Would you support my potential childrens aid bill?


I dare you to stop us GL
Should the government tax every single American $5 a year and use that money to provide starving children around the world with food, water, clothing, shelter and schooling?

It takes $420 to provide all of that(along with the employees that help them) to one child for a whole year. There are 300 million people in the US. If we charged them $5 a year, then we would have $1.5 billion to give away. That would support 3,571,428 starving children.

Now I know what you are thinking. We can't tax children or illegal immigrants and the homeless and the elderly.

Children- If you have a wife and 3 kids, then when it comes time to tax you, the mother and or father will owe the government $25 because there are 5 people in the family.

Illegals, homeless and old people- Just add it on everyone else. What's the worst case scenario? $10 a person instead of $5? Big deal!

Yes or no? Do you support this potential bill? No questioning it. Let's say this is what it's all about. No gay Washington politics and hidden agendas in it. What I said was the final draft. Yes or No?
I think that you are being overly optimistic thinking that funds raised equals food in hands of the needy....

A head tax would be seen as punitive to those who need the money more than others. Often it is the poorest families with the larger amount of children... blah, blah.

It would be unlikely to gain popular support.

There would be several main attack points.

You would hear:

"Let's feed America first, before we start feeding the world, there are people starving right here..."

"The poor would be overly burdened with the tax, it should be levied more 'fairly'..."

"When did the US become responsible for the entire planet?"...

So forth.
I would support a UN general income tax of 1% on the whole world, excluding those who make less than 1000 a year (80% of the worlds population), which wold go to helping children.

Such a tax and a system would be a tremendous undertaking, though. Certainly one of the greatest worldwide undertakings in history.
Let's assume that congress isn't corrupt and wouldn't use this money in any selfish way. Would you support it then?
Let's assume that congress isn't corrupt and wouldn't use this money in any selfish way. Would you support it then?

Well if one could actually belive that it would not turn into that rapidly.
Yes in that case I would support it. But I expect the influx of graft and corrpution, etc whereever large amounts of money and rspecially foreign governments are concerned.
I would prefer a system of "matching funds" to well run charities whose goal is to feed the world. It wouldn't take much to get people exited about actually being able to make a difference. I would use cuts in duplicated programs of the government in order to pay for it.
I would prefer a system of "matching funds" to well run charities whose goal is to feed the world. It wouldn't take much to get people exited about actually being able to make a difference. I would use cuts in duplicated programs of the government in order to pay for it.

Yes streamline and simplify similiar services all thru the same channels.
With fewer hands in the till more money will get to the end of the line.

Under this proposal could some of our citizens qualify ?
And would tha program be adminsitered by, say for instance the UN ?
I would prefer a system of "matching funds" to well run charities whose goal is to feed the world. It wouldn't take much to get people exited about actually being able to make a difference. I would use cuts in duplicated programs of the government in order to pay for it.

So basically a little less than we're already doing it.
Yes streamline and simplify similiar services all thru the same channels.
With fewer hands in the till more money will get to the end of the line.

Under this proposal could some of our citizens qualify ?
And would tha program be adminsitered by, say for instance the UN ?
I don't think we should spend American Tax Dollars through the UN.

And I would assume that America is part of the world they mean to feed.

It is what I would "prefer" over a system with a head tax. And I would run it with some of those same well run charities having their officers rotate through. Why mess with success?
See, America is too arrogant for this to work out.
Just the mention of the UN and.....
It isn't "arrogance". There is no nation out there who runs government programs through the UN.

A UN program should be UN funded, we should pay our dues to the UN and they should use those as they see fit. A UN program should be funded through funds they legally collect, not by direct tax dollars.
Should the government tax every single American $5 a year and use that money to provide starving children around the world with food, water, clothing, shelter and schooling?

It takes $420 to provide all of that(along with the employees that help them) to one child for a whole year. There are 300 million people in the US. If we charged them $5 a year, then we would have $1.5 billion to give away. That would support 3,571,428 starving children.

Now I know what you are thinking. We can't tax children or illegal immigrants and the homeless and the elderly.

Children- If you have a wife and 3 kids, then when it comes time to tax you, the mother and or father will owe the government $25 because there are 5 people in the family.

Illegals, homeless and old people- Just add it on everyone else. What's the worst case scenario? $10 a person instead of $5? Big deal!

Yes or no? Do you support this potential bill? No questioning it. Let's say this is what it's all about. No gay Washington politics and hidden agendas in it. What I said was the final draft. Yes or No?

I'm already paying a shit load in taxes already. I don't want to pay A PENNY more, much less $5. Feel free to cut out some of the war machine fat to fund this endeavor though. I have no problems with closing up shop in some of our foreign bases, or not funding a bridge to no where. Or perhaps you could find the money int eh first class tickets congress uses to fly to washington regularly.
That's very selfish of you. It's just $5!

How about we add in a benefit? Would that make you feel better?