Women Wanted

I know, but what does a typo have to do with my being a writer?
Well, I guess in order to be a writer you must always be perfect. So get'r'done!

I wish I was always perfect, or that I had time to write as I can here.
u dubble digiter spinster hack can't use grammar correctly.... some righter

Before I took this job as Outreach Director, I was a copywriter...and copywriters have proofreaders that check their copy...and get their coffee.

Interested? I still have connections.
Perfect, I wish you were even marginal.
LOL. I'll live. I write fiction and poetry, usually angry poetry, it helps to get me into the right mood to meditate when I have been angered. Writing here isn't the same, nor does it flow the way a good story does for me. Non-fiction is always a battle for me.
LOL. I'll live. I write fiction and poetry, usually angry poetry, it helps to get me into the right mood to meditate when I have been angered. Writing here isn't the same, nor does it flow the way a good story does for me. Non-fiction is always a battle for me.

Damo whom I wished
To snap the neck of
Now you go
Now you gone
And I kill you with
Several strikes of my keyboard
Godspeed to the death
Place we know all so
LOL. I'll live. I write fiction and poetry, usually angry poetry, it helps to get me into the right mood to meditate when I have been angered. Writing here isn't the same, nor does it flow the way a good story does for me. Non-fiction is always a battle for me.

"i've been angered"

Such a Damo line.