Women are nuts.......

They aren't but I know you you are.

I love women but not things with vaginas that are angry, self absorbed idiots. My wife and daughter are ten times the woman you think are.

Feminists today are hideous people. To call them women is an insult to women.

So you can murder them at will?

Anyone can rape them because they don’t declare they are your lessor in every case

That means that homeless pick pocketer you see on the way to work is your daughters superior

Because he has a dick

That guy in prison is more important to society than your daughter because he has a dick
And assholes you admire will treat them like whores with your permission

If women don’t believe they are your lessor

You say they are nothing but gashes

That includes your daughter asshole

She has to believe she is the lessor of every man walking or to you she is just a gash for any man to fuck

That is your own stated life philosophy

Hormone raging ^^^^^^°
So you can murder them at will?

Anyone can rape them because they don’t declare they are your lessor in every case

That means that homeless pick pocketer you see on the way to work is your daughters superior

Because he has a dick

That guy in prison is more important to society than your daughter because he has a dick

Lunatic = leftist woman ^^^^^^^
the feminists on here have proven, without a doubt, that they truly believe that their delusions are reality.

Yeah they seem to have this idea they are a prize. Just imagine what the poor bastards married to these train wrecks must suffer with everyday.
my son died from an OD after a decade of drug usage and rehabs. I'm well aware of the serenity prayer. I still didn't see how it applied to you believing that you can't do anything about modern feminism. or are you also a simp?

What have you done except brag about killing innocent Americans as a means to a political end?

Yet you pretend not to understand Hunter Bidens struggle with drugs

Only your family matters and deserves compassion and understanding

My heart sank when that story about your son was offered

Even though I know it’s very likely a shitty lie from you

I mourn that young man’s life

If it’s not real

I still morn the many human stories that reflect that story in real life

He mattered even if he’s not real

Because that story is the reality of many families

You care about nothing but what effects you

Others suffering is meaningless to you

You want people to harm women who don’t want to live the half slave life you insist women should live

I feel VERY SORRY for your claimed daughter too

Even if she isn’t real

There are people living that reality too

A daughter of a horribly flawed man who deep down sees her as someone’s sex pet and half slave
Yeah they seem to have this idea they are a prize. Just imagine what the poor bastards married to these train wrecks must suffer with everyday.

How dare women seek more out of life than being a sex pet and baby machine ready to be a half slave to someone who feels they OWN her
Mr. Owl = real man. My late husband, who journeyed on 19 years ago today, was a real man as well. Their qualities are too numerous to list in their entirety, so here are just a few of them. Honesty. Kindness to others. Humor. Intelligence. Strength (of character, rather than just physical). Empathy. Caring for humans and for animals. Reliability. Courage. Self-assurance (see Strength).
I approve of this list.
“The periods of violent behavior by the husband,’ the doctors observed, ‘served to release him momentarily from his anxiety about his ineffectiveness as a man, while giving his wife apparent masochistic gratification and helping probably to deal with the guilt arising from the intense hostility expressed in her controlling, castrating behavior.’
That is what you assholes want to go back too

Your daughter being beat the fuck up by her hubby for not sucking his dick hard enough

I feel really sorry for your daughter
hmm, i'm honest. to a fault even. I'm kind to others and i'm funny. ask my wife. I'm beyond your intelligence, for sure. my strength of character is beyond your comprehension. I'm also empathic, for most people. I also rescue pit bulls, or at least I did before my wife got too sick and I got too old. I'm courageous and very self assured.

i'm glad even you think i'm a 'real man'. thanks. :cool:

How nice! I've seen plenty of evidence that Mr. Owl fits all of my criteria for being a Real Man. So far I've seen none of yours. lol
hmm, i'm honest. to a fault even. I'm kind to others and i'm funny. ask my wife. I'm beyond your intelligence, for sure. my strength of character is beyond your comprehension. I'm also empathic, for most people. I also rescue pit bulls, or at least I did before my wife got too sick and I got too old. I'm courageous and very self assured.

i'm glad even you think i'm a 'real man'. thanks. :cool:

Why would anyone believe that bullshit?