Would you support my potential childrens aid bill?

You're a fucking dweeb. Take your UN/NWO and stick it up your ass. Americans work hard for what we have and we don't need highschooler utopians voting to take ever more of our money. If you wanna help, YOU donate YOUR own fucking money, fucking loser


Lay off the pot, Tinfoil. There is no NWO, illuminati, or evil Jewish conspiricies. Shutup with your emotional nationalist meandering and discuss practicalities.
How do you figure? This country has a ten trillion dollar debt, and annual budget deficit in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and a trillion dollar war waged on borrowed money from the chinese.

Who's going to pay for that? Its all on a credit card right now.
In reality families can collect quite a bit of debt, they must pay it off with what they make, they can't just raise taxes to pay more.

Cut duplicated efforts of government, get some efficiency experts in there, there is a ton we can do to reduce spending and begin to actually pay off some of that debt for the first time since 1960.

Pretending that this debt is only because of Bush is pretty much partisan blinders. For 47 years we have done nothing but increase that debt.

I see you are "stuck on spending". We must for some reason spend "this much" or we are "cutting".
In reality families can collect quite a bit of debt, they must pay it off with what they make, they can't just raise taxes to pay more.

Cut duplicated efforts of government, get some efficiency experts in there, there is a ton we can do to reduce spending and begin to actually pay off some of that debt for the first time since 1960.

Pretending that this debt is only because of Bush is pretty much partisan blinders. For 47 years we have done nothing but increase that debt.

I see you are "stuck on spending". We must for some reason spend "this much" or we are "cutting".

I don't think we're going to pay off a ten trillion dollar debt, and the cost of a trillion dollar war waged with borrowed chinese money, by making permanent the bush tax cuts for investors, oil companies, and (mostly) those in the top income bracket, and eliminating the inheritance tax on the affluent. That's not realistic.

There's only three realistic solutions:

1) The Ron Paul model (by way of metaphor): Massive cuts to the military industrial complex and defense spending, coupled with the cut back or elimination of entitlement programs. And the elimination wholesale of federal departments (Environmental protection, Education, Energy, etc)

2) Increase revenue: perhaps by returning to the tax rates (at least for investment and the rich) of the prosperous clinton era.

3) Some combination of these two.

I say ban the UN...Nato is acceptable but the UN is full of fraud...and a usless organization...kick em outta NY and let them find a home in Switzerland...maybe Bill Clinton or RP will get a job offer...I would not give the UN my left-over garbage!
I don't think we're going to pay off a ten trillion dollar debt, and the cost of a trillion dollar war waged with borrowed chinese money, by making permanent the bush tax cuts for investors, oil companies, and (mostly) those in the top income bracket, and eliminating the inheritance tax on the affluent. That's not realistic.

There's only three realistic solutions:

1) The Ron Paul model (by way of metaphor): Massive cuts to the military industrial complex and defense spending, coupled with the cut back or elimination of entitlement programs. And the elimination wholesale of federal departments (Environmental protection, Education, Energy, etc)

2) Increase revenue: perhaps by returning to the tax rates (at least for investment and the rich) of the prosperous clinton era.

3) Some combination of these two.
Ah, you pretend that all debt must be paid off immediately or not at all. We currently collect more than we ever have, unfortunately we spend more than we ever have as well. Learning fiscal responsibility may be a hard lesson, but it doesn't require such drastic measures to pay off a debt, it just takes actually beginning to pay principal rather than borrowing to pay interest.
"We pay enough taxes. The government takes in $2.7 trillion per year."

"That breaks down to about $86,000 per second, every second of every day of the year. They have enough money."

But 1.5 billion more would help starving children. We could try to eliminate some really dumb taxes to even it out.

I choose the frownie face because I am always angry at something!!!!!!!!!

We would all want to feed the hungry. I would be willing as hell to do thins and you could remind people that the world inculdes childern who are hungry in the USA. I would even like it more if we included money to build water wells and the like to help people become self sustaining. I really wish all people agreed but the facts are we will never get all people to agree on anything even something as noble as this.
Ah, you pretend that all debt must be paid off immediately or not at all. We currently collect more than we ever have, unfortunately we spend more than we ever have as well. Learning fiscal responsibility may be a hard lesson, but it doesn't require such drastic measures to pay off a debt, it just takes actually beginning to pay principal rather than borrowing to pay interest.

Damo, its not me saying it.

Its David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, is saying it: Bushonomics is unsustainable. We have difficult, and profound choices to make about raising revenue, or making draconian cuts to entitlements and the pentagon.
Damo, its not me saying it.

Its David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, is saying it: Bushonomics is unsustainable. We have difficult, and profound choices to make about raising revenue, or making draconian cuts to entitlements and the pentagon.
When have I said that we must keep Bush's economic policy? That is pretense and strawmen.

