World War III and the Antichrist


Ahorrado por Gracia
How long will it be before all Nations of the world pour out their fury against Israel?

I believe the day is coming soon. China will form an alliance with several Islamic nations, including Iran. China might even help (or already be helping) Iran develop their nuclear weapons capability. The sleeping bear, Russia, will also likely be involved against Israel. Nuclear war is also likely to occur. China will use atomic weapons, giving the United States and Israel no other option than to return fire.

It will be a "M.A.D." world indeed.

"Peace" will be established by the "messiah," the false christ. This false christ will enslave the world. Anyone who refuses to become a mindless drone will be exterminated.

Nevertheless, we have peace in knowing that while the wicked can take our lives, they cannot take our souls. Whosoever has put their faith in Christ will not perish but be rewarded with eternal life. Not by works, but according to the grace of God.

Satan will, yet again, FAIL. Satan and his minions will be cast into a lake of fire where the suffering will never cease. ALL of these happenings will testify to the fact that there is one, eternal, Almighty God the Father -- there are NO other gods but He.
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What the hell does this have to do with us? I guess since the bible says that Israel is great, that all of her wars are ours. Well Brent, go fight for her, don't expect me to.

What's stopping you?

Anyhow, can you pick me up from SeaTac next monday and drop me at the edgewater. I'm working the fairs. Let me know.
What the hell does this have to do with us? I guess since the bible says that Israel is great, that all of her wars are ours. Well Brent, go fight for her, don't expect me to.

What's stopping you?

Once the United States becomes involved, I expect I'll be drafted, in which case I will be happy to serve and, if God wills it to be so, die for my Nation. Whether you will be drafted or not is open to debate. You're 30, right?

Anyhow, can you pick me up from SeaTac next monday and drop me at the edgewater. I'm working the fairs. Let me know.

Hmm, what time? I work that day... 9am to 5pm, I think, but it might be a closing shift.
Brent, you are a lunatic.

This is like someone attempting to predict the future based on the writings of TRR Tolkien, JK Rowling or on Ovid's work.

I wish the world would grow up (religion is a childish disease) and lose this madness....
How long will it be before all Nations of the world pour out their fury against Israel?

I believe the day is coming soon. China will form an alliance with several Islamic nations, including Iran. China might even help (or already be helping) Iran develop their nuclear weapons capability. The sleeping bear, Russia, will also likely be involved against Israel. Nuclear war is also likely to occur. China will use atomic weapons, giving the United States and Israel no other option than to return fire.

It will be a "M.A.D." world indeed.

"Peace" will be established by the "messiah," the false christ. This false christ will enslave the world. Anyone who refuses to become a mindless drone will be exterminated.

Nevertheless, we have peace in knowing that while the wicked can take our lives, they cannot take our souls. Whosoever has put their faith in Christ will not perish but be rewarded with eternal life. Not by works, but according to the grace of God.

Satan will, yet again, FAIL. Satan and his minions will be cast into a lake of fire where the suffering will never cease. ALL of these happenings will testify to the fact that there is one, eternal, Almighty God the Father -- there are NO other gods but He.

Remember how you used to believe that hell wasn't eternal, or was merely the grave? This is why I don't take anything you say seriously, you change your mind too good damn much.
Dear Grind,

Hell (Sheol) isn't eternal -- it is the grave.
Hell (Gehenna) is eternal -- it's the lake of fire.

Actually, in total there are 5 compartments of hell:

Tartarus, Sheol, the Abyss, Gehenna (Lake of Fire), and Paradise.

Any questions?
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How can you flat-out state "there is no hell" when it is a matter of belief and not evidence?

Very easy I don't believe there is a hell . You answered your own question Brent. You state that there is a hell because you believe there is, I believe in the other direction.
So if Gods chosen people do not agree with your viewpoint/beliefs on hell......

That's because they don't accept the New Testament. The Bible says Jews are in a state of rebellion. The Jews will repent during the Tribulation, however.
Condemning me to hell is pretty funny as I don't believe it exists. Those scare tactics have no effect on me.
Another strange occurance in Christian religion.
The good little boys finish last the repentent sinners get the glory. The worse they were before being "saved" the more glorious it is.
While the good boy gets no praise.....
It seems you follow the teachings in Enoch very well for somebody who believes it is not "divinely inspired" (even though God himself taught from it ;))