, let us know. Pushing off your beer gut doesn't count.

I have done all those things, CuntFart. Have you, you queef?

I don't see myself doing things like that in the future..not like a young man would.
Men are more emotional and less logical. You have raging testosterone. Women have intuition. You are one of the most illogical and irrational people I've encountered. And a lot of women know the difference between a fact and an opinion. So it appears they are smarter than you too. Ooops.

It is easy to see Republican Men think they are superior to women.

Republican men think they are superior to everyone.

I AM HAPPY TO LET THEM THINK THAT, as I vote for Democrats, and they seem to be in the majority now.

I could care less what Republican Men think anymore. As they find themselves in the minority of thinkers now!

Donald Trump has been the number one reason why the Republicans now find themselves in the minority, as he refuses to drop out of the race and face his Legal Matters like a man.

The only reason Donald Trump is even running for president is to stay out of jail.

That is not a good enough reason for the Majority of voters that are motivated to ending the Donald Trump era handily and for forever at the polls in November!

Trump will be left with having to face up to his many crimes as he deserves.
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I just wish she'd answer the question I ask rather than the one she thinks I want the answer to...

I ask, "Where are you going?"

I get, "Well, yesterday I told you I needed seven pairs of socks..."

I ask again, "Where are you going?"

I get, "Daughter needs some some socks too."

I ask one more time, "Where are you going?"...

I get, "Did you just sigh?"

I still haven't had an answer to my question....
Men, you really have your work cut out for you.

Women win all arguments period.

Because if a man has anything further to say, it its the beginnings of a new argument.

If there is a way for you to let your wife think she has just won an argument, the better off you will be in the end.

A woman that does not win any argument is a woman scorned and she will be forever fighting you just to win an argument.

If you don't let them think they win arguments, there will be hell to pay, and you will find yourself sleeping with the enemy.

If you are a man, and if winning arguments is your thing, your sex life and marriage will not be very gratifying to say the least.

You just think you are winning.

Because we all know who controls the family jewels, when it all comes down.
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ROTFLMFAO!!! You are the most insecure, timid mouse of a man I've ever encountered. Too funny. Now, go dress up in face paint, pound your chest and shoot your gun in the air. That should give you the happy ending that you don't get otherwise.

He is terrified of the term 'feminist' because he is TERRIFIED of women. He thinks his physical size and strength make him superior. Those qualities are worthless in today's society. Women are utterly unimpressed by that, but I'm guessing he thinks they see him as 'macho'. It's pathetic. What all that machismo has wrought is domestic abuse. Because guys like him will fly into a rage at the drop of a hat, or a shot of whiskey. He probably beats his women, and he thinks that makes him superior. I'm not kidding. He has the profile of a domestic abuser.
good job. I think you got all the modern women delusional terms in there, except you forgot the word 'toxic'...........

anyway, I love watching you kneel to women........shows me your low place in the world.
When you can do any of those, let us know. Pushing off your beer gut doesn't count.

perfect example of you making an idiot out of yourself. you make all these assumptions about laziness, beer guts, fatness, while just a couple posts before you were claiming I had physical size and strength.

It really comes off as you not knowing a damned thing of reality. Only ways to make yourself look like a moron.
Most of the leftists here, especially the feminists, truly do not understand the relationship dynamics with women. If you think women are the prize, you're in the bottom 70% of men.
Do you appreciate the way she looks? Does she make you proud?

Maybe she doesn't even exist. lol

I always pack light. If there's something I forgot odds are good that it can be found at our destination. Funny story: Mr. Owl took his parents to Alaska twice. The first time, he was helping his mom schlepp her very large old-fashioned suitcase through the airport. Said it about broke his shoulder, it was so heavy. When they arrived and got their rented RV, he discovered that she had filled it with canned goods! She had read that food was ultra expensive in Alaska, so she brought most of her pantry along. :laugh:
awwww, why so serious? don't get butthurt, truly. I get that younger women probably have zero interest in you, therefore you have no clue what's going on in the younger modern society, but you couldn't be more wrong about me.

but whatever makes you feel better about your lack of masculinity

His wife is actually a "younger woman," by well over a decade.
Maybe she doesn't even exist. lol

I always pack light. If there's something I forgot odds are good that it can be found at our destination. Funny story: Mr. Owl took his parents to Alaska twice. The first time, he was helping his mom schlepp her very large old-fashioned suitcase through the airport. Said it about broke his shoulder, it was so heavy. When they arrived and got their rented RV, he discovered that she had filled it with canned goods! She had read that food was ultra expensive in Alaska, so she brought most of her pantry along. :laugh:

I've seen pictures. She's a lovely lady, seriously. STY is lucky she deigned to go out with him, he's reached above his own level.

you really know how to make yourself look like an idiot, don't you?

I'm not worried about it. I'm mostly curious about White Supremacist Extremist assholes seeking to murder Americans to push their agenda of "restoring the Constitution".

As 1/6 proved, most are not as stupid as they look. It's one thing to sit around and fault "the Mud People" for all your problems, but it's another to see your friends arrested for breaking the law and be considered a terrorist yourself.
I nailed it. You have a very bad attitude towards and about women, it comes through loud and clear on here.

Yes, it does.

Maybe she doesn't even exist. lol

I always pack light. If there's something I forgot odds are good that it can be found at our destination. Funny story: Mr. Owl took his parents to Alaska twice. The first time, he was helping his mom schlepp her very large old-fashioned suitcase through the airport. Said it about broke his shoulder, it was so heavy. When they arrived and got their rented RV, he discovered that she had filled it with canned goods! She had read that food was ultra expensive in Alaska, so she brought most of her pantry along. :laugh:

Same here. And disposable. I've lost a few important things while traveling and believe in leaving most valuable things behind. If all are lost, there's a big difference between "Oh shit" and "OMFG!!!!" Mostly dependent upon sentimental value. Materialistic people can worry more about financial value. Regardless, best to "always pack light". :thup:
Are men bigger than women? stronger than women? less emotional than women? more logical than women? It's not misogyny to state facts. maybe that's your problem. you don't like facts.

Except that in your list of things, you 1) generalized, and 2) made up the last two, which are not true. You assigned positive attributes to the three things men are allegedly better at (size, strength, logic). You assigned a negative trait to women (emotional). The attributes are yours, not what others think.
I just wish she'd answer the question I ask rather than the one she thinks I want the answer to...

I ask, "Where are you going?"

I get, "Well, yesterday I told you I needed seven pairs of socks..."

I ask again, "Where are you going?"

I get, "Daughter needs some some socks too."

I ask one more time, "Where are you going?"...

I get, "Did you just sigh?"

I still haven't had an answer to my question....

May I help? She is likely going to more than one place.
Same here. And disposable. I've lost a few important things while traveling and believe in leaving most valuable things behind. If all are lost, there's a big difference between "Oh shit" and "OMFG!!!!" Mostly dependent upon sentimental value. Materialistic people can worry more about financial value. Regardless, best to "always pack light". :thup:

You must have more experience with travel packing than anyone else here.