Women are nuts.......

Excellent example of how MAGAts seeking to violently overthrow state and federal governments lie and twist the truth. Sad.

I'll be happy when they are all hunted down and forced to face justice.

can't help but notice that you avoided answering the question...........wonder why that is?
can't help but notice that you avoided answering the question...........wonder why that is?
Because you know I'm not a democrat. You're free to lie all you like, son, and I'm free to point out that you are an oath-breaking traitor who should be stripped of all your veteran's benefits and your right to both vote and own a firearm.
Good ideas but 1) we have no choice on where we stay and 2) while the hotel stuff was great for me (I had a supply of little bottles and bars of soap for years that I gave away or used for guests) the flight attendants had special products for their hair. The solution was for them to transfer their products to smaller bottles.

Eventually the hoopla died down and aircrews were given a pass on carrying certain items. It's no secret that pilots don't need a weapon to bring down an airliner or that flight attendants can poison an entire load of passengers with a small bottle. LOL

The concern about the larger bottles were binary chemical explosives.

Can you explain what's the deal with snacks? A couple of times when I went to Vermont by myself, the TSA agents at MQT and at BTV asked if I had any snacks in my carry-on, which of course I did. They opened the carry-on and looked at them. I asked the MQT agent why. He said "Because we want to snack-shame you." :rofl2: On the last couple of trips though they didn't ask. I wonder if they were trying to see if people were sneaking weed or candy/snacks containing weed.
Can you explain what's the deal with snacks? A couple of times when I went to Vermont by myself, the TSA agents at MQT and at BTV asked if I had any snacks in my carry-on, which of course I did. They opened the carry-on and looked at them. I asked the MQT agent why. He said "Because we want to snack-shame you." :rofl2: On the last couple of trips though they didn't ask. I wonder if they were trying to see if people were sneaking weed or candy/snacks containing weed.

For starters, TSA was supposed to standardize the screening process which it did not. I continued to see non-standard variations across the system for the remainder of my time as an airline pilot. Yes, some things improved, but as your snack-experience points out, it's not completely standard.

The weed-thing is a possibility, but I don't know how someone could tell by looking at a gummy if it has THC or not unless the person left it in the original packaging.
that fact alone should tell him that everything i've said about women is true, but he's so dense about it that he doesn't want to see it.

What does having a younger-than-you wife have to do with anything? What about a woman whose husband is younger than she is? Have any pithy stereotypes about *that*?
TSA is an abomination.

The fact that we find it necessary is pretty much proof that the Jihadists won.

Then again, modern commercial air travel would still be an abomination anyway, with or without TSA.

Whole generations exist that don't remember when it was actually decent,
so they just accept it.

I've had to stop traveling because I just can't stand it anymore.
I loved dating women older than me (7-10 years) until almost 40 then started dating women my own age.

How come?

I met Mr. Owl via a dating website. I was always amused at the men on the site who were around my age who were looking to date women 20 years or more younger than they were. I figured they were insecure about their masculinity or freaking out about aging or maybe just wanting "arm candy" to make other males envious. All red flags!
TSA is an abomination.

The fact that we find it necessary is pretty much proof that the Jihadists won.

Then again, modern commercial air travel would still be an abomination anyway, with or without TSA.

Whole generations exist that don't remember when it was actually decent,
so they just accept it.

I've had to stop traveling because I just can't stand it anymore.

A lot of ppl feel the same way, mostly those that are old enough to have traveled in pre-TSA days. The perception of the agents as rude and gropey is common too. Personally I've never had any issues with them.

Funny story: One of my friend's husbands was a TSA agent at STL Lambert. We happened to get in his line on a trip to Alaska. After passing through the scanner and collecting my stuff, I stepped aside and called her. Said: "Hey, Karen, we're here at Lambert and Mark saw me naked in the scanner. He's gay now." She cracked up and so did all the agents close enough to hear me, including Mark. lol
How come?

I met Mr. Owl via a dating website. I was always amused at the men on the site who were around my age who were looking to date women 20 years or more younger than they were. I figured they were insecure about their masculinity or freaking out about aging or maybe just wanting "arm candy" to make other males envious. All red flags!
The sex was better. Older women knew what they wanted and I was happy to share it with them. :thup:

Same here with my wife; Plenty of Fish website. I'd never used such a site before but was happy with the results. My wife's previous experiences were not as good. She estimates about 200 coffee-dates with the result of "Next!" Most men, according to her, were either looking for sex or for little Susie Homemaker. I wanted a partner* which is one reason we clicked. Agreed on men looking for younger women.

*Yin-Yang relationship.
Because you know I'm not a democrat. You're free to lie all you like, son, and I'm free to point out that you are an oath-breaking traitor who should be stripped of all your veteran's benefits and your right to both vote and own a firearm.

the beautiful thing about America and the internet is that you're free to lie about yourself, and others, all you like and not get in any real trouble. good for you.
the beautiful thing about America and the internet is that you're free to lie about yourself, and others, all you like and not get in any real trouble. good for you.
Did you practice that in a mirror before posting?

The fact remains you're the oath-breaking traitor who supports the violent overthrow of both Texas and the federal government to "restore" the Constitution and rewrite for White Supremacist men. This is backed by your own posts for years before 1/6.

Why you are trying to deny this fact is very interesting to me. Is it because you've changed or is it because the reality of going to prison when you should be planning retirement has hit you like a bucket of cold water?