Women are nuts.......

ask them what they bring to the table. their answer will tell you if they meet the requirements or not.

you're starting to look like LV when you post......you just throw anything out there trying to see if it will stick. amusing ROFL
That doesn't make sense and strikes me as a dodge. If you don't know or don't want to say, please be honest enough to admit.

LOL You are looking more like the wannabe Americans posting from other countries; all talk, no substance.
so you can't define 'real man'...........this doesn't surprise me. most women always back down from a challenge that they could never complete

Mr. Owl = real man. My late husband, who journeyed on 19 years ago today, was a real man as well. Their qualities are too numerous to list in their entirety, so here are just a few of them. Honesty. Kindness to others. Humor. Intelligence. Strength (of character, rather than just physical). Empathy. Caring for humans and for animals. Reliability. Courage. Self-assurance (see Strength).
Mr. Owl = real man. My late husband, who journeyed on 19 years ago today, was a real man as well. Their qualities are too numerous to list in their entirety, so here are just a few of them. Honesty. Kindness to others. Humor. Intelligence. Strength (of character, rather than just physical). Empathy. Caring for humans and for animals. Reliability. Courage. Self-assurance (see Strength).

Doolittle believes that "real men" talk big from behind an anonymous screenname and advocate blowing up Federal buildings. Any children killed are considered "collateral damage" necessary for their political agenda.

this is precisely why I don't have a huge problem with collateral damage. Your emotions and feelings will do nothing but keep you a slave to tyranny
as I've stated in the past, mcveigh had great intentions, just really piss poor choice of target
What target would you have chosen for a truck bomb?
something more aligned with JUST FBI or ATF agents..........not a building that also housed a bunch of kids

Do you feel Timothy McVeigh was justified in his bombing of government property and employees?
yes. I simply disapprove of his target.
#Oathkeeper, #Threeper, #RAHOWA
That doesn't make sense and strikes me as a dodge. If you don't know or don't want to say, please be honest enough to admit.
well, you did say you were retired and in your 60s, so keeping up with current social and societal trends is probably something you're not capable of doing any longer
Mr. Owl = real man. My late husband, who journeyed on 19 years ago today, was a real man as well. Their qualities are too numerous to list in their entirety, so here are just a few of them. Honesty. Kindness to others. Humor. Intelligence. Strength (of character, rather than just physical). Empathy. Caring for humans and for animals. Reliability. Courage. Self-assurance (see Strength).

hmm, i'm honest. to a fault even. I'm kind to others and i'm funny. ask my wife. I'm beyond your intelligence, for sure. my strength of character is beyond your comprehension. I'm also empathic, for most people. I also rescue pit bulls, or at least I did before my wife got too sick and I got too old. I'm courageous and very self assured.

i'm glad even you think i'm a 'real man'. thanks. :cool:
well, you did say you were retired and in your 60s, so keeping up with current social and societal trends is probably something you're not capable of doing any longer
Correct on age and retirement.

Disagreed. I'm capable, but pick and choose which areas I'll spend my time upon.

The philosophy of the Serenity Prayer is a good one to follow: recognize the things one can change and which ones cannot be changed. An example is who the Democrats and Republicans choose as their nominees. I have zero control of that process since I'm not a member of either party. Neither Biden nor Trump, for different reasons, will get my vote next November. Nikki would, but if she isn't on the ballot, then I'll be voting Libertarian again.
so you're saying that you're just selfish and only concern yourself with things that affect only you. got it.
I'm retired. I earned it. The fact you snipped off the part about focusing upon what can be changed and what can't is interesting.

What have you done except brag about killing innocent Americans as a means to a political end?
hmm, i'm honest. to a fault even. I'm kind to others and i'm funny. ask my wife. I'm beyond your intelligence, for sure. my strength of character is beyond your comprehension. I'm also empathic, for most people. I also rescue pit bulls, or at least I did before my wife got too sick and I got too old. I'm courageous and very self assured.

i'm glad even you think i'm a 'real man'. thanks. :cool:

You're one of the most dishonest people on JPP, Doolittle.
I'm retired. I earned it. The fact you snipped off the part about focusing upon what can be changed and what can't is interesting.
my son died from an OD after a decade of drug usage and rehabs. I'm well aware of the serenity prayer. I still didn't see how it applied to you believing that you can't do anything about modern feminism. or are you also a simp?

What have you done except brag about killing innocent Americans as a means to a political end?[/QUOTE]
If there's a positive side to feminism it's that you pigs will give the gash easier because you think that's where your power lies. All you get though are the misogynists who see you as nothing more than a gash with legs. But dream on.

Was your momma a gash giver

Is your daughter a gash with legs

You hate women

You think fucking is about proving to women you own them

Guess what

We hate your kind right back

You hate all women and you make it very clear

You are a LOSER

Only whores will fuck you

And even they don’t enjoy a second of it

They just want the money
Was your momma a gash giver

Is your daughter a gash with legs

You hate women

You think fucking is about proving to women you own them

Guess what

We hate your kind right back

You hate all women and you make it very clear

You are a LOSER

Only whores will fuck you

And even they don’t enjoy a second of it

They just want the money

They aren't but I know you you are.

I love women but not things with vaginas that are angry, self absorbed idiots. My wife and daughter are ten times the woman you think are.

Feminists today are hideous people. To call them women is an insult to women.
my son died from an OD after a decade of drug usage and rehabs. I'm well aware of the serenity prayer. I still didn't see how it applied to you believing that you can't do anything about modern feminism. or are you also a simp? ]

DumberthanMost, you couldn't even define "modern feminism". If you don't know WTF it is, how am I supposed to read your mind?

The fact you are a misogynist who flails about "modern feminism" and "simps" tells me you are no longer married or headed for divorce.
They aren't but I know you you are.

I love women but not things with vaginas that are angry, self absorbed idiots. My wife and daughter are ten times the woman you think are.

Feminists today are hideous people. To call them women is an insult to women.

And assholes you admire will treat them like whores with your permission

If women don’t believe they are your lessor

You say they are nothing but gashes

That includes your daughter asshole

She has to believe she is the lessor of every man walking or to you she is just a gash for any man to fuck

That is your own stated life philosophy