Women are nuts.......

congratulations on admitting that you've fabricated everything you've accused me of.
So deluded he thinks I am confessing to have fabricated posts like this:
still pissed off at getting pwned by a threeper? too bad.

my approach turns people off? yeah, it kinda sucks for morons who believe police are there to protect and serve, to find out that they really don't.

guess you're an idiot.

as a former active duty marine, i'm subject to being 'recalled' or reinstated in national emergencies. So no, I am a threeper and an oath keeper. but you do owe a public apology to this entire board for being an asshole.

You're a retard who doesn't know jack shit. go sit down until you wake up.

that well regulated militia was folks trained with arms and combat, to operate as a unit. Something i'm quite capable of since i HAVE trained in that capacity. Now why aren't YOU well regulated? you have no argument left....

....come back to reality moron.

I had piss poor leadership in the marines, so integrity wasn't something I was able to learn until I got out.

dumbass, we're talking resisting with lethal force....firearms. killing the enforcers and their collaborators. WHAT WILL YOU DO????
Name one. You, of most people here, should recognize that bombs are indiscriminate. You set one off and there's no guarantee that only the targeted will die.

Why do you want to kill government employees at all? You used to be one.
1. collateral damage is the cost of war...........it's inevitable.
1. Sure. Why do you want to start a war with We, the People?

2. True, yet you are advocating doing the same to as many people as you can with a truck bomb. As you pointed out in #1, you don't care if there's a daycare center in the target.

#AmericanJihad, #DomesticTerrorism, #FBI, #ATF, #DEA
you really like to stretch the shit that people say............I said collateral damage is inevitable. I did not say I don't care about a daycare center in the building........

and how is attacking the government starting a war with we the people?
so you can't provide proof i'm a racist or any proof that said I was going to be in DC on 1/6, or that I supported what happened..........

again, congrats on admitting you fabricated everything.
I completely believe you are all brag, no action, Sgt. Doolittle.

You're just a pissant who likes to strut around talking like a militia man but who only does so from the safety of your own home and behind your keyboard. Happy now? LOL
I completely believe you are all brag, no action, Sgt. Doolittle.

You're just a pissant who likes to strut around talking like a militia man but who only does so from the safety of your own home and behind your keyboard. Happy now? LOL

awww, you sound jealous and butthurt. it's ok, statist.
awww, you sound jealous and butthurt. it's ok, statist.
Sez the big, bad militia man who just confessed he never intended to do anything that would risk his own skin. :laugh:

Okay, Sgt. Doolittle, you win: you never really intended to break the law, restore the Constitution or do anything more active than play "Capture the Flag" in your paintball games as you've previously discussed.

Sez the big, bad militia man who just confessed he never intended to do anything that would risk his own skin. :laugh:

Okay, Sgt. Doolittle, you win: you never really intended to break the law, restore the Constitution or do anything more active than play "Capture the Flag" in your paintball games as you've previously discussed.

are you triggered, dutch? yep, I think you're triggered.
Funny, but I think he considers 85% of humanity to be beneath him and, therefore, worth sacrificing for his own happiness.

"One-way motherfuckers" consider themselves to be better than everyone else so lying, cheating and stealing rules don't apply to them.

Like his misogynist brethren (i.e., Moose, STY, etc.), he thinks that he's god's gift to women. If only he knew. See Post #154 for the truth. lol
Like his misogynist brethren (i.e., Moose, STY, etc.), he thinks that he's god's gift to women. If only he knew. See Post #154 for the truth. lol

If there's a positive side to feminism it's that you pigs will give the gash easier because you think that's where your power lies. All you get though are the misogynists who see you as nothing more than a gash with legs. But dream on.
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A box of tampons doesn't require three extra bags. :D

BTW, this is how to tell if you have a relationship with a real man: they aren't afraid to buy a box of tampons or panty pads for you. Better if they are willing to yell down the aisle at a worker "Could you please tell me where the feminine hygiene products are located?"

There's also the thing about how he treats waitresses and other workers.

Indeed. My husband is far more of a "real man" than any of the sad little MAGAT incels on JPP.
So deluded he thinks I am confessing to have fabricated posts like this:

Hmm. I have a feeling that the feds have their eye on this particular #Oathkeeper / #Threeper.

It's been my experience that those who openly brag about possessing some sort of skills, education, prowess, virtues, etc. actually do not possess them at all.
Hmm. I have a feeling that the feds have their eye on this particular #Oathkeeper / #Threeper.
fuck the feds. if they were 'watching' me, they sure seem afraid to try anything.

It's been my experience that those who openly brag about possessing some sort of skills, education, prowess, virtues, etc. actually do not possess them at all.

and your 'experience' also has you thinking you know what a real man is :thinking: :laugh:
you're so cute when you try to be funny.

it's cool though. I know where I stand in the 'requirements' of the modern feminist woman.

What are the requirements of "the modern feminist woman"?

How are they different from #Oathkeeper, #Threeper or #AssassinateBrandon women?
fuck the feds. if they were 'watching' me, they sure seem afraid to try anything.

and your 'experience' also has you thinking you know what a real man is :thinking: :laugh:
Since you confessed you'd never do anything, I think they'd see you are correct, Sgt. Doolittle. :thup:

Maybe they are only monitoring you for your contacts? LOL


#oathkeeper, #threeper, #AmericanJihad, #RAHOWA