Lay off the booze, BB.
Lay off the booze, BB.
Isn't your post kind of contradictory?
You know, if we legalized drugs, then the money from them wouldn't be "going to terrorists". So stop supporting terrorism BB.
If it were legalized then it would be like Oil for Terrorism...giving the bad guys legal cover for their money sceme! It would be much harder to track!
You're being ridiculous. If drugs were legal then there'd be no incentive for gangs to deal in it anymore. It would no longer be an extremely high risk/high reward item. It would be grown and sold be legitimate dealers, and even if terrorists were making money off of it they'd be making a lot less because the prices would drop.
Please. I could walk out right now and come back home with cocaine in 20 minutes. Illegalizing drugs has done nothing to stop the supply.
It would do just as much to legalize it, and fix its price to the current levels. Then we could monitor it's use, see how many people are using it, and get adequate treatment out there for addicts without them having to worry about being locked up for HAVING A DISEASE.
the shit almost killed me.. no
the shit almost killed me.. no
So you want to continue putting addicts in jail?
So you want to continue putting addicts in jail?
on the street committing street crimes...to pay for their habit...you are getting denser by the minute!![]()
no, but i dont think that leaglizing any drug will help reduce its use.
So you want to continue putting addicts in jail?
from what i have seen.. most people who are just addicts dont get put in jail... now addicts that commit crimes because of a drug or to get a drug, yes they need to be punished but they also need help wether they want it or not. how they are punished is vary debatable. but to make it leagle because its causing problems in more and more places is not a good reason.