Worst argument for religion that I've read, ever.


Hail Voltaire
The LDS church correctly teaches that Adam was a real person and that Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden was a historical event. They do not believe this was allegorical. As a matter of fact, Joseph Smith identified a location in Missouri as being where Adam performed a ceremony. This means humans did NOT evolve from ape-like ancestors.

How is this proof that it's true? Because the LDS church was formed in the early 1800s when the theory of evolution was gaining ground. People forget that the theory of evolution was around before Darwin. For example, you had Lamarkian evolution.

If Joseph Smith was a false prophet, he would have gone with the popular scientific theories of the time and believed the Garden of Eden was just an allegory but he didn't. He knew it was a historical event.

Who would dare have the guts to stand their ground here? Isn't this evidence the LDS church is true? They had the audacity to stand up against human evolution and stick with the Bible.


So basically the Mormon religion is true because Joseph Smith said the world is 6,000 years old (which is false), and children in Africa starve to death because some slut ate an apple - that is "proof."

Wow... that is a HECKUVA tortured rationalization. Because they ignore science, their church is true?


Don't know if it's the worst argument, but sure ranks up high on the list...
The best argument for religion, imo, would probably be r/atheism. If New Atheism was an experiment designed to test whether or not goodness is intrinsic in humans and that we don't need the threat of hell hanging over our heads to be good human beings, it has failed pretty spectacularly. R/Christianity is, in all respects, a much more admirable community.

Not that I've become religious. I can't believe in God. Or even that I've become an agnostic, I still think agnostics are pansies. I just hate atheists, they're obnoxious and annoying, and it's embarrassing to be associated with them. New atheism has become a cult.
7 Things Atheists Turn to When They Have Problems Without Resorting to God


The LDS church correctly teaches that Adam was a real person and that Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden was a historical event. They do not believe this was allegorical. As a matter of fact, Joseph Smith identified a location in Missouri as being where Adam performed a ceremony. This means humans did NOT evolve from ape-like ancestors.

How is this proof that it's true? Because the LDS church was formed in the early 1800s when the theory of evolution was gaining ground. People forget that the theory of evolution was around before Darwin. For example, you had Lamarkian evolution.

If Joseph Smith was a false prophet, he would have gone with the popular scientific theories of the time and believed the Garden of Eden was just an allegory but he didn't. He knew it was a historical event.

Who would dare have the guts to stand their ground here? Isn't this evidence the LDS church is true? They had the audacity to stand up against human evolution and stick with the Bible.


So basically the Mormon religion is true because Joseph Smith said the world is 6,000 years old (which is false), and children in Africa starve to death because some slut ate an apple - that is "proof."


???....so you think that children in Africa are starving because Eve ate an apple and you're pretending the Mormons have a worse argument than you?........obviously you have them beat.......
Are you referring to Christians being the most proflific murders ever?

That may have once been true, but now Muslims are the most prolific murderers by a factor of a thousand. Aside from an asteroid/comet impact, there is no greater threat to the survival of the human species than Islam.

Not giving Christianity a pass (it is nuts, too), but Islam is far, far worse.
That may have once been true, but now Muslims are the most prolific murderers by a factor of a thousand. Aside from an asteroid/comet impact, there is no greater threat to the survival of the human species than Islam.

Not giving Christianity a pass (it is nuts, too), but Islam is far, far worse.
I don't think you are as dumb as you sound!
Desert storm and the sequal killed more than Muslims have in a hundred years.
I don't think you are as dumb as you sound!
Desert storm and the sequal killed more than Muslims have in a hundred years.

Obviously, I am talking about killings that are prompted by the religion. Who killed those Muslims? Just Christians? There are followers of many religions (and no religion) in the US armed forces. Your attempt to paint the Iraq wars as modern-day crusades falls flat on its face.
It is mighty righteous to get up by a few million.
Then start again at zero when they regroup and fight back.

My point is that however many people were killed by Christianity 400+ years ago is irrelevant today, in the sense that it has no impact on the future of humanity.
That may have once been true, but now Muslims are the most prolific murderers by a factor of a thousand. Aside from an asteroid/comet impact, there is no greater threat to the survival of the human species than Islam.

Not giving Christianity a pass (it is nuts, too), but Islam is far, far worse.

Cite that Islam has surpassed Christianity.
What I continue to find amusing is that I don't recall anyone trying to convert those who choose to not believe in religion, on this board or the AOL one; but there seems to be an unending array of those who find it necessary to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.

That would nake which group obsessed with religion? :)
I really think simple deism is the most accurate religion. I believe there is a God. I believe that he gave a certain wisdom to certain people throughout the ages. I believe that there are basic truths in all religions. Finally, I think that conflicts arise when we try to separate from this basic truths.

My religious indoctrination is one of a middle of the road Protestant. I wasn't raised on the ritualism and fanfare of the Catholic Church, nor was I raised in the realm of "speaking in tongues" of some hard core sects of the Protestant faith.

I read the Bible with a grain of salt. Because I believe that there are political and discriminatory elements to the Christian Bible. I admit to not having read the Koran, or any Taoist, Buddhist, or Hindu texts. But, I have read the Gnostic Gospels(what remains, anyway), and have done a little bit of reading on the religion itself. Gnostics believe that knowledge is good and applying that knowledge in a Christlike manner. In fact, the word Gnostic comes from the Latin word "Gnosis", which is translated into the word "Knowledge".

Their doctrine is much like a Buddhist/Taoist doctrine....a path to enlightenment. According to Gnostic doctrine, there are five levels of enlightenment....the fifth and final stage is what Christ accomplished.

I must admit to having a hard time reconciling that idea to the Orthodox Christian doctrine that I was brought up on.

Questions do abound in my mind. How can an all knowing God, condemn people to an eternity of torment for believing in a different way of worship that is ingrained in the person from birth?

If you were born in Iran or some other part of the globe, there may be a really good chance that you would be born a Muslim.

In short....logically, I have to believe that our creator is above.the.petty differences that we see fit to kill and die for.