World War III and the Antichrist

It seems you follow the teachings in Enoch very well for somebody who believes it is not "divinely inspired" (even though God himself taught from it ;))

I did not say Enoch is necesarily uninspired. I simply said God does not want it in the Bible, for whatever His reasons. However I do believe it's possible that parts of Enoch may have become corrupted, hence why it's not included in the Bible.
Ahh but your footer/signature leads to that conclusion everytime you post.

It's your choice on whether or not you want to be condemned. If you're feeling condemned because of my signature, then perhaps my signature is doing its job. Guilt is the first step. Where there's guilt, there's humility. That's when we recognize the need for a Savior.
How long will it be before all Nations of the world pour out their fury against Israel?

How long will others waste their time reading this dripple?

you are a jew hating, terrorist sympathizing, muslim wannabe... what a shitbrick!
It's your choice on whether or not you want to be condemned. If you're feeling condemned because of my signature, then perhaps my signature is doing its job. Guilt is the first step. Where there's guilt, there's humility. That's when we recognize the need for a Savior.

Well that is where you condemn me to hell Brent. Evaded that one huh ? :)

Oh I feel no guilt about religion at all. I have had over 60 yrs to work this out Brent. How long you been at it ?

Why did God give us the Law?

Just to make slaves of us? Just to make us fear him?

Your view of Jehovah is one of fear. My view of the God of the Old Testament (who is also Jesus of the New Testament) is one of love.

I have no problem with the article you posted. I have never once argued that war is not an instrument used by God.

The issue that I brought up was your attempt to associate "The Lord is a man of war" in a song of praise with your statement that the Lord commanded Israel to kill thousands of people.

"You love Jesus, Immanuel. Clearly, however, you do not wish to understand of His Father in Heaven."

You, Brent, have no understanding of The Father in Heaven. You think he is some hate-filled old man sitting in Heaven who wants to destroy any human being that does not follow YOUR interpretation of the Old Testament law. You see, the problem you have is that you do not comprehend the reason that God gave us the law. It was not to condemn but to save.

Galations 3:19-25

19What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was put into effect through angels by a mediator. 20A mediator, however, does not represent just one party; but God is one.

21Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. 22But the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.

23Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. 24So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. 25Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.

The law was written to save your butt not condemn it.

This part bears repeating:

the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith.

Now, I ask you again, why did God give us the law? To condemn or to save?

God gave us the Law for the reasons I stated in my private message. He gave us the Law to demonstrate what we are incapable of keeping the Law. That is, to demonstrate that we need a Savior to deliver us from the power of death and hell. For those interested, here in the message I sent to Immanuel:

I understand now where you're coming from. You believe the OT provides a contrast with the NT. Under the Law we're condemned, demonstrating the need for a Savior. The New Testament demonstrates the Love of God toward mankind once the Sacrifice has been offered on our behalf. Fair enough.

The reason I believe differently than you is because the wrath of God is evident in the NT as well as the OT. Read Acts 5:1-10, for example, which tells the story of Ananias and Sapphira, who were destroyed as punishment for telling a lie. Do you concede that God took their lives?

You believe the OT provides an illustration of God's wrath, while the NT provides an illustration of God's mercy. I believe the OT and the NT alike demonstrate both characteristics of God. How many times was God merciful in the OT? More specifically, how many times was He patient with Israel when they were sinning?

The Atonement has provided the path to redemption. Whoever puts their faith in Jesus Christ is saved from spiritual condemnation. However, I do not interpret this to mean God does not punish us. Ultimately, the biggest difference between us is I do not believe God is all mercy, all the time. I believe the Lord shows mercy upon whom He wants to show mercy and compassion upon whom He wants to show compassion (Romans 9). I also believe God punishes individuals and entire Nations for their wickedness. I believe Ananias and Sapphira were punished for their wickedness.

In other words, I believe that contrast between wrath and mercy still exists! If there were no condemnation whatsoever, would God's mercy seem so gracious to those who receive it? It is a matter of perspective. If there were no darkness, would the light shine so brightly? I believe this is why some people go to hell. The Atonement of Jesus Christ on our behalf certainly has the power to redeem everyone, but God allows some men to go to hell, in order that His glory will be proclaimed.

Do you believe people go to hell?

If so, how is that compatible with your view that God does not express wrath and condemnation?

But, anyway, what does this have to do with World War III and the Antichrist? It seems you replied in the wrong topic.
Is that a PM there, Brent? If so, please edit the post. Those are not for public consumption without permission.
Nah, we're cool. Just wanted to insure it was all copascetic... When something I haven't seen on the board shows up, it starts to get me all worried and junk, ya know?
God is all powerful in the universe, but Needs our worship ? whassup with that anyway. Sort of like me needing Tobys admiration. this is a vastly scaled down example of course.
Dear Grind,

Hell (Sheol) isn't eternal -- it is the grave.
Hell (Gehenna) is eternal -- it's the lake of fire.

Actually, in total there are 5 compartments of hell:

Tartarus, Sheol, the Abyss, Gehenna (Lake of Fire), and Paradise.

Any questions?

yes. How come you used to believe that god would not have people suffer for all eternity?
uscitizen can you just stop being a troll for a few hours? You sound almost like a liberal toby.
Oh, come now. You have to admit that the God some of these yay-hoos profess to love is, to hear them tell it, one evil, heartless sonofabitch.

Note that I say some of the yay-hoos. Not all, by any means.
What? You gave your children rules you knew they could not keep? How Kafka-esque . . . to say nothing of pointless.
You give them rules, knowing that on occassion they will fail as all humans do. Suggesting otherwise is worthless propaganda. You knew your children were not perfect, but loved them anyway. Otherwise you truly were/are human refuse.