I said, we must cut, and then spend money on the principal of the debt. It just doesn't have to be as drastic as what you said it does.

This is why some people ignore you, you are very disingenuous in what I said. You attempt to make it conform to what you want it to say rather than read it.
"I really wish all people agreed but the facts are we will never get all people to agree on anything even something as noble as this."

Don't we only need 51%. I think that's possible.
"We pay enough taxes. The government takes in $2.7 trillion per year."

"That breaks down to about $86,000 per second, every second of every day of the year. They have enough money."

But 1.5 billion more would help starving children. We could try to eliminate some really dumb taxes to even it out.

I choose the frownie face because I am always angry at something!!!!!!!!!

You should have had that caveat in your opening post. If you mean transfer current taxes from say building sports arena's or funding military contractors, I don't care if you transfer $10000 toward feeding the poor across the globe.

If you're talking about charging me more than 'nope!'
When have I said that we must keep Bush's economic policy? That is pretense and strawmen.

I said, we must cut, and then spend money on the principal of the debt. It just doesn't have to be as drastic as what you said it does.

This is why some people ignore you, you are very disingenuous in what I said. You attempt to make it conform to what you want it to say rather than read it.


Who besides SF ignores me Damo? What got into your diapers today?

I simply said that the Bush/Republican policies are unsustainable. You can't make the Bush tax cuts permanent, increase defense spending, wage war on iraq, and have a sustainable fiscal policy. I assume that you mostly vote republican, don't you? these are the policies they advocate.

Who besides SF ignores me Damo? What got into your diapers today?

I simply said that the Bush/Republican policies are unsustainable. You can't make the Bush tax cuts permanent, increase defense spending, wage war on iraq, and have a sustainable fiscal policy. I assume that you mostly vote republican, don't you? these are the policies they advocate.
You can't remember one day ago? You can't remember that I did not vote for him because of his fiscal and war policy? Seriously, get medical help if your memory is so short that you can't hold in your head a post that says (paraphrasing), "We need to cut down the size of government in such and such a way, not increase taxes" for even 30 seconds after you read it.

Either you are deliberately ignoring what the post says or you have serious medical issues that need tending to.
You can't remember one day ago? You can't remember that I did not vote for him because of his fiscal and war policy? Seriously, get medical help if your memory is so short that you can't hold in your head a post that says (paraphrasing), "We need to cut down the size of government in such and such a way, not increase taxes" for even 30 seconds after you read it.

:moos: :corn:
You can't remember one day ago? You can't remember that I did not vote for him because of his fiscal and war policy? Seriously, get medical help if your memory is so short that you can't hold in your head a post that says (paraphrasing), "We need to cut down the size of government in such and such a way, not increase taxes" for even 30 seconds after you read it.

Either you are deliberately ignoring what the post says or you have serious medical issues that need tending to.

What are you going to cut that would have anything more than a neglibile affect on the debt? Realistically, you're going to have to start talking about draconian cuts to medicare, SS, and defense.

Do you advocate eliminating revenue streams, by making all the bush tax cuts permanent, and eliminating the inheritance tax?
What are you going to cut that would have anything more than a neglibile affect on the debt? Realistically, you're going to have to start talking about draconian cuts to medicare, SS, and defense.

Do you advocate eliminating revenue streams, by making all the bush tax cuts permanent, and eliminating the inheritance tax?

I'd like to go on record stating that I'd be all for cutting the defense budget by mammoth like proportions.
The NMB came out with a report with over 100 areas where there is duplication. And a "negligible" cut, if used to actually pay principle can make a very large difference. Considering the fact that we have paid no principle on a loan for over 47 years now.

Seriously, at least read the post so you don't keep repeating stuff I already covered. Then try to keep it in your head for at least 1 minute while you make another post. Or at least make it clear that you did read it. Instead of going off on Bush or some other idiotic thing that makes no sense. I didn't vote for him, I don't like his fiscal policy... I don't like his war policy. Pretending you don't know that is either the shortest memory on the planet, or just plain deliberately disingenuous.
I'd like to go on record stating that I'd be all for cutting the defense budget by mammoth like proportions.

I agree. I don't think the Dems or the GOP are going to do it. Its fine for people to say they want to "cut governnment". That's meaningless rhetoric.

I want to know what going to get cut. Because, if you want to make the bush tax cut permanent, you should be prepared to say where you're going to make cuts in defense and entitlement programs.
I'd like to go on record stating that I'd be all for cutting the defense budget by mammoth like proportions.
Works for me. I'd love to see Europe have to open their pocketbooks because they no longer could depend on the US to defend them.