If a President actually did start controlling the economy I would denounce him as a socialist.
If a President actually did start controlling the economy I would denounce him as a socialist.
If a President actually did start controlling the economy I would denounce him as a socialist.
You forget we went through a slowdown dork.
Bush I signed the Dem house's tax increase request and a huge recession followed.
Bush Junior signed tax cuts and we stayed out of a recession.
Watch out you nasty little snivelling liar...
Dixie that argument might work on people who praised Clinton but I didn't credit him for that economy and I'm not going to give Bush any credit either.
If a President actually did start controlling the economy I would denounce him as a socialist.
No, you sat on your hands and didn't utter one word when pinheads were blasting Bush during the election for the "worst economy since Hoover!" It didn't bother you one fucking bit, because you didn't care for Bush, so you were completely silent on it, until someone mentions the positive for Bush, then all of a sudden, you are on your soapbox preaching your viewpoint about how the president has nothing to do with the economy.
There are some things a president can do to stimulate the economy... Reagan did it, Dubya did it... and there are some things a president can do to stiffle the economy.... Carter did it... Hoover did it! It's intellectual dishonesty to say that the president has nothing to do with the economy, just as it is to say he has everything to do with it. But it's amazing how a Republican can be lambasted for 6 years about the dismal economy by the Democrats, yet when it improves to a record high, no Democrat wants to acknowledge his part in it!
I guess it goes something like this.... Democratic presidents are responsible only for good economies, while Republicans are responsible for only bad ones. If you are a Democrat in a bad economy, it's not your fault, and if you're a Republican in a good economy, it's not to your credit. Is that how it works? It sure seems that way to me!
I'm not and frankly don't want the President to be too involved with the economy. Hands off please.
Really, that's pretty amazing. Here are the latest job statistics from the University of Washington's job service center.
4 percent of last year's BAs are still looking for work.
6 percent of last year's MAs are still unemployed.
8 percent of last year's Ph.D.s are still unemployed.
The Dow in 9% higher, that the day Clinton left office almost 6 years ago
A growth rate of 1.5% a year! Yay!
Victory for Bush!
Whew! I'm glad you straightned me out on that one.
There were several thousand PhD economists who led me to believe that a government who runs up a 10 trillion dollar debt, launches an unneccessary war costing half a trillion, and decides to de-invest in basic scientific research and electrical and transportation infrastruture, can have a detrimental afffect on the nation's long term economic health.
Thanks for clearing that misconception up!
Is that nation wide, or just U dub?
Therefore a wise prince will seek means by which his subjects will always and in every possible condition of things have need of his government, and then they will always be faithful to him.
Unemployment lower than average over the previous 4 decades...
Funny that they had to go back over the last four decades to come up with this statistic isn't it, when I got back from Vietnam, Seattle was nearly a ghost town (relatively speaking) there was even a huge billboard claiming: "Would the last person to leave Seattle please turn out the lights." So yeah, if you want to compare now to then, its better. They took down that billboard a while back!
Housing starts higher than ever...
New Home sales have been declining for the last three months. Where have you been? New homes are sitting vacant. No buyers.
Intrest rates at unprecidented lows...
They were but recently they have been on the rise, haven't you been watching the fed, they have increased interest rates each quarter for the last 7 or 8 quarters.
New businesses on the rise...
You should probably check out the rate of bankruptsies, I think you will be surprised at the rate of increases lately.
Gas prices in decline...
It's too soon to say if this is a momentary drop or a real decline. So far it hasn't been all that much. When gas prices go from $3.50 to around $3.00 after being at $1 to $1.50 for the previous 5 years, this isn't much of a drop and certainly is much higher than before Bush took over the reins of government.
Every single economic indicator you can look at, is showing our economy to be one of the strongest in decades
Dow Jones at an all-time high...
Unemployment lower than average over the previous 4 decades...
Housing starts higher than ever...
First-time homeownership among minorities at all-time highs...
Intrest rates at unprecidented lows...
New businesses on the rise...
Gas prices in decline...
Every single economic indicator you can look at, is showing our economy to be one of the strongest in decades, and all pinheads can do is bluster and spin and try to paint doom and gloom where there is none! No frikkin wonder Care has to pull out the anti-war rhetoric in this thread, there isn't much she can say about the GREAT BUSH ECONOMY!
Dixie doesn't understand the concept of inflation. If you tell him about it his head will explode.