Women are nuts.......

Why would anyone believe that bullshit?

Because he's a misogynist? Because he talked shit about "restoring the Constitution" and his "unit" for years then folded like a house of cards when shit got real? LOL

Wow! I weep for this world! This thread sure went sideways fast. What started out as a well intended humorous thread meant to poke a little fun at my wife, woman, men, and even myself somehow got turned into a steaming pile of dog poop at break neck speed. Does EVERYTHING have to be about DIVISION in here? Or politics? Some of you people are flat out NUTS! and need to give it a break.

Back to the untended thread for a second........ No more driving down. Just takes too long for my liking. Plus,....there are only two ways to get there fast from my location. I either have to drive thru the suck ass length of Illinois or the length of the ABSOLUTE CORN DESERT of Indiana . Both ways suck. Once you hit Nashville its all good the rest of the way but getting there is a real bitch. :laugh: The good news? The beaches at Santa Rosa, Destin, and PCB were great, as always. :)

Stone, wishing you and the miss'es a wonderful safe vacation and in her defense....we pack a lot because we need CHOICES, LOTS OF EM....lol

Thank you very much for the well wishes. Much appreciated. As for you and the health struggles you told us about you just keep chugging along and fighting the good fight. You are needed by many people. Have faith above all else,....in the end....YOU WIN!
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They aren't but I know you you are.

I love women but not things with vaginas that are angry, self absorbed idiots. My wife and daughter are ten times the woman you think are.

Feminists today are hideous people. To call them women is an insult to women.

Now now, Truthy is tipping in at more that 600 pounds. She views herself as more woman than anyone...
Mr. Owl = real man. My late husband, who journeyed on 19 years ago today, was a real man as well. Their qualities are too numerous to list in their entirety, so here are just a few of them. Honesty. Kindness to others. Humor. Intelligence. Strength (of character, rather than just physical). Empathy. Caring for humans and for animals. Reliability. Courage. Self-assurance (see Strength).

Shame you posses none of those qualities.
Simply tragic. :laugh:

Today, 08:02 AM
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Today, 08:08 AM
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Today, 08:46 AM
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Wow! I weep for this world! This thread sure went sideways fast. What started out as a well intended humorous thread meant to poke a little fun at my wife, woman, men, and even myself somehow got turned into a steaming pile of dog poop at break neck speed. Does EVERYTHING have to be about DIVISION in here? Or politics? Some of you people are flat out NUTS! and need to give it a break.

Back to the untended thread for a second........ No more driving down. Just takes too long for my liking. Plus,....there are only two ways to get there fast from my location. I either have to drive thru the suck ass length of Illinois or the length of the ABSOLUTE CORN DESERT of Indiana . Both ways suck. Once you hit Nashville its all good the rest of the way but getting there is a real bitch. :laugh: The good news? The beaches at Santa Rosa, Destin, and PCB were great, as always. :)
Glad you had a nice trip...
As for the thread? You knew better...but it never hurts to try, and it was a great reminder for others of who to avoid...;)
One thing this thread has unintentionally proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. America has been successfully dumbed down to the point where the same tactics our three letter agencies have been pulling on foreign countries since the 50's is now working here. That being.......divide and conquer with as much division and strife as possible. people USED TO be able to disagree politically yet get along in every other way. Thats all long gone. This is pure red hot HATRED of each other on a grand scale throughout the country. You crank up the local population against each other then sit back and watch it all BURN. Once it does.......you waltz in and assume
control. Ordo ab ciao = order from chaos. I sure hope some of you smarten up and understand what you are willfully bringing on. Trust me,....YOU WONT LIKE IT. Matters not what silly political party you vote for either. This is all so far beyond that and has zero to do with having and R or a D attached to you. WAKE UP.......while you still can.
Just because someone happens to be a person who votes the opposite of you DOES NOT mean you have to hate everything about that person. Or think they are dead wrong on every issue involving or not involving politics. But that is EXACTLY what is happening in here and across the country in general. It needs to stop.
One thing this thread has unintentionally proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. America has been successfully dumbed down to the point where the same tactics our three letter agencies have been pulling on foreign countries since the 50's is now working here. That being.......divide and conquer with as much division and strife as possible. people USED TO be able to disagree politically yet get along in every other way. Thats all long gone. This is pure red hot HATRED of each other on a grand scale throughout the country. You crank up the local population against each other then sit back and watch it all BURN. Once it does.......you waltz in and assume
control. Ordo ab ciao = order from chaos. I sure hope some of you smarten up and understand what you are willfully bringing on. Trust me,....YOU WONT LIKE IT. Matters not what silly political party you vote for either. This is all so far beyond that and has zero to do with having and R or a D attached to you. WAKE UP.......while you still can.

Do you think you have been part of the problem or part of the solution, Stone?
Simply tragic. :laugh:

Today, 08:02 AM
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Today, 08:46 AM
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Cowardly troll celebrates her cowardice!
:laugh: Yeah, I caught the distinct skunky odor of hypocrisy in that post, too. In fact, that bolded part sounds exactly like what #TRE45ON did on January 6, 2021, doesn't it?

Yes, it does.

IMO, the Feds are looking at Stone's employer and he's trying to look innocent and peaceful instead of as a major fundraiser for he and his brother's white supremacist militia.