Women Wanted

It reminds me of a particular Star Trek episode. The moral of which was, if you think you’re ugly, so will other people.

I feel sorry for any woman who believes she is so unattractive she has to answer a call like this. I’ll tell you the truth too, the older I get the more I realize I can do without a guy around all of the time As soon as my sex drive dries up, which I assume will happen when I hit menopause, I’ll be just as happy with my independence, both financially and otherwise, and my friends. My high sex drive has caused me nothing but trouble in my life all of which came in the form of men. I anticipate menopause with anything but dread.

My grandmother had a male companion in the final decades of her life, whom she refused to marry, and refused even to give up her place for. They stayed over at each other’s places, but she would “send him home” when he got on her nerves. And that’s exactly how she would put it too, “I sent Richard home, he was getting on my nerves”. They traveled together a lot. They had a great relationship. She was a head of her time.

Makes me think of the movie, "Shallow Hal"
I'm racking my brains on the Star Trek episode; my first thought was the one w/ the 2 guys who had black & white faces, but the colors were reversed on each, but that wasn't really an ugly thing so much as a statement on prejudice. Then, I thought of the Twilight Zone episode where the woman emerges from plastic surgery looking like what we would traditionally think is a beautiful woman, but she's devastated, because everyone on her world has a pig face, which is subsequently considered the "norm" for beauty there. So, I thought maybe you were thinking of that and not a Star Trek, but then I think I remembered you saying you don't really watch the "Zone."

I'll keep at it. Don't give me any hints; I can tackle this thing.
Makes me think of the movie, "Shallow Hal"

Everything about a women is judged by how she looks, whenever a man can look like shit and still get by reasonably in society. Even if a man gives lip service that looks should be irrelevant they don't live by it. Because, after all, a woman is just something for a man to want or have.

You see this pattern repeatedly in our art. Just take the plot of a basic romantic comedy where a man harasses a woman who's rejected them until the woman gives in, and reverse the gender roles, and you'll see immediately how crazy it would be.

Even dumber is the stock character who cries a lot because "everything I ever do will always be looked upon only because of my looks". I think it I would be a lot happier to be given false praise only because I'm nice looking, than be completely ignored only because I'm ugly.
This gets tired. There are many very successful unattractive women.

Shoot, Harpo isn't a hottie and she has had very real success.
Hey Frog! :)

Hello! Good to be home!

My oldest daughter was an ugly duckling at one time, then she hit puberty! You know what she looks like, now!
I have always told my children to look deeper, looks can wear out, a good soul won't.
Everything about a women is judged by how she looks, whenever a man can look like shit and still get by reasonably in society. Even if a man gives lip service that looks should be irrelevant they don't live by it. Because, after all, a woman is just something for a man to want or have.

You see this pattern repeatedly in our art. Just take the plot of a basic romantic comedy where a man harasses a woman who's rejected them until the woman gives in, and reverse the gender roles, and you'll see immediately how crazy it would be.

Even dumber is the stock character who cries a lot because "everything I ever do will always be looked upon only because of my looks". I think it I would be a lot happier to be given false praise only because I'm nice looking, than be completely ignored only because I'm ugly.

You are too deep for me tonight...my son in law introduced me to Cheladas! and I am two deep! he he
I think that this is pretty funny. God, men are so stupid. And can you even imagine what these winners must look, and smell, like?

CANBERRA (Aug. 18) - A plea for lovelorn female "ugly ducklings" to move to a remote Australian mining town to reverse a shortage of eligible women has landed the local mayor in hot water.

Mt Isa Mayor John Molony was refusing to apologize on Monday for angering local women with a suggestion that "with five blokes to every girl, may I suggest that beauty-disadvantaged women should proceed to Mount Isa," in north-west Queensland state.

"Quite often you will see walking down the street a lass who is not so attractive with a wide smile on her face. Whether it is recollection of something previous or anticipation for the next evening, there is a degree of happiness," Molony told the Townsville Bulletin newspaper last week.

"Some, in other places in Australia, need to proceed to Mount Isa where happiness awaits. Really, beauty is only skin deep. Isn't there a fairy tale about an ugly duckling that evolves into a beautiful swan," Molony said.

The mayor said he was "telling it like it is" in a testosterone-laden town more famous for cowboys and mining lead, silver, copper and zinc than for match-making, sitting atop one of the world's biggest underground mines.

"I'm a bloke who respects women. I believe we should look after women. I'm told men outnumber women here by five to one. If that's the case, then perhaps it's an opportunity for some lonely women," Molony said.

Fellow council members and the local chamber of commerce said they had been swamped with phone calls from both women and men complaining about the mayor's remarks.

"It paints the women here as second rate and suggests the men will settle for anything. I think it's quite disgusting," Mt Isa domestic violence worker Shirley Slann told the Courier Mail newspaper on Monday.


LOL. I find this utterly hilarious.
Hello! Good to be home!

My oldest daughter was an ugly duckling at one time, then she hit puberty! You know what she looks like, now!
I have always told my children to look deeper, looks can wear out, a good soul won't.

Welcome back, froggie.
I'm racking my brains on the Star Trek episode; my first thought was the one w/ the 2 guys who had black & white faces, but the colors were reversed on each, but that wasn't really an ugly thing so much as a statement on prejudice. Then, I thought of the Twilight Zone episode where the woman emerges from plastic surgery looking like what we would traditionally think is a beautiful woman, but she's devastated, because everyone on her world has a pig face, which is subsequently considered the "norm" for beauty there. So, I thought maybe you were thinking of that and not a Star Trek, but then I think I remembered you saying you don't really watch the "Zone."

I'll keep at it. Don't give me any hints; I can tackle this thing.

LOL. No it's not that Twilight zone episode, but I have seen that one. You will totally kick yourself when you realize which episode it was. It's not really an obscure one.
This gets tired. There are many very successful unattractive women.

Shoot, Harpo isn't a hottie and she has had very real success.

Who the hell is Harpo?

There are unattractive women who gain success, for instance, Roseanne. But, look what happens. She is one of the most successful television stars, ever. But she was always talked about with contempt because she was not attractive at the time she became so succssful. (I think she has been attractive for years now, and that shows what buckets and buckets of money can do).

I mean, I remember it always used to amaze me that you had this fat woman, married to a fat man, and I remember then that guys would always make really mean comments about her, but John Goodman was always viewed as being very cool. Well, he was just as fat as she was, and within a couple of years, much fatter. And he was not exactly a looker either. So, there's a double standard, and don't pretend that there is not.
Who the hell is Harpo?

There are unattractive women who gain success, for instance, Roseanne. But, look what happens. She is one of the most successful television stars, ever. But she was always talked about with contempt because she was not attractive at the time she became so succssful. (I think she has been attractive for years now, and that shows what buckets and buckets of money can do).

I mean, I remember it always used to amaze me that you had this fat woman, married to a fat man, and I remember then that guys would always make really mean comments about her, but John Goodman was always viewed as being very cool. Well, he was just as fat as she was, and within a couple of years, much fatter. And he was not exactly a looker either. So, there's a double standard, and don't pretend that there is not.

Regardless of their success, women are still judged by their looks. But the harshest critics are usually women. Ya'll can be brutal about each other.
Regardless of their success, women are still judged by their looks. But the harshest critics are usually women. Ya'll can be brutal about each other.

I’m really not one of those, but some women are, yes. I don’t do that…unless they are Republicans.