Would you legalize cocaine?

Would you legalize cocaine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • I'd decriminilize it's use

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Let's up the penalty. Throw some more mandatory minimums in there.

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
Well, you know, alcohol kills a lot of people. And you can hear a lot of sob stories and horror stories about that too. The truth is, if you want to f yourself up you can do it with almost anything.

For me, I always liked smoking a joint and listening to some music. I just realized reading this thread, how long it’s been since I’ve done that. It’s a shame, because it’s very relaxing. Maybe I’ll smoke some soon.

And I used to love to do a few lines of coke and then go out. Only at one point did I feel that I was doing too much of it, and I walked away. Stopped that night, end of story. I did it again a few years later, and there was no problem. I could do it today, and not do it tomorrow. I haven’t done it in years, but only because it just stopped being around me.

So that is me.

vary true... to me i just dont think that making a drug leagle is going to change anything for the better. heck like you said about alcohol, and we did make that illeagle, then leagle again... did it change much, it dosnt look like it to me.

i enjoy smokiong a dubbie here and there as well, but do i think iit need to be leagle to cutdown people going to prision for it, i dont think that will change it maybe a lil. but most people who go to jail and it has somthing to do with weed did somthing else aswell.

medical weed well thats a lil diffrent.

the gov cant make life decisions for you unless you make em by doing somthing stupid. atleast for drugs that is.
i freek out when i am around any powder now... i know i wont ever do it again, but somthing inside of me just makes me go off the wall, i just about beat the crap out of a buddy of mine for bringing it in my house ounce. not good, i like to think i am stronger then that but aperently im not.
The problem with making something illegal to use (possess etc) is that apart from banging people up in the slammer for messing themselves up (which shouldn't be a crime since people can mess themselves up pretty well with legal drugs) it deters folks from seeking help. It's assumed that criminalising something will make it easy to get rid off. Wrong. Just wrong. It never did. It never will.

I don't know much about pharmacology but it seems to me that most illegal drugs - the ones mentioned here - aren't harmful to individuals of themselves. How they're used and how much is used is more important in working out how much harm is done to a user than simply the fact that some is being used. I hope that makes sense.

Some stuff you're just nuts to take. Crystal meth, pcp and some of that weird stuff that makes people think they can fly and so on. I might be persuaded to make possession illegal, I'd damn well make sure the producers and traffickers were criminalised. But with cannabis, coke and the like - up to you, just don't drive while you're under its effects and never run around the house with scissors when you're high, that's all I ask. :cool:
well i am out of here.... and please if any of decide to use coke, be carfule and be mindfull. ya it can be a great time, but it also car bring the roof crashing down.
Crystal meth doesn't make people think they can fly. It's much like cocaine and other stimulants. However, it's more addictive than any other drug (wikely used), and DOES lead to paranoia that could cause the person to become violent.
Crystal meth doesn't make people think they can fly. It's much like cocaine and other stimulants. However, it's more addictive than any other drug (wikely used), and DOES lead to paranoia that could cause the person to become violent.

I was thinking of Angel Dust when I wrote that bit, I put crystal meth separately because of its addictive properties and all that flow from it.

But my main point is that since we can separate out various types of pharmacological substances and declare some legal and some illegal (on spurious grounds usually) then we can take a long, hard look at what we deem illegal and ask "why?". I mean, dope, come on, wtf? I don't even smoke tobacco, never have, never will, don't smoke dope, never have never will, but to try to imprison someone for smoking it? Ridiculous.
I was thinking of Angel Dust when I wrote that bit, I put crystal meth separately because of its addictive properties and all that flow from it.

But my main point is that since we can separate out various types of pharmacological substances and declare some legal and some illegal (on spurious grounds usually) then we can take a long, hard look at what we deem illegal and ask "why?". I mean, dope, come on, wtf? I don't even smoke tobacco, never have, never will, don't smoke dope, never have never will, but to try to imprison someone for smoking it? Ridiculous.

I agree with you .Maybe manditory rehab time or something for presonal amounts?
Just because I think drug addicts are better served someplace other than the current system of prisons, which basically serves as a university for criminals to learn to commit crimes better, does not mean that I am an addict. That is the reductio ad absurdam fallacy in its most obvious form.

Crystal meth doesn't make people think they can fly. It's much like cocaine and other stimulants. However, it's more addictive than any other drug (wikely used), and DOES lead to paranoia that could cause the person to become violent.

It also destroys the body...causes sores and loss of weight and teeth...very addictive!
I agree with you .Maybe manditory rehab time or something for presonal amounts?

There's a diversion programme here that is pretty successful but it still relies on a minor form of criminalisation of some substances. Basically if a "new" user is busted for personal possession (cannabis) they will be diverted to an educational programme. But I don't see why anyone should be spoken to by the police regarding cannabis unless they're driving whilst high or they're driving a truck full of it. I think rehab time for opiates and derivatives and the chemical drugs is a good idea though.
addicts have weak minds PERIOD
beer, whiskey plenty of people are addicted to it yet it's legal.
BECAUSE MILLIONS can act like adults and not misuse it.
addicts have weak minds PERIOD
beer, whiskey plenty of people are addicted to it yet it's legal.
BECAUSE MILLIONS can act like adults and not misuse it.

It shows your ignorance that you think that addiction can be fought off simply by having a "strong mind" and that you blame the addicts for the way the drug has effected them. That's just not how the world works.
It shows your ignorance that you think that addiction can be fought off simply by having a "strong mind" and that you blame the addicts for the way the drug has effected them. That's just not how the world works.

I don’t blame anyone, but I think Top is right about making things illegal just because some get addicted.

I’ll tell you, smoking will kill you right? And that was the hardest thing in my life to quit. That took me to my knees, I’d be crying I wanted one so bad.
Two years on and off the patch it took me.

Never had a problem with alcohol, and coke I walked away from with nothing more than once in a while thinking, hmm, if I had a couple of lines I’d do them. That’d be cool, and then going back to my book.

We all have our poison. It’s not about weakness, everyone has something. Why are some in prison for decades, and the rest of us walking around, when we all have it?
I don’t blame anyone, but I think Top is right about making things illegal just because some get addicted.

I’ll tell you, smoking will kill you right? And that was the hardest thing in my life to quit. That took me to my knees, I’d be crying I wanted one so bad.
Two years on and off the patch it took me.

Never had a problem with alcohol, and coke I walked away from with nothing more than once in a while thinking, hmm, if I had a couple of lines I’d do them. That’d be cool, and then going back to my book.

We all have our poison. It’s not about weakness, everyone has something. Why are some in prison for decades, and the rest of us walking around, when we all have it?

i think that some are in prision for decades because they more then likely did other thing as well, not just thew drugs. i am sure there plent of people that shouldnt be there. but there are a ton of people who should be and are not as well... its not perfect and probably never well be.

i am all for decriminilizing most drugs, but we do need to take a more proactive approch then we have now. if any one has a good answer let me knowi have thought about this for years. i have never came to a good solution. and personly just making it leagle whould be bad and send to wrong messages to alot of people that need help. the drugs are only half of the problem, the personalitys of people are another big part of it. you cant try and try to stop someone from using but they are only going to stop if they truly want to.
manditory rehab, treat it as a disease and not a crime. I'm not saying weak mind as a hollier than thou thing, I am addicted to coffee.