Women are nuts.......

Side note: My wife was a model. She now mentors other women who aspire to that about the pitfalls of the job. Mainly horny men. So I’m guessing she knows more about younger modern women than anyone posting in this thread, including me.
I’m 67 years old and couldn’t care less if younger women, older women, black white Latino or Asian women have zero interest in me. I’m married. But it’s pretty obvious I’ve forgotten more than you know about women.

I’m guessing your ideal woman has more breast and less brain than you have. That way they won’t realize what a scumbag you are.

typical feminist.................always deluding yourself on shit you know nothing about.
Side note: My wife was a model. She now mentors other women who aspire to that about the pitfalls of the job. Mainly horny men. So I’m guessing she knows more about younger modern women than anyone posting in this thread, including me.

so you're blaming your wife for the delusions of young modern women? ok.
It’s feeling women are inferior to men and it’s an opinion of mine after reading your posts for over 10 years and one supported by other posters who read your posts.

He overtly stated that men are superior to women. That's the very definition of misogony.
It’s feeling women are inferior to men and it’s an opinion of mine after reading your posts for over 10 years and one supported by other posters who read your posts.

Are men bigger than women? stronger than women? less emotional than women? more logical than women? It's not misogyny to state facts. maybe that's your problem. you don't like facts.
Are men bigger than women? stronger than women? less emotional than women? more logical than women? It's not misogyny to state facts. maybe that's your problem. you don't like facts.

Men are more emotional and less logical. You have raging testosterone. Women have intuition. You are one of the most illogical and irrational people I've encountered. And a lot of women know the difference between a fact and an opinion. So it appears they are smarter than you too. Ooops.
Men are more emotional and less logical. You have raging testosterone. Women have intuition. You are one of the most illogical and irrational people I've encountered. And a lot of women know the difference between a fact and an opinion. So it appears they are smarter than you too. Ooops.


I think you, Joe, and Donald are all suffering from dementia. That, or you're auditioning to be a standup, because that was crazy funny.

I think you, Joe, and Donald are all suffering from dementia. That, or you're auditioning to be a standup, because that was crazy funny.

It's actually sad. You are far too typical, a disgusting pig who has nowhere to expend his excess testosterone so you bash women and shoot guns. A pathetic life. It appears that for you to be proud of a woman, she would have to kiss your ass and fetch you a beer. You are a loser.
“Typical feminist”, typical misogynist statement!

Generalizations are lazy, not all men are bigger or stronger, more logical or less emotional than women. His stating they are is not a fact, it’s misogyny.

Women are proving more each day how they can exceed at things we were once told we could not do.
It's actually sad. You are far too typical, a disgusting pig who has nowhere to expend his excess testosterone so you bash women and shoot guns. A pathetic life. It appears that for you to be proud of a woman, she would have to kiss your ass and fetch you a beer. You are a loser.

I think I see your problem now...........you're low testosterone......or lost your balls. your wife is the alpha in your marriage, isn't she? it's the only reason why you could hate other men so much. she taught you to worship women because you're not that much of a man.
“Typical feminist”, typical misogynist statement!

Generalizations are lazy, not all men are bigger or stronger, more logical or less emotional than women. His stating they are is not a fact, it’s misogyny l.

Women are proving more each day how they can exceed at things we were once told we could not do.

generalizations can be facts, like men, in general, being bigger and stronger than women is a fact.

The new generations are becoming so busy trying to prove that women can do what men can do that women are losing their uniqueness. women weren't created to do everything a man can do. women were created to do everything a man can't do.
I think I see your problem now...........you're low testosterone......or lost your balls. your wife is the alpha in your marriage, isn't she? it's the only reason why you could hate other men so much. she taught you to worship women because you're not that much of a man.

ROTFLMFAO!!! You are the most insecure, timid mouse of a man I've ever encountered. Too funny. Now, go dress up in face paint, pound your chest and shoot your gun in the air. That should give you the happy ending that you don't get otherwise.
“Typical feminist”, typical misogynist statement!

Generalizations are lazy, not all men are bigger or stronger, more logical or less emotional than women. His stating they are is not a fact, it’s misogyny.

Women are proving more each day how they can exceed at things we were once told we could not do.

He is terrified of the term 'feminist' because he is TERRIFIED of women. He thinks his physical size and strength make him superior. Those qualities are worthless in today's society. Women are utterly unimpressed by that, but I'm guessing he thinks they see him as 'macho'. It's pathetic. What all that machismo has wrought is domestic abuse. Because guys like him will fly into a rage at the drop of a hat, or a shot of whiskey. He probably beats his women, and he thinks that makes him superior. I'm not kidding. He has the profile of a domestic abuser.
Leaving tomorrow for a quick vacation. If you could see the amount of crap the old lady is hauling down with us it would make your head spin. Unless you are married that is,.....then you already know all too well. She has enuff clothing and what nots for 5 vacations. :whoa: She has always been that way but this year is off the charts! Must be getting old. :cool:

And water is wet and the sky is blue. You see here, you have to weigh trying to talk her into taking less vs. how it's going to go for you if you do. ;)