Women are nuts.......

Maybe she doesn't even exist. lol

I always pack light. If there's something I forgot odds are good that it can be found at our destination. Funny story: Mr. Owl took his parents to Alaska twice. The first time, he was helping his mom schlepp her very large old-fashioned suitcase through the airport. Said it about broke his shoulder, it was so heavy. When they arrived and got their rented RV, he discovered that she had filled it with canned goods! She had read that food was ultra expensive in Alaska, so she brought most of her pantry along. :laugh:
That is hilarious!
You must have more experience with travel packing than anyone else here.

LOL Thanks. True, timewise, but let's be honest, how many times does a person have to travel some place for a few days before they become efficient at it? Half a dozen?

After 9/11, the flight attendants, who'd been used to large bottles of conditioner, shampoo and other feminine items, were suddenly deprived of them, their luggage lightened considerably. LOL
I nailed it. You have a very bad attitude towards and about women, it comes through loud and clear on here.

Agreed. It's telling. Happily married family men act one way, young guys on the prowl act another and violent, bitter, divorced assholes who lost the kids act another way.
Then name them, because that would answer my question. I never asked nor wanted to know what she was going to buy when she got there.

I get that, thanks. So does this happen often? Is it important to you to know which stores, but she doesn't care because going shopping is more important than exactly where she might find it? Does she tend to think in a broad picture while you are focused on details? Am I over-analyzing this? :rofl2:
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LOL Thanks. True, timewise, but let's be honest, how many times does a person have to travel some place for a few days before they become efficient at it? Half a dozen?

After 9/11, the flight attendants, who'd been used to large bottles of conditioner, shampoo and other feminine items, were suddenly deprived of them, their luggage lightened considerably. LOL

Fix for that: Get a hotel or AirBNB that offers that stuff gratis!
Except that in your list of things, you 1) generalized, and 2) made up the last two, which are not true. You assigned positive attributes to the three things men are allegedly better at (size, strength, logic). You assigned a negative trait to women (emotional). The attributes are yours, not what others think.

statistically speaking, everything I said was true. whether you want to believe it or not does not change the fact that what I said is true.
statistically speaking, everything I said was true. whether you want to believe it or not does not change the fact that what I said is true.

Your *perception* of what you have claimed is true. That's all.

You generalized that males are stronger and larger than females. That's a generalization. It is true when looking at large numbers of humans, but not necessarily on an individual basis.

You stated that men are less emotional and more logical than women. This is not true. Women may be more emotionally demonstrative than men, but that's a cultural thing, not biological. Women and men are equally logical or illogical, depending upon personality.
Fix for that: Get a hotel or AirBNB that offers that stuff gratis!
Good ideas but 1) we have no choice on where we stay and 2) while the hotel stuff was great for me (I had a supply of little bottles and bars of soap for years that I gave away or used for guests) the flight attendants had special products for their hair. The solution was for them to transfer their products to smaller bottles.

Eventually the hoopla died down and aircrews were given a pass on carrying certain items. It's no secret that pilots don't need a weapon to bring down an airliner or that flight attendants can poison an entire load of passengers with a small bottle. LOL

The concern about the larger bottles were binary chemical explosives.
Your *perception* of what you have claimed is true. That's all.

You generalized that males are stronger and larger than females. That's a generalization. It is true when looking at large numbers of humans, but not necessarily on an individual basis.

You stated that men are less emotional and more logical than women. This is not true. Women may be more emotionally demonstrative than men, but that's a cultural thing, not biological. Women and men are equally logical or illogical, depending upon personality.

I gave you facts, you gave me emotion. end of story.