Worker Rights: The Cause To Unite All Americans

Hello American Man,

It's telling that both left-wing and right-wing media are attacking the nascent worker reformation movement in the United States. CBS, CNN, and Fox have all done hit-pieces on the movement. The people who make $700/hour have convinced those who make $25/hr that the people making $7.25/hr are the problem, when the real problem is that the working class is being exploited and oppressed to make the rich richer.

It's not that people "don't want to work." It's that people can no longer afford to work shit-paying jobs. People are sick of being treated like a cheap resource and are finally standing up for their worth. The capitalists preach that value is determined by supply and demand, but they seem to think that this doesn't apply to labor, so rather than offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract labor, they whine and post passive aggressive signs on their business doors about how "nobody wants to work," when the fact is people do want to work, just not for peanuts.

The working class in the United States is tired of class oppression. We want what workers in other developed nations have, including:

- Paid maternity/paternity leave
- living wages
- termination with cause and with notice
- the right to not be called into work on one's day off under threat of termination
- guaranteed PTO/vacation time
- guaranteed sick pay

Is it too much to ask to not be treated like expendable cattle? If Jeff Bezos can take leisure voyages into space, is it too much to ask that his largest wealth-building resource--his employees--be able to afford a roof and groceries, or even, god forbid, the luxury of spare cash to put into a retirement account?

Or maybe you think I'm a crazed lunatic, and that the "solution" to the current labor shortage is to do what Wisconsin legislators are proposing by having kids work until 11pm (because apparently it's better to bring back child labor than to distribute some of the wealth from the wealthy class so that adult workers can have a living wage and exist with dignity).

I agree. I love the comment about supply and demand.

Big money corporate power has long had the wage negotiation advantage because there were always plenty of other applicants ready to take jobs if workers don't want them. But now that most lower wage workers are realizing big money corporate power also includes risking their health in the pandemic, they are seeing they have the power in numbers to swing the wage negotiation advantage towards them.

And everything is on the table besides wages. Benefits, hours, everything.
Equal protection of our own at-will employment laws could solve many of our socioeconomic problems and help improve the efficiency of our economy. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
Equal protection of our own at-will employment laws could solve many of our socioeconomic problems and help improve the efficiency of our economy. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

I have a really good idea. If an employer fires an employee without notice, then that employee is entitled to one month's salary. Most people live by paycheck and would be absolutely destroyed to lose their job.
I have a really good idea. If an employer fires an employee without notice, then that employee is entitled to one month's salary. Most people live by paycheck and would be absolutely destroyed to lose their job.
Good for you. I think my idea is better and actually expressed in our federal and State Constitutions.
Hello American Man,

I agree. I love the comment about supply and demand.

Big money corporate power has long had the wage negotiation advantage because there were always plenty of other applicants ready to take jobs if workers don't want them. But now that most lower wage workers are realizing big money corporate power also includes risking their health in the pandemic, they are seeing they have the power in numbers to swing the wage negotiation advantage towards them.

And everything is on the table besides wages. Benefits, hours, everything.

Imagine if every Amazon warehouse worker went on strike. This is why Bezos dreads unions.
It's sad that this thread has become a partisan pissing contest. Everyone shouts past everyone, and despite all the talking, nothing is said.
Hello American Man,

Imagine if every Amazon warehouse worker went on strike. This is why Bezos dreads unions.

Big money corporate power plays off the insecurity of those who have the least power. It expects that there will be plenty of people in that position because it supports a national power structure which guarantees it. Big money corporate power plans for those people to be there to take advantage of, and it places itself in a position to do so, and then it deftly and cold-heartedly carries out the act without the least remorse.

A union interrupts their plan. They will take whatever steps they can justify to prevent unions. Buying politicians is considered to be merely a business expense. Capitalism at it's ugliest quashes public dissent in it's zeal for wealth, and it doesn't care what the human consequences of it's actions are.

The Great Resignation was completely unanticipated. That is what made it so effective in multiplying the bargaining power of workers.
Hello danielpalos,

Equal protection of our own at-will employment laws could solve many of our socioeconomic problems and help improve the efficiency of our economy. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

While that is true, Republican State leaders work to undermine that system to avoid taking care of the most vulnerable. It needs to be strengthened. It's time to begin talking about a national Universal Basic Income.
Hello danielpalos,

While that is true, Republican State leaders work to undermine that system to avoid taking care of the most vulnerable. It needs to be strengthened. It's time to begin talking about a national Universal Basic Income.

palos doesnt believe in taking care of people. He believes in austerity.

He's a banker socialist. aka fascist.
Hello American Man,

Big money corporate power plays off the insecurity of those who have the least power. It expects that there will be plenty of people in that position because it supports a national power structure which guarantees it. Big money corporate power plans for those people to be there to take advantage of, and it places itself in a position to do so, and then it deftly and cold-heartedly carries out the act without the least remorse.

A union interrupts their plan. They will take whatever steps they can justify to prevent unions. Buying politicians is considered to be merely a business expense. Capitalism at it's ugliest quashes public dissent in it's zeal for wealth, and it doesn't care what the human consequences of it's actions are.

The Great Resignation was completely unanticipated. That is what made it so effective in multiplying the bargaining power of workers.

amazon supports an external power structure only. They're taking the money and shifiting supply lines overseas.

Internationalist fascsm is also bad.
Since right-wingers don't believe in being legal to our own at-will employment laws, why should the left take right-wingers seriously about legality to the laws in border threads?