Woodward's revelations raise disturbing questions about Trump

Earlier today I asked you to produce a single person who has disputed its credibility. You still haven't produced anything. All you can do is lie.

Do you live in a cave? Seriously?

Here you go dumbfuck:

Kelly, the White House chief of staff, denied Tuesday an assertion by Woodward that he called the president an idiot. A former lawyer to Trump, John Dowd, denied calling his client a liar. Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said she had never heard Trump propose assassinating Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Mattis disputed belittling the president as acting like a fifth-grader.

I don't buy it.

Anyone who chose to work for Trump did so with the knowledge that this is what it would be.

I don't see them doing anything to stop him from doing what he's done. And when it comes down to it, what do they really oppose from Trump? Just his tone. None of them opposed his Russia Tax Cut, his family separations, Gorsuch, calling Nazis "very fine people", etc. They're trying to get sympathy for themselves. Fuck them. You had to be a liar to work for Trump, so why would they be telling the truth about any of this?

They're just trying to cover their asses so they have a future in the post-Trump world.

I don't think we should give them that accommodation. They belong in the trash because they're garbage people.

he is simply not fit, by intellect, temperament and knowledge, to be the most powerful man in the world.

Everyone here, except for the most dishonest posters among us, knew this 30 months ago.

The rightwingers who chose to pull the lever for this popular vote losing pussy-grabber knew they were putting America at risk, and they simply did not care.

I think everyone needs to get used to the idea that the Republicans are perfectly willing to put the country at risk, put Earth's climate at risk, collude with the Kremlin, intentionally engineer trillion dollar deficits. And they are willing to do it for nakedly nihilistic reasons.
Do you live in a cave? Seriously?

Here you go dumbfuck:

Kelly, the White House chief of staff, denied Tuesday an assertion by Woodward that he called the president an idiot. A former lawyer to Trump, John Dowd, denied calling his client a liar. Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said she had never heard Trump propose assassinating Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Mattis disputed belittling the president as acting like a fifth-grader.


Yet Kellyanne Conway herself said that the book was a true account, so go fuck yourself.
Everyone here, except for the most dishonest posters among us, knew this 30 months ago.

The rightwingers who chose to pull the lever for this popular vote losing pussy-grabber knew they were putting America at risk, and they simply did not care.

I think everyone needs to get used to the idea that the Republicans are perfectly willing to put the country at risk, put Earth's climate at risk, collude with the Kremlin, intentionally engineer trillion dollar deficits. And they are willing to do it for nakedly nihilistic reasons.

Hello Cypress,

Everyone here, except for the most dishonest posters among us, knew this 30 months ago.

The rightwingers who chose to pull the lever for this popular vote losing pussy-grabber knew they were putting America at risk, and they simply did not care.

I think everyone needs to get used to the idea that the Republicans are perfectly willing to put the country at risk, put Earth's climate at risk, collude with the Kremlin, intentionally engineer trillion dollar deficits. And they are willing to do it for nakedly nihilistic reasons.

It is so sad that is true.

I had more respect for the Republican party until Trump came along. Now, - I'm just abhorred at what I see. It's hard to believe they are condoning this either openly; or by tacit ownership through simply looking the other way. The Republican party used to have more scruples. Now, there seems to be no bottom. Every time I think they've sunk to a new low, the Republican party goes even lower. Sickening.
It is so sad that is true.

I had more respect for the Republican party until Trump came along. Now, - I'm just abhorred at what I see. It's hard to believe they are condoning this either openly; or by tacit ownership through simply looking the other way. The Republican party used to have more scruples. Now, there seems to be no bottom. Every time I think they've sunk to a new low, the Republican party goes even lower. Sickening.

:lolup: Liberals are such lying assholes. Who starts every fucking thread with "Hello"? A retard.
Washington (CNN)Bob Woodward's charges that top national security staff find themselves compelled to protect the world from President Donald Trump should, in any normal time, precipitate an almost unprecedented national emergency.

The revelations, in the veteran reporter's new book, are so stark and shocking because they flesh out a narrative that the President's critics have long advanced -- that he is simply not fit, by intellect, temperament and knowledge, to be the most powerful man in the world.
For any other President, such charges would trigger a national debate, action from within the administration to address the national crisis and perhaps hearings on Capitol Hill, even compered by the President's Republican allies. Certainly, any conventional commander in chief would be pitched into an immediate political crisis and might see his approval ratings splinter


Too funny! Liberals who don't believe the Book of Revelations believe Bob Woodward's "revelations ".
