WOW! Dems doing a heluva job already!!!

Speaker pelosi, lets take everyones guns and sell them to Iranians to pay for universal health care.

That's actually on the agenda #23 in the list of what we are going to do in the first 100 hours. Along with providing abortions (federally funded of course) for girls 4 y/o and older.
"btw GOD, you better straighten out your boy Marion P. Robertson, he is sort of messed up"

That lil fucker pisses me off. One of these days.... pow... right in the kisser
That's actually on the agenda #23 in the list of what we are going to do in the first 100 hours. Along with providing abortions (federally funded of course) for girls 4 y/o and older.

lol... what are you going to do about our nations problems with pitbulls ????
"Hey, God! Whatcha got against Denver lately, huh? You seem seriously pissed at those poor folks . . . ."

I'm a Chiefs fan... just had to screw over those rotten lil ponies.
Darn, I had a question I wanted to ask GOD if I ever het him/her. Now I have forgotten what it was. Oh well.
Well on to important stuff,
God what are some good power ball lottery numbers for tonight ? If I buy as you say and win, you are the real god in my book ;)
heck I will even give you 1/10.
"Hey, God! Whatcha got against Denver lately, huh? You seem seriously pissed at those poor folks . . . ."

I'm a Chiefs fan... just had to screw over those rotten lil ponies.

well you could have saved atleast a lil for us up north here
"Darn, I had a question I wanted to ask GOD if I ever het him/her. Now I have forgotten what it was. Oh well. "

The answer is NO. It won't fall off if you keep playing with it.
"Darn, I had a question I wanted to ask GOD if I ever het him/her. Now I have forgotten what it was. Oh well. "

The answer is NO. It won't fall off if you keep playing with it.
