Women Wanted


Here's Darla and Damo.
I don't know.....you broke out "Rubbish" on another thread today.....I was scared....
Yeah, that is frightening stuff when I get all the way to "rubbish". I have to go and meditate for whole minutes to get over it.
It reminds me of a particular Star Trek episode. The moral of which was, if you think you’re ugly, so will other people.

I feel sorry for any woman who believes she is so unattractive she has to answer a call like this. I’ll tell you the truth too, the older I get the more I realize I can do without a guy around all of the time As soon as my sex drive dries up, which I assume will happen when I hit menopause, I’ll be just as happy with my independence, both financially and otherwise, and my friends. My high sex drive has caused me nothing but trouble in my life all of which came in the form of men. I anticipate menopause with anything but dread.

My grandmother had a male companion in the final decades of her life, whom she refused to marry, and refused even to give up her place for. They stayed over at each other’s places, but she would “send him home” when he got on her nerves. And that’s exactly how she would put it too, “I sent Richard home, he was getting on my nerves”. They traveled together a lot. They had a great relationship. She was a head of her time.

Darla, I have no doubt you could do very well on your own. So could most of us.

But its not always about being able to manage the bills and the housework.

Its about being lonely. I have a sneaking suspicion that you couldn't go into a bar and be ignored. I am also willing to bet that, if you spend time without a man, its by your choice, not because you cannot find a man who is willing.

Sometimes its because people set their standards too high. Sometimes they are insecure or painfully shy.

Its about wanting someone to love you, to want you, and to want to be with you. You have probably had all those things. To someone who has never had them, the mean far, far more.

Thats why con-artists can target some people so easily. And why the people may suspect they are being conned but they don't stop it. To some people its worth all they have to feel loved.

Loneliness is one of the toughest things a person can face. Look at people (especially abused kids) that will act out just to get punished. Even bad attention is better than being ignored.
Darla, I have no doubt you could do very well on your own. So could most of us.

But its not always about being able to manage the bills and the housework.

Its about being lonely. I have a sneaking suspicion that you couldn't go into a bar and be ignored. I am also willing to bet that, if you spend time without a man, its by your choice, not because you cannot find a man who is willing.

Sometimes its because people set their standards too high. Sometimes they are insecure or painfully shy.

Its about wanting someone to love you, to want you, and to want to be with you. You have probably had all those things. To someone who has never had them, the mean far, far more.

Thats why con-artists can target some people so easily. And why the people may suspect they are being conned but they don't stop it. To some people its worth all they have to feel loved.

Loneliness is one of the toughest things a person can face. Look at people (especially abused kids) that will act out just to get punished. Even bad attention is better than being ignored.

No, I know that loneliness is a terrible thing. I have been lonely. But, when I was, I was engaged to be married and living with my fiancé. LOL. Totally seriously though. I do understand it. It drove me out of the relationship.
I understand completely. Lonely doesn't necessarily mean being alone.
Darla, I have no doubt you could do very well on your own. So could most of us.

But its not always about being able to manage the bills and the housework.

Its about being lonely. I have a sneaking suspicion that you couldn't go into a bar and be ignored. I am also willing to bet that, if you spend time without a man, its by your choice, not because you cannot find a man who is willing.

Sometimes its because people set their standards too high. Sometimes they are insecure or painfully shy.

Its about wanting someone to love you, to want you, and to want to be with you. You have probably had all those things. To someone who has never had them, the mean far, far more.

Thats why con-artists can target some people so easily. And why the people may suspect they are being conned but they don't stop it. To some people its worth all they have to feel loved.

Loneliness is one of the toughest things a person can face. Look at people (especially abused kids) that will act out just to get punished. Even bad attention is better than being ignored.
