Worker Shortage Looms for Defense Sector

A 4-year degree mostly just indicates that the student was more willing to be educated. With the market now saturated with 4-years, jobs are starting to require it even when they don't really need it just to limit the amount of applications to more dedicated people.
horeshit, there are way more degreed required jobs than graduates due to the increasing complexity of the economy. HENCE THE H1 VISA!!!
the more college educated you have the more demand for college educated jobs.
Why, you would have learned had you taken economics.
new creations, educated people don't flip burgers they invent the automated flipper.

And what does that do for the undereducated which will always be with us ?
Perhaps we need to abandon possesion self esteem a bit ?
Go for the career that truely suits you, not necessarially the same thing as the career that gets you the most possessions.

Self esteem? It's about survival, idiot. Your post is the most stupid one I've read today.
I was able to bring allot to the table at my first job from a 4year degree. i would not have been able to do it without ALLOT of training.. Also in undergraduate you learn a different level of thinking that you don't learn in high school

then when i finished my MBA and got an MBA job i was expected to bring new innovative processes to my department that i learned.. getting my mba..
Topspin wants to keep people stupid so their capacity will match the shit jobs the internationalist fascists are planning for them. A return to the dark ages and all the ignorance that goes with it is being planned for america.
azzhat, if you are over 25 you must be the most dense person around.
I want a shit load more votech and community college funding by the gov and trade schools. That way stoners like you have no excuse for having just a hs degree holding them back.
azzhat, if you are over 25 you must be the most dense person around.
I want a shit load more votech and community college funding by the gov and trade schools. That way stoners like you have no excuse for having just a hs degree holding them back.

But yet you feel education will create unrealistic demand for the jobs that fascists like you want foreigners to do.
azzofficedepo worker
how you you think jobs and markets are created
stop hatin on the educated who created your job. Playa hata
azzofficedepo worker
how you you think jobs and markets are created
stop hatin on the educated who created your job. Playa hata

No. YOu said it. You're against education because it will create a demand for better jobs. But since you fascist types are intent on giving those jobs to third worldlers for IMMEDIATE cost cutting instead of giving two shits about your countrymen it will create conflict. You're busted, gimp.
Air Force: Foreign Tanker Bests US Rival

Wednesday March 5, 2:12 PM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) — The European refueling tanker that won a $35 billion Pentagon contract last week "was clearly a better performer" than its U.S. rival, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne told lawmakers Wednesday.

Speaking at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Wynne said the plane offered by European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. and its U.S. partner, Northrop Grumman Corp., was determined to be less expensive and less risky than the plane offered by Chicago-based Boeing Co.

The planes were judged on nine key criteria, he said, and "across the spectrum, all evaluated, the Northrop Grumman airplane was clearly a better performer."