Women are nuts.......

A lot of ppl feel the same way, mostly those that are old enough to have traveled in pre-TSA days. The perception of the agents as rude and gropey is common too. Personally I've never had any issues with them.

Funny story: One of my friend's husbands was a TSA agent at STL Lambert. We happened to get in his line on a trip to Alaska. After passing through the scanner and collecting my stuff, I stepped aside and called her. Said: "Hey, Karen, we're here at Lambert and Mark saw me naked in the scanner. He's gay now." She cracked up and so did all the agents close enough to hear me, including Mark. lol

TSA is horrible, but so are the airplanes themselves.
They're like cattle cars.
One feels as though one's going to a concentration camp rather than on holiday.

And some of the passengers are pretty horrible themselves.
I'd get rid of the overhead compartments and MAKE people use the luggage carousels.
People abuse them and make nuisances of themselves.

My feet first left the ground in 1957.
This is 2024, and 1957 standards are far beyond what we can ever expect to see again.
he's a beta who didn't have many options

:laugh: I know three women, around my age, give or take a couple of years, who have husbands much younger than they are. I define "much" as 10+ years difference. Two of them are very attractive, the third is more average.

Stereotyping indicates a problem with logic and critical thinking skills, as well as laziness. Just sayin'.
:laugh: I know three women, around my age, give or take a couple of years, who have husbands much younger than they are. I define "much" as 10+ years difference. Two of them are very attractive, the third is more average.

Stereotyping indicates a problem with logic and critical thinking skills, as well as laziness. Just sayin'.

again, I give you facts and statistics as 'generally', which is true because majority indicates fact, and you give me the feminist excuse of 'i know one or two that don't fit, so you're lying'..........

but hold on to those delusions sweetie
TSA is an abomination.

The fact that we find it necessary is pretty much proof that the Jihadists won.

Then again, modern commercial air travel would still be an abomination anyway, with or without TSA.

Whole generations exist that don't remember when it was actually decent,
so they just accept it.

I've had to stop traveling because I just can't stand it anymore.

I haven't flown since they started that garbage. All I remember is the good old days! :awesome:

And you're right: With that TSA crap, the Jihadists won.
TSA is horrible, but so are the airplanes themselves.
They're like cattle cars.
One feels as though one's going to a concentration camp rather than on holiday.

And some of the passengers are pretty horrible themselves.
I'd get rid of the overhead compartments and MAKE people use the luggage carousels.
People abuse them and make nuisances of themselves.

My feet first left the ground in 1957.
This is 2024, and 1957 standards are far beyond what we can ever expect to see again.

You created this meme, didn't you? :laugh:

traditional gender roles is misogynistic chauvinism? so sad for you.

Only when you insist that we stick to tradition is it chauvinist, misogynist, bigoted.

Do you believe that a couple should be free to decide who goes to work daily and who works at home caring for the house and the children? If it's the husband, do you see him as a "beta male" or "wimp"?

Do you believe that a man who is a nurse, a kindergarten teacher, an interior decorator, or a hair stylist is a "beta male" or probably gay?

Do you believe that a woman steelworker, logger, men's basketball coach, or fighter pilot needs to get back in the kitchen and stay there?

The beauty of freedom and liberty is having choices and being free of judgmental assholes who want to fit people into pre-determined (by them) slots.
Leaving tomorrow for a quick vacation. If you could see the amount of crap the old lady is hauling down with us it would make your head spin. Unless you are married that is,.....then you already know all too well. She has enuff clothing and what nots for 5 vacations. :whoa: She has always been that way but this year is off the charts! Must be getting old. :cool:

I'm sure there's a lot about you she could complain about, but hopefully she has the decency and social ettiqutte to not bad mouth her husband to complete strangers.
Only when you insist that we stick to tradition is it chauvinist, misogynist, bigoted.
i've never insisted that. I've always said that there's a price to pay for NOT doing it.

Do you believe that a couple should be free to decide who goes to work daily and who works at home caring for the house and the children? If it's the husband, do you see him as a "beta male" or "wimp"?
any couple, or person, is free to decide how they want to live their life. If that makes them happy, good for them. The problem comes down to evolutionary psychology. most women want their men to be stronger, bigger, smarter, more successful. i.e. a LEADER. those OUTSIDE of that statistical majority, out of the mainstream, are not leaders or are with alpha females.

Do you believe that a man who is a nurse, a kindergarten teacher, an interior decorator, or a hair stylist is a "beta male" or probably gay?

Do you believe that a woman steelworker, logger, men's basketball coach, or fighter pilot needs to get back in the kitchen and stay there?
no. if a woman is a feminist and wants to be equal, by all means they should be out there working steel, logging, or other male dominated career.

The beauty of freedom and liberty is having choices and being free of judgmental assholes who want to fit people into pre-determined (by them) slots.
again, I say go for it if that's what they want to do, but understand that doing that comes with a price.
TSA is horrible, but so are the airplanes themselves.
They're like cattle cars.
One feels as though one's going to a concentration camp rather than on holiday.

And some of the passengers are pretty horrible themselves.
I'd get rid of the overhead compartments and MAKE people use the luggage carousels.
People abuse them and make nuisances of themselves.

My feet first left the ground in 1957.
This is 2024, and 1957 standards are far beyond what we can ever expect to see again.

Be sure to thank the Democrats every time you fly. :flagsal:

I'm sure there's a lot about you she could complain about, but hopefully she has the decency and social ettiqutte to not bad mouth her husband to complete strangers.


I was thinking that she could save a lot of hassle, luggage space, and extra fees by just going by herself. :rofl2:
most women want their men to be stronger, bigger, smarter, more successful....

Than who? Other males? Themselves? Your views of what you think women want are based on superficial things. If I want to emulate you, I would claim that "most men want women who are small, subservient, beautiful, well-endowed, good cooks and housekeepers, want sex all the time but only with them."

again, I say go for it if that's what they want to do, but understand that doing that comes with a price.

Which is what?
given what i've seen on this board, the excludes 90% of it's membership, including you.

i'm sure believing that helps your delusional world.
Thanks for continuing to prove how MAGAt traitors think. :thup:

How delusional are your masturbatory fantasies about Making America White Again and living "The Turner Diaries"?