Worker Shortage Looms for Defense Sector

Economies evolve everyone. We were not an industrial society from 1607-1837. We were majority agriculture until 1920. We were not high-tech until the 1980's, and no internet until 1989. But just forget all of that, its ancient history...
Economies evolve everyone. We were not an industrial society from 1607-1837. We were majority agriculture until 1920. We were not high-tech until the 1980's, and no internet until 1989. But just forget all of that, its ancient history...

But nations should still set policy to benefit their citizens instead of driving their standard of living to the bottom for short term, short sighted profit. Some things never change,3d.
asshat you couldn't pass in a junior college with your garbage broken record rhetoric.

Care to make an actual argument as to why it's good for americans to eliminate american jobs based on short term corporate profits? Until you're ready to do that, just stfu (shut the fuck up).
What is cood for the market is good for America right ?

At least that has been the song sung by many since Regan.
I guess the song always sounded muffeled to me because those singing it had their heads up their butts.
Asswhambulance jobs lost to outsourcing are dwarfed by jobs gained though trade. You should have taken economics instead of yet another outdated programming class.
Asswhambulance jobs lost to outsourcing are dwarfed by jobs gained though trade. You should have taken economics instead of yet another outdated programming class.

That's the talking point. Median incomes are down however. You should stop being such a fascist brainwashed shithead.
assmoron guess you missed the bulliten, there is a thing called globalization going on and we ain't going back. Those unable to compete and develop marketable skills will watch the top half increase the wealth gap.
assmoron guess you missed the bulliten, there is a thing called globalization going on and we ain't going back. Those unable to compete and develop marketable skills will watch the top half increase the wealth gap.

No. We're headed straight back as everyone recognizes that globalization is governments selling out their populace strictly for the benefit of coporations. SOrry charlie. It's over.
you= 8th grade level of understanding

Global trade has vastly increaded the standard of living of us citizens even the retards like you.:shock:
you= 8th grade level of understanding

Global trade has vastly increaded the standard of living of us citizens even the retards like you.:shock:

In the past it has. But that is changing now, as we have abandoned morality and are forcing people to compete with slaves and depriving them of the innate and historical labor market protections of a functioning border.

You're not wiser, just more of a sellout asshole. Congratulations on your treachery and poor character.
assmoron, you have the mental dexterity of a fruitfly.
if you've been outsourced by slave labor and the only thing you have left is your whinning your heard load and clear.
Please don't be a hypocrite and buy anything. LOFL
assmoron, you have the mental dexterity of a fruitfly.
if you've been outsourced by slave labor and the only thing you have left is your whinning your heard load and clear.
Please don't be a hypocrite and buy anything. LOFL

Except I defeat your ignorant brainwashed ass on a daily basis. Shut your ignorant dillhole.