T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
American Man working hard on this...

lol. Nobody takes right-wingers seriously about economics. Solving simple poverty by solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment via existing legal and physical infrastructure must do something.are new unions another layer of bureaucracy?
IS ubi another layer of bureaucracy.
Is raising minimum wage a new layer of bureaucracy?
You're actually a status quo zealot fascist sellout.
It's telling that both left-wing and right-wing media are attacking the nascent worker reformation movement in the United States. CBS, CNN, and Fox have all done hit-pieces on the movement. The people who make $700/hour have convinced those who make $25/hr that the people making $7.25/hr are the problem, when the real problem is that the working class is being exploited and oppressed to make the rich richer.
It's not that people "don't want to work." It's that people can no longer afford to work shit-paying jobs. People are sick of being treated like a cheap resource and are finally standing up for their worth. The capitalists preach that value is determined by supply and demand, but they seem to think that this doesn't apply to labor, so rather than offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract labor, they whine and post passive aggressive signs on their business doors about how "nobody wants to work," when the fact is people do want to work, just not for peanuts.
The working class in the United States is tired of class oppression. We want what workers in other developed nations have, including:
- Paid maternity/paternity leave
- living wages
- termination with cause and with notice
- the right to not be called into work on one's day off under threat of termination
- guaranteed PTO/vacation time
- guaranteed sick pay
Is it too much to ask to not be treated like expendable cattle? If Jeff Bezos can take leisure voyages into space, is it too much to ask that his largest wealth-building resource--his employees--be able to afford a roof and groceries, or even, god forbid, the luxury of spare cash to put into a retirement account?
Or maybe you think I'm a crazed lunatic, and that the "solution" to the current labor shortage is to do what Wisconsin legislators are proposing by having kids work until 11pm (because apparently it's better to bring back child labor than to distribute some of the wealth from the wealthy class so that adult workers can have a living wage and exist with dignity).
lol. Nobody takes right-wingers seriously about economics. Solving simple poverty by solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment via existing legal and physical infrastructure must do something.
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the right-wing every time it comes up external to socialism threads.yeah. the post office, man.
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the right-wing every time it comes up external to socialism threads.
Some businesses are Constitutionally mandated.So you basically want all businesse to be nationalized, is this true?
Some businesses are Constitutionally mandated.
It is about optimization and increasing supply-side capacities.WHich businesses and which part of the constitution mandates it.
I don't think the constitution specifies privatization for any government responsibilities.
The Postal Service is a secret giant, generating about $71 billion in annual sales, including $23 billion in parcel revenue during 2019. UPS had about $76 billion in sales and $46 billion in U.S. package revenue over that span, while the numbers for FedEx are $69 billion and $48 billion.
lol. Right-wingers have nothing but their bigotry and fascism instead of any better solutions at lower cost; how socialist of them.danielpalos is in denial about his own innate fascism.
lol. Right-wingers have nothing but their bigotry and fascism instead of any better solutions at lower cost; how socialist of them.
It is about optimization and increasing supply-side capacities.
WHich businesses and which part of the constitution mandates it.
I don't think the constitution specifies privatization for any government responsibilities.
If you consider organized religion a business, he's got a point...
Right-wing fantasy is what y'all prefer not any "gospel Truth". Why should anyone take right-wingers seriously about their commitment to being legal to the laws external to border threads?You're the fascist, literally advocating the merger of state and corporation.
That's basically pure elitism and tyranny.
congratulation, you suck as a human.
You prefer fallacy; that is just plain dumb.we know. you love the post office.
That's kinda super gay.
You prefer fallacy; that is just plain dumb.