Isn't it incredible, how different the philosophies are on this, now that the economy is great and the Dow is at an all-time high? All of a sudden, Bush doesn't have a damn thing to do with the economy and never has, no president has anything to do with the economy in any way whatsoever... yet, just 2 years ago, the Democratic presidential nominee rallied these same people around the mantra that this was "the worst economy since Hoover!"
It's absolutely astonishing, how Bush takes it in the shorts, left and right, on the dismal and sluggish economy, in spite of having to overcome 9/11, the dotcom bubble burst, and massive corporate corruption (which actually happened on Clinton's watch)... All we heard for months, was rant after rant on how bad things were, and it was all the fault of Bush and his tax cuts for the rich... now that the economy is at a record high... *chirp*chirp* ...What? The president doesn't have anything to do with the economy, I don't know what you're talking about....
Despite what you want to project, the president and the administration policy does effect the economy... ergo, Jimmy Carter... Ronald Reagan. You can't mention Bill Clinton without one of these pinheads lauding his wonderful economic prosperity of the 90's! So, don't give me this shit about the president isn't responsible for the economy being good, if Clinton was responsible for the great economy of the 90's, Bush is responsible for the current boon. The Bush tax cuts stimulated the economy and grew it out of the Clinton recession, in spite of all the various negatives the economy had to overcome. Now that the Dow has set a record high, you're goddamn straight Bush is going to take credit for it, and deservedly so.