World Cup Soccer; England v. USA

Heck no, I'll be secretly rooting for the evil Brits who spawned BP and spilled oil everywhere...
Hehehe, I was going to say somethign about Green's muff to the affect of "Boy, Green was all over that like BP on the Deepwater spill!" but ya never know when a soccer hooligan might be around.
Really? I thought we only needed to remove the A? :pke:

Yeah, my dad had to deal with that taunt. I came out of a different era, where no one would have thought to call me "dung." Dunkin Doughnuts, and so forth, but that's about it. Most people played off of my first name and called me Drew Barrymore and Nancy Drew, or jokingly called me Drew Carrey.

Then again, thanks to the success of Harry Potter, where the word appears repeatedly, perhaps the next generation after me will have to again deal with it...
Because outside of some upper middle class mother's who are irrationally obsessed with their children, no one in the US really gives a shit about a sport that has even less action then Baseball. But cheer up. These minor league athletes (at least by US standards) were still able to hang with the best the Brits have.

In soccer you have pretty constant action but very little scoring - which makes the tension waiting for the scoring extremely dramatic. It's a very well balanced game. In Baseball the interruptions are ridiculously constant. I'm kind of amazed that anyone still plays a game where you spend most of your time doing nothing.
Just look at the Brits tearing eaching other appart over Mr. Green's performance!!

In soccer you have pretty constant action but very little scoring - which makes the tension waiting for the scoring extremely dramatic. It's a very well balanced game. In Baseball the interruptions are ridiculously constant. I'm kind of amazed that anyone still plays a game where you spend most of your time doing nothing.
Heathen! Communist! Only the anti-christ would say that about Baseball. You should be beaten to death (preferably with a Louisville slugger!).
In soccer you have pretty constant action but very little scoring - which makes the tension waiting for the scoring extremely dramatic. It's a very well balanced game. In Baseball the interruptions are ridiculously constant. I'm kind of amazed that anyone still plays a game where you spend most of your time doing nothing.

there is no tension in soccer unless you're an idiot. because 99% of the time they aren't going to score so why get excited about the ball moving to a certain spot?

Baseball has low scoring (though often still more than soccer) but there is much more strategy in obtaining the score than just kicking the ball around and hoping a hole opens up. So even when they aren't scoring in baseball you can appreciate what's going on a lot more. also baseball doesn't really have that many "interruptions" pitching changes don't happen that much and in between innings only occurs 8-9 times over a 3 hr period (which is usually only a minute or two)

I know that liking soccer is just another way for you to spite everybody in mississippi but i think you're wrong on this one. be 'merican for once wm, hate soccer.
baseball is almost as fun as watching paint dry, soccer/kickball is as exciting as watching grass grow. And not the kind of grass I like.