"Worst Economy Since Hoover" Sets Dow Record High!


USC, you correctly said the maket was boosted by money exiting the housing market, and I agree with your sentiment that the market is overpriced. But the economy has been really good and will now cool till a recession comes and the fed has to cut rates again.
Dixie, nearly 4 TRILLION DOLLARS has been added to the National Debt and borrowed from other countries and dumped in to our economy via our Deficit Spending during Bush's first 5 years of his Reign....it has to contribute something to the trend...?

And as far as unemployment numbers...I don't think they are comparable...we really don't know apples for app;es UE numbers because the Bush administration changed how it was calculated and made many changes to how specific working groups are classified....SO Basically the UE numbers are hard to use in comparrisons with previous Presidencies.....

As far as the stock market....it's just a little above where it was when Clinton left.....6 years ago...I am glad it got back up to what IT WAS though, so don't get me wrong....!!

MEDIAN wages are stagnet, inflation was and still is out of control but we fail to get the REAL numbers on this....and the Bush administration has also played with how these numbers are reported, soooo hard to get a truthful fix on it...I only know it from my personal end of it and groceries are 30%-50% higher than they were 6 years ago, gasoline even with the drops recently is nearly 100% higher than they were when Bush took office....college costs up double digits each year since 2000 .....

There are things going on, that just aren't showing up in the good numbers that we see, and they are taking place in our own lives.

All I see is a post full of empty accusations, excuses, and spin. No one can argue that we aren't spending too much, or that the debt isn't growing larger. However, we know from the tried and true Reagan model, the debt can be reduced quickly, through balancing the budget, and growing the economy... well, the economy is growing, and if it weren't for two wars and Bush trying to appease liberals, the budget would be balanced. The debt has no effect on economic growth, we've had a debt for quite some time, and until we get rid of fruitcakes who want to tax and spend and pay for socialized medicine and such, we will probably always have a debt.

Unemployment is still calculated as it always has been, you can pretend that Bush has changed the numbers or how we calculate it, or whatever, you are insane. Inflation is not out of control, it's nearly non-existent! What world do you live in? Yes, gas prices have gone through the roof, largely due to the War on Terror and circumstances beyond our control, namely because liberal pinheads have refused to allow us to explore domestic alternatives to foreign oil supplies, and we depend on thugs like Chavez, to fuel the country... gas goes up, so does everything else, because virtually everything you buy at the store, required some amount of gas to get it there.

Essentially, everything you mentioned, is exacerbated by liberal pinheads or Bush trying to appease liberal pinheads, and is a really good motivation to elect a true Reagan conservative in '08.
The president is involved in the economy whether you want him to be or not. And this President in spite of his claims to the contrary is more involved than a lot of his predecessors, simply because he is so incompetent. He has everybody running scared most of the time. Notice how as the Democratic hopes and chances for taking back Congress have increased the Dow has rebounded. Too bad Dixie didn't think to explore that aspect of the recent resurgence of good signs in the economic outlook. Hey Dixie think people are beginning to feel better and buying more stocks because they know Bush will finally be brought under a little more control. Why not explore that aspect of the recent increase in stock activity?????
Recent increase? It's been going steadily up since just after the downturn ended. What balloon are you trying to blow up with this hot air? This time it is even sustainable growth not built on the backs of the slimmest margin on .com companies.
Recent increase? It's been going steadily up since just after the downturn ended. What balloon are you trying to blow up with this hot air? This time it is even sustainable growth not built on the backs of the slimmest margin on .com companies.

Take it easy on him Damo... Retarded people need hope!
I mean, if I were a pinhead democrat, I would be looking at anything like this, to keep my hopes alive, it's perfectly natural. I know, to you and I, and most rational people, this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but you have to understand... what else are they going to say? Can they admit they were wrong about the tax cuts? Noooo... Can they admit that Bush policy has benefited the economy? Hell nooooo! Can they even admit their own hypocrisy of giving Clinton enormous amounts of praise and credit for years, over the exact same economic prosperity? Not unless it would help a Democrat or hurt Bush.

Yes, they are moving there money around again I agree with you. I forgot the exact number but on average a recession comes about every 7 yrs.
I still think 07 is less than 50% but is chances went up alot with the slightly worse than soft landing on housing.

I think third qtr coming out will be below 2.5% GDP and if it's below 2.2% that'll mean trouble. That said they are plenty of positives going into the 4th qtr.

CARE4 and the Turbo-libs (sounds like a band) are funny with the debt thing.
How's that affected your daily life again CARE4.
I agree debt is horrible, but when that's your only card in the economics debate your holding a duece vs ACE with high GDP.
On another note, could the massive debt of Americans and the ensuing bankruptcies that will happen during a recession tirgger a depression ?

odds of a depression are slim and none.
once again you revert to a collosal non understanding of the big picture.
Your bitterness is keeping you poor.
A couple years in a row of double digit earnings increases for the S&P 500 and GDP growing at 3% plus is a very good economy.
Personal debt is not an issue, peoples Net worth is going up not down.
Keep searching for the negatives like desh does, they are there even in the best economies.
The smart people will keep getting richer.:clink:
LOL. spinner a few months ago you were ridiculing me for even suggesting a recession was coming. Now you agree. I see you have no gas shortage :)
the economy has gotten a little weaker but is still good. If all you ever do is whine how bad it is eventually you will be right. LOL
I made about $150,000 so far this year. How bad is it again?
the economy has gotten a little weaker but is still good. If all you ever do is whine how bad it is eventually you will be right. LOL
I made about $150,000 so far this year. How bad is it again?

I made 150,000 , damn you must have a big ass to pull that out of. Considerably less than half that spinner.
Now I see why your predictions and analysis suck so bad with ass-sumptions like that :)
what's considerably less.
I made $300,000 last year so I'm selling a lot less stock this year and will prob finish well below $200,000. So by your standards things are bad. LOFL
what's considerably less.
I made $300,000 last year so I'm selling a lot less stock this year and will prob finish well below $200,000. So by your standards things are bad. LOFL

Yeah I would think things were great too if I had your money :)
Very few make that kind of Money spinner, I think your viewpoint is a bit distorted.
but then you seem to think everyone can have an above average income ;)
It's really not that much, my salary and bonus are barely $125,000 and if we have a recession I certainly can't count on making a hundred in the market. Very far from being rich prob not even upper middle.