Women are nuts.......

Only when you insist that we stick to tradition is it chauvinist, misogynist, bigoted.

Do you believe that a couple should be free to decide who goes to work daily and who works at home caring for the house and the children? If it's the husband, do you see him as a "beta male" or "wimp"?

Do you believe that a man who is a nurse, a kindergarten teacher, an interior decorator, or a hair stylist is a "beta male" or probably gay?

Do you believe that a woman steelworker, logger, men's basketball coach, or fighter pilot needs to get back in the kitchen and stay there?

The beauty of freedom and liberty is having choices and being free of judgmental assholes who want to fit people into pre-determined (by them) slots.

MAGAts believe that the path to global American success is to turn back the clock to the 1850s.

They want "white" men to be in charge, all minorities and women to be subservient and for America to become isolationist again relying upon the two great oceans to protect us from foreign attack.
Yet they were on this one.

We live in a dark age.
There are no standards.
People don't even expect to live well anymore.
Most don't know how, even if they could afford to.

There are entire generations, now, who never tasted the pleasures of the civilized world.
Perhaps we needn't care that humanity is now writing the epilogue of its story.
We may have stuck around just a little too long.
We live in a dark age.
There are no standards.
People don't even expect to live well anymore.
Most don't know how, even if they could afford to.

There are entire generations, now, who never tasted the pleasures of the civilized world.
Perhaps we needn't care that humanity is now writing the epilogue of its story.
We may have stuck around just a little too long.

It's all about the money for you and most Americans. You like the $100 airplane ticket but hate that it isn't a 747 first class seat with a steak lunch flying you from Boston to New York.
It's all about the money for you and most Americans. You like the $100 airplane ticket but hate that it isn't a 747 first class seat with a steak lunch flying you from Boston to New York.

Not to change the subject,
but this is the first time that you've ever compared me to "most Americans." :laugh:
Than who? Other males? Themselves? Your views of what you think women want are based on superficial things. If I want to emulate you, I would claim that "most men want women who are small, subservient, beautiful, well-endowed, good cooks and housekeepers, want sex all the time but only with them."
now you're getting it.

Which is what?
less likely to be a successful mother. less likely to find that leader male role model. less likely to find that successful top tier man.
all of your constant claims of racism leads conclusively to you having lost the debate.
You're the one who wants to live "The Turner Diaries" fantasy, DtM. You're free to think you've won something, but I'm not the one hiding from the FBI and denying thousands of posts supporting the violent overthrow of both state and federal governments.
and yet NOBODY has been able to ever produce a post that says I want that. you've pulled a bunch that you THINK says that, but that's your idiot delusions, not fact and reality
I know you live in a fantasy world, DtM, but I'm not a lawyer nor a law enforcement officer. I can't stop you from denying all of your posts about murdering American kids for political reasons, violently overthrowing the US government to "restore the Constitution" and that you're not a Trumper.

The fact you denounced your oath to the Constitution says everything I need to know about you. You can mince your words all you like but, again, I'm not a lawyer. I'm a Marine who abides by his oath. You are the opposite.

i'm not out to overthrow the constitution, just the men who pervert it.

i'm gonna work on putting together something like 'NFL red zone'..............where all the highlighted shots and kills of important people are nationally broadcast

Are you denying that you "talked" about restoring the Constitution by violent overthrow of the present government?
yes, I said that's the only way it's going to happen because of 80% of you morons don't care about it. Nowhere in there did I say that I'M going to do or start that.
MAGAts believe that the path to global American success is to turn back the clock to the 1850s.

They want "white" men to be in charge, all minorities and women to be subservient and for America to become isolationist again relying upon the two great oceans to protect us from foreign attack.

Yes, they do want that, because at heart they know that they are the dreaded beta males they accuse others of being. If they had been born female or non-white or non-straight, they would have an entirely different POV.
I know you live in a fantasy world, DtM, but I'm not a lawyer nor a law enforcement officer. I can't stop you from denying all of your posts about murdering American kids for political reasons, violently overthrowing the US government to "restore the Constitution" and that you're not a Trumper.

The fact you denounced your oath to the Constitution says everything I need to know about you. You can mince your words all you like but, again, I'm not a lawyer. I'm a Marine who abides by his oath. You are the opposite.

can you point out the racism in any of my quoted posts???????? I'll wait.
Yes, they do want that, because at heart they know that they are the dreaded beta males they accuse others of being. If they had been born female or non-white or non-straight, they would have an entirely different POV.

They are all beta-males following the loudest, most obnoxious beta male in US history. It's really sad. Agreed their POV is one-way. In the Marine Corps, we called such people "One-Way Motherfuckers". They are selfish little fucks who only think of themselves, not their fellow Marines.
can you point out the racism in any of my quoted posts???????? I'll wait.
I'll type this slowly since I know you are slow, DtM: I am not a lawyer.

Any legal action against you is the responsibility of law enforcement and the American justice system. You're free to be a racist fuckwit and even voice support for the violent overthrow of the United States, including the mass murder of kids who get in your way. If you break the law, I support American justice dealing with you on the matter.
I'll type this slowly since I know you are slow, DtM: I am not a lawyer.

Any legal action against you is the responsibility of law enforcement and the American justice system. You're free to be a racist fuckwit and even voice support for the violent overthrow of the United States, including the mass murder of kids who get in your way. If you break the law, I support American justice dealing with you on the matter.

so now that i've called you out as a lying leftist because you could find no racism in my posts, you want to deflect to the above bullshit. I accept your concession of defeat.
now you're getting it.

Too bad you can't. lol

less likely to be a successful mother. less likely to find that leader male role model. less likely to find that successful top tier man.

Those are your values and not necessarily anyone else's. Why do you think that a female steelworker or Wall Street broker or Senator or scientist would be a poor mother or unable to find a good man to partner with?

I bet you think of yourself as a "leader" and a "top tier man," don't you, #OathKeeper/#Threeper? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: