Would you legalize cocaine?

Would you legalize cocaine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • I'd decriminilize it's use

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Let's up the penalty. Throw some more mandatory minimums in there.

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
I voted yes, on the basis that anyone who uses it should be educated about it so they minimise chances of harm to themselves.
I voted yes, on the basis that anyone who uses it should be educated about it so they minimise chances of harm to themselves.

After we educate them, they should be shot in the head if they still decide to do what they want with their own body!
Lock them up!

The state knows best! Individuals should not be allowed to make decisions about their bodies if they don't make the choices we like!
In America, I believe it's a schedule 2, if you're referring to the Canadian system. Schedule 4 is for stuff like antibiotics and it's just one step above under the counter in America.

I had heard that the only legitimate use was topical, and that's what I said. I was confused whenever I heard that, and wondered why everyone didn't just use novocaine, I thought there was so difference in how they worked that was important. So, if all the medical uses have been done away with, and recreational use is illegal, why isn't it schedule I, like the less harmful pot?

I don't have my Goodman & Gilman in the lab, so I'll have to check that some time later.

Cocaine isn't used medically for any reason because there are safer, non-addicting alternatives. It was used medically, legitimately, at one time, but no longer. It's also simply too dangerous for physicians and clinics to keep it on hand because of the high risks of break-ins and any ancillary damage, threats to staff, etc.
I don't have my Goodman & Gilman in the lab, so I'll have to check that some time later.

Cocaine isn't used medically for any reason because there are safer, non-addicting alternatives. It was used medically, legitimately, at one time, but no longer. It's also simply too dangerous for physicians and clinics to keep it on hand because of the high risks of break-ins and any ancillary damage, threats to staff, etc.

Are you Canadian or American, Thorn?
If all you Libertarian/Vegitarians want a high...invest in a muscle car...a real high and a great investment! And they are legal and quite safe if you are mature enough to drive one!:clink:

I don't have any desire to do Cocaine. I've never smoked and I haven't had a drink in months.

Yet I realize that we need practical laws, and locking people up just for being addicted to a drug or experimenting is not a good policy, IMHO, on a moral or practical level. At most, I think that someone caught doing a "hard" drug should be sent to rehab.
no it's a massive enough fight to get the ghestapo off marijuana and the ama even supports medical ganja!!
no it's a massive enough fight to get the ghestapo off marijuana and the ama even supports medical ganja!!


We're not talking about what's practical. Would you support legalization, or decriminalization of use, if it were a practical subject? Or would you keep on locking up addicts for years?
muscle cars do more damage than cocain

I did plenty in college about twice as strong as coffee
started leaving the thurmos home for the bartending gig.
Coffee is more addictive, haven't kick it yet.
muscle cars do more damage than cocain

I did plenty in college about twice as strong as coffee
started leaving the thurmos home for the bartending gig.
Coffee is more addictive, haven't kick it yet.

Oh look, this is a banner day, both RS and Top making posts I can agree with.

Maybe I am on drugs.
Well on this thread we've at least established my bitter undying hostility towards anyone who supports the continued criminalization of cocaine. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and you alone.
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Dhula, I'm left of you on everything.
It's your bitter hatred of wealthy people that has you spewing the fenom at me.
So Top, let's put that social liberalism to the test.

I (hypothetically) enjoy cocaine in my private time. This harms absolutely no one but myself, and is done with a full knowledge of the physiological consequences of such an addiction.

Should I be thrown in jail... (hypothetically)?
Dhula, I'm left of you on everything.
It's your bitter hatred of wealthy people that has you spewing the fenom at me.

My bitter hatred of wealhty people? That's almost as funny as your claim that you're to the left of me on "everything".

I don't bitterly hate anybody except for war-mongers.
So Top, let's put that social liberalism to the test.

I (hypothetically) enjoy cocaine in my private time. This harms absolutely no one but myself, and is done with a full knowledge of the physiological consequences of such an addiction.

Should I be thrown in jail... (hypothetically)?

You little cocksucking kid chasing your high you're a disgrace to society yous hould be thrown in jail foreve.r
Well I think this thread has proven me further socially left than any of you, despite your various claims to the contrary.
So Top, let's put that social liberalism to the test.

I (hypothetically) enjoy cocaine in my private time. This harms absolutely no one but myself, and is done with a full knowledge of the physiological consequences of such an addiction.

Should I be thrown in jail... (hypothetically)?

Nah, he is pretty liberal on social stuff, he wouldn't put you in jail. Some of us were snorting that shit like it was going out of style in the 90's Warren.

Not moi of course.