Ahorrado por Gracia
yes. How come you used to believe that god would not have people suffer for all eternity?
I said, at the time, that I was exploring that possibility that 'gehenna' is reserved for Lucifier and his minions, while there is a separate, temporary place for people who reject Christ. Honestly, I do not know the answer to this; it is a Biblical mystery to me. The Greek word 'aeon' is translated to 'eternity.' Is the Bible literal? Yes, but in order to fully understand, we must read it in historical/cultural context. And the fact is, the term 'aeon' was often used to describe a period of time -- not necessarily forever, but an age.
Romans 5:18-19 and a few other passages hint that ALL of mankind will eventually be reconciled unto God. I think this makes a great deal of sense. If even a single human soul goes to hell, it would seem the plan of salvation is incomplete. If even a single human soul goes to hell, wouldn't Satan have won a victory? But that is my own human logic -- who am I to question God.

There are many things I don't understand.
We'll just have to wait and see.