World Cup Soccer; England v. USA

I love the sport. My first exposure to it was in Germany. When I was in school there was no organized soccer in Albuquerque or Las Cruces, and high schools didn't have soccer teams til the 80's. So I started playing with my company team as keeper and then became keeper for my Battalion team. What really made me a fan of watching the game was the 1990 World Cup. I was still stationed in Germany, and they beat Maradona and Argentina for the Championship that year. I partied that night in the streets of Augsburg with an estimated 400,000 people. I have a scar on my hand from where I dove from one of the fountain statues into the fountain and found a bottle on the bottom. Got back to the barracks about 0500 and ran into my company commander, who asked me and my roommates where the hell we had been. When we told him in town celebrating the World Cup with the Germans he gave us the morning off. That is one of my favorite memories of Germany.
I love the sport. My first exposure to it was in Germany. When I was in school there was no organized soccer in Albuquerque or Las Cruces, and high schools didn't have soccer teams til the 80's. So I started playing with my company team as keeper and then became keeper for my Battalion team. What really made me a fan of watching the game was the 1990 World Cup. I was still stationed in Germany, and they beat Maradona and Argentina for the Championship that year. I partied that night in the streets of Augsburg with an estimated 400,000 people. I have a scar on my hand from where I dove from one of the fountain statues into the fountain and found a bottle on the bottom. Got back to the barracks about 0500 and ran into my company commander, who asked me and my roommates where the hell we had been. When we told him in town celebrating the World Cup with the Germans he gave us the morning off. That is one of my favorite memories of Germany.

There was an attempt by the US some time back to change the rules to literally move the goal posts, FIFA quite rightly told them where to get off. I will accept that maybe the offside rule could be changed, it was introduced many moons ago to stop goal hangers.

One thing that dismayed me in the USA England match was when Glen Johnson sustained a cut lip and he was taken off whilst the blood was staunched, yet play carried on. That just seemed to me to be crazy, why should one side be penalised because the other side caused an injury?
There was an attempt by the US some time back to change the rules to literally move the goal posts, FIFA quite rightly told them where to get off. I will accept that maybe the offside rule could be changed, it was introduced many moons ago to stop goal hangers.

One thing that dismayed me in the USA England match was when Glen Johnson sustained a cut lip and he was taken off whilst the blood was staunched, yet play carried on. That just seemed to me to be crazy, why should one side be penalised because the other side caused an injury?
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't who caused the injury irrelevant? Blood is blood and the players must be protected from blood borne pathogens.

But let's also get real, first off it was a piss willy split lip. Only a nuttless pussy would have left the field with that little nick and to his credit manhood Johnson stayed on the field when the officials called him off, unfortnately for Johnson FIFA has no sense of humor about its rules. So it was because Johnson refused to come off that they continued play. So the only one to blame for that would be Johnson. But it didn't amount to shit any how because, as happens in the vast over whelming majority of futball games, NOTHING HAPPENED!!!
And speaking of Germany, anyone watch the thrashing they gave the Aussies?

Best team we've seen so far, although we'll be able to judge them better when they're up against a decent side like Ghana rather than an Australia side 4 years past its sell by date.

One of us is (probably) going to end up playing them in the next round. This is not good.
Yes. That was somewhat of a disappointment.

There is much criticism of the USA team, usually tied in to the lower popularity of football in America, but you do have a decent side. We should have won but, frankly, we just didn't do enough and when we did create chances our finishing was terrible (Emile Heskeys i'm looking at you). Oh, yeah, and Robert Green. For me he was our third choice keeper before the match and that view was hardly challenged last night. Replay count of that incident - currently 55.

Traditionally this is how England start every World Cup. A draw.

We're both in a good position to qualify from the group stage now as Algeria and Slovenia shouldn't give either of us too many problems. I think we can both be quite optimistic going into the next game.

I heard that Green fellow was a right popular guy in England, isn't he? :cof1:
Best team we've seen so far, although we'll be able to judge them better when they're up against a decent side like Ghana rather than an Australia side 4 years past its sell by date.

One of us is (probably) going to end up playing them in the next round. This is not good.
We're hoping its you.
all I have to say is that Howard played great after that first goal. I thought he was toast after that collision. No clue how he played after that. Must have ribs of titanium or adamantium. :)
Best team we've seen so far, although we'll be able to judge them better when they're up against a decent side like Ghana rather than an Australia side 4 years past its sell by date.

One of us is (probably) going to end up playing them in the next round. This is not good.
I have a novel suggestion for when you play the Huns Charver. Cheat. :)