"Worst Economy Since Hoover" Sets Dow Record High!

When it comes to Economics ... imho ..the best way to judge a two term President is in their 4th, 5th and 6th years ... the first 3 years he is building his foundation...which means lowering or raising taxes... by the 4th year things should be taking shape...the 5 and 6th years should see full swing.... the last two are the lame duck years....and usually littered with scandal ...

Using this formula ... Reagan and Clinton score high and Bush is mediocre ...
Pman is the new biggest loser I have seen.
Hates this system that people are willing to die trying to get into.
Someone somewhere mislead you telling you the world owed you something buddy and It's taken you 50+ yrs to figure out it ain't coming.
Guess what the socialism you crave would give you even less.

What a precipitous fall from "professor or lawyer" to "loser" in two hours. Yeah, there are people dying to get out of it too...and for an MBA you can't add for shit 45 + 15 = 60. Gee I can write better than you, read better than you, and add better than you. But I don't have an MBA and I don't have any skills. Who did you snow for that degree!!!
I have no degree, but lots of technical ed. Over 4,000 clasroom hours, not college hours now, but classroom hours.
I did not get to attend 5th grade though, they sent me from 4th to 6th.