Women with extreme PMS will now be deemed 'mentally ill'.

Is it? I'm not so sure people feel good about admitting the truth, seeking help, or any of the above. In fact, it may take a certain amount of Nihilism to do so in some cases.

I thought this was about feeling good after the therapy, not before. Of course it's hard for people to lift the veil and acknowledge their failings.
Should I go get your quote?

anyone who thinks most people are NOT GOOD should not be working with human beings.

You should be SITTING on the couch not in the helpers seat

How many times have you said Republicans are bad, evil, racist people who need to die off? That's a lot of people right there.
I thought this was about feeling good after the therapy, not before. Of course it's hard for people to lift the veil and acknowledge their failings.

Well, anywho my English teacher wanted me to either be a commentator or an anthropologist. Maybe I should have gone down those roads.
Cant extremes of any behavior be classified as mental illness?

"I love chocolate" is different than someone who loves chocolate so much they become obsessed with it.

"Loving kids" is different when it becomes pedophilia.
dear fucking fact adverse republican smuck.

The brain has a chemistry and just like diabeties there can be a chemistry imbalance which causes malfunctions in the body that can be treated by rebalancing the body chemistry through treatment.

What you science hating fucks refuse to understand is this is SCIENCE not a way for you to BOAST how fucking awesome YOU THINK YOU ARE!

why is all the right ever does it measure others and try to STEP on others HEADS to make themselves feel all special?
Im 55 and likely able to kick your fucking ass.

you ever threaten me and you will be in BIG trouble from this 55 year old not so dried out chick.

Insulting people personally because your a brain dead dick bag with the compassion for others of a garden snake makes you such a great person huh?

Your what is wrong with this country.

From the way you post here on the forum, you might want to look in a mirror. You seem like a very nasty, angry, bitter person. In many cases it overcomes your message.
Im 55 and likely able to kick your fucking ass.

you ever threaten me and you will be in BIG trouble from this 55 year old not so dried out chick.

Insulting people personally because your a brain dead dick bag with the compassion for others of a garden snake makes you such a great person huh?

Your what is wrong with this country.
Leftism is what's really wrong with this country.
I get really fucking angry when people LIE and CHEAT,

get the fuck used to it until you stop lying and cheating.
these issues involve brain chemistry.

these people are NOT faking or just being bad sports.

They have a chemical imbalance.

Its fucking sceincey
I get really fucking angry when people LIE and CHEAT,

get the fuck used to it until you stop lying and cheating.

Translation: I get really angry when I think Republicans lie and cheat. If it is a Democrat doing it I'm willing to overlook it because it is for a greater cause.

Your selective moral outrage is rather transparent.
Now tell me why you pretend even scotus decisions which prove your party is cheating assholes are not real?

Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree

January 14, 2013|By David G. Savage

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its fight against voter fraud.

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican… (Caroyln Kaster / Associated…)

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.

The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.