Women are nuts.......

Too bad you can't. lol

Those are your values and not necessarily anyone else's. Why do you think that a female steelworker or Wall Street broker or Senator or scientist would be a poor mother or unable to find a good man to partner with?

I bet you think of yourself as a "leader" and a "top tier man," don't you, #OathKeeper/#Threeper? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

still delusional. that's ok. you'll find the red pill soon. and yes, by the statistics indicated, I am a top 15% man. I know that's going to sound ridiculous to you, but it's not your standards I need to compare myself to, but society's in general.
Leaving tomorrow for a quick vacation. If you could see the amount of crap the old lady is hauling down with us it would make your head spin. Unless you are married that is,.....then you already know all too well. She has enuff clothing and what nots for 5 vacations. :whoa: She has always been that way but this year is off the charts! Must be getting old. :cool:

Stone, wishing you and the miss'es a wonderful safe vacation and in her defense....we pack a lot because we need CHOICES, LOTS OF EM....lol

still delusional. that's ok. you'll find the red pill soon. and yes, by the statistics indicated, I am a top 15% man. I know that's going to sound ridiculous to you, but it's not your standards I need to compare myself to, but society's in general.

What is your other 85%? Chihuahua? Salamander? Wonder bread? :rofl2:
We travel a lot and my wife has learned to count the nights and pick out what to wear. She is very efficient but the cosmetics add the weight, if not bulk. We fly first so we don’t have to worry about weight. Travel can out a strain on relationships so it’s important to work together.

I tell her she looks beautiful every single day. She didn’t hear that enough when she was growing up and she is still insecure about her looks. She had a brutal childhood. As for feeling proud of her, she voted for the first time in 2018. She became more aware and with that awareness she shed years of ingrained racism and misogyny and has become active in politics and support for abused women. To do that at 50 is remarkable and I hope my support and sometimes my patience (she said she would have voted for Trump in 2016) helped her grow. But it was her that did that. I think it makes her amazing and I’m in awe of that.

I’m guessing other posters in this thread would find that journey unacceptable and wouldn’t be proud at all. That’s sad. You should want that from a partner, gender aside. It makes for a great relationship. I love my wife and I make sure she knows it. If that makes me a ‘beta’ then beta is where it’s at.

Our society beats the “be pretty” demand on women from infancy

I told the world fuck that at about 15

I refused to smear compounds (made by untrustable corporations who don’t really care if you get poisoned as long as you give them money) that contained all sorts of additives to preserve the product or sustained the texture

I too came from a ruff upbringing

An average looking girl with three beautiful sisters (two which were blondes)

In an era that had movies named things like “ Gentlemen prefer blondes”

Taught my brown haired ass at 5 how the world would access my plainness

I said fuck you

I won’t concentrate on being the kind of pretty society demanded

I can pack less than my hubby easy

I have had many a girlfriend who loved getting dolled up

If they love it it’s fine with me

I don’t enjoy it

Telling you wife she is beautiful is a great idea

It’s you who matters to her

There are plenty of others in the world that will use “pretty” as a cudgel to beat her with

“You are not pretty enough to matter”

I decided I won’t accept that as a reason to act like a slave and accept that assessment of my life’s value

My brain still works even if I’m not on someone’s “fuckability score”

Hey I’m not interested in if you want to fuck me or not

I wouldn’t fuck you with Hitlers dick”

Is my type of come back

“I’m not here to make your tiny dick wiggle brain drain”

How many fucking dead assed ugly men had their words effect mankind for the better?


So if I’m too ugly to fuck in your book

Keep it the fuck to your self

I wouldn’t fuck you either

Now let’s get to work and fix things for both our ugly asses and the “pretty” people

It’s so freeing

I see more women thinking this way

Dont count on me

I’ll do it again

Don’t count on me

I won’t let you know when

Don’t count on me

The point your missing’

Don’t count on me

Cause I’m not listening

I wear that garment loosely

It’s way more comfortable and costs less
still delusional. that's ok. you'll find the red pill soon. and yes, by the statistics indicated, I am a top 15% man. I know that's going to sound ridiculous to you, but it's not your standards I need to compare myself to, but society's in general.
What is your other 85%? Chihuahua? Salamander? Wonder bread? :rofl2:
Funny, but I think he considers 85% of humanity to be beneath him and, therefore, worth sacrificing for his own happiness.

"One-way motherfuckers" consider themselves to be better than everyone else so lying, cheating and stealing rules don't apply to them.
Hmm. Well, there is that whole monthly tampon thing but I don't think you meant that. :laugh:

A box of tampons doesn't require three extra bags. :D

BTW, this is how to tell if you have a relationship with a real man: they aren't afraid to buy a box of tampons or panty pads for you. Better if they are willing to yell down the aisle at a worker "Could you please tell me where the feminine hygiene products are located?"

There's also the thing about how he treats waitresses and other workers.
so now that i've called you out as a lying leftist because you could find no racism in my posts, you want to deflect to the above bullshit. I accept your concession of defeat.
It's good that you feel good about yourself after proving yourself a chickenshit after 1/6. :thup:
should I assume you have any proof that I was going to go and changed my mind?? No?? so you've been exposed as a liar, again. i'm really making you look stupid this week, huh?
You mean besides you taking down your Threeper tags and you stopped pushing for the violent overthrow of Texas and the federal government? No, but why do I need proof for an opinion? Despite your fantasies, this isn't a courtroom and I'm not the prosecution.
You mean besides you taking down your Threeper tags and you stopped pushing for the violent overthrow of Texas and the federal government? No, but why do I need proof for an opinion? Despite your fantasies, this isn't a courtroom and I'm not the prosecution.

congratulations on admitting that you've fabricated everything you've accused me of.