Wow, my nephew got a job at McDonald's, he makes more than his mother...

Well, well, well. What a wonderful expression of something here Mott. I hope you are not implying women can't do math, because I always know what is in my checking account and don't need to balance it in any supermarket, and I don't know anyone who writes checks in the supermarket anymore anyway. Everyone pays with a debit card.

Oh, I just thought of another reason the kid working at McDonald's might have earned more than his mom - maybe she was off for the summer since school isn't in session.
That may be a high point at DP

I know you get confused easily, but try to remember where you are posting.....this is JPP.....there's no reason for you children to keep trying to insert other boards into the conversations here just because you aren't allowed to post there.....
I know you get confused easily, but try to remember where you are posting.....this is JPP.....there's no reason for you children to keep trying to insert other boards into the conversations here just because you aren't allowed to post there.....

Nah...y'all just post links to over there.

I can't post?

tee hee.
I see Howard has shown what a coward he is; because of his failure to do what he said he could do and not get in trouble for it.
But then, he's so busy sneaking Twinkies behind JB's medical condition, that he's stuffed.
Gotta love Damo stirring up the shit with some true snark and misleading, incomplete info.

Since he won't answer any questions, here's some observations.

The sister-in-law is a teacher's aide. Most are part-time workers paid minimum wage. They're also primarily college students working towards an education degree and work as teacher's aides in order to fulfill their degree requirements.

The nephew could be a full time, 40 hour per week, employee; so naturally he would make more money. However, considering Damo's snarkiness, he's probably an assistant manager or manager. Think that's cool? Not.

Fast food notoriously hires management on salary. What does that mean? They don't work the normal 40 hour work week, it's more like 60-70 hours per week. Which ultimately averages out to less than minimum wage.

Wow. Inane. I had work, Howey. Nor do I particularly care what you think of me personally.

He works the night shift, he's crew, my SIL is a teacher's aide, but not "going to college" she works in the schools because of the schedule. He's frickin' in high school man, not management material.

He was hired at an hourly wage higher than his mother makes per hour. I was comparing hourly wage, not overall compensation.

And no, I'm not going to tell you what she makes other than it is above minimum and less than $10 per hour, nor will I tell you what he makes but it is more per hour than his mother because it really is unnecessary to the conversation.
Oh, I just thought of another reason the kid working at McDonald's might have earned more than his mom - maybe she was off for the summer since school isn't in session.

Per hour tekkychick. Per hour... His hourly wage is higher.

BTW - wages are averaged out and paid over a 12 month period when you are hired as a yearly employee. If you are a sub they aren't, but my SIL gets a paycheck every month, even the months of the year that school is out. Teachers do too, just larger ones. Much larger.
Wow. Inane. I had work, Howey. Nor do I particularly care what you think of me personally.

He works the night shift, he's crew, my SIL is a teacher's aide, but not "going to college" she works in the schools because of the schedule. He's frickin' in high school man, not management material.

He was hired at an hourly wage higher than his mother makes per hour. I was comparing hourly wage, not overall compensation.

And no, I'm not going to tell you what she makes other than it is above minimum and less than $10 per hour, nor will I tell you what he makes but it is more per hour than his mother because it really is unnecessary to the conversation.

Thanks for clarifying you've been working the past five days straight.

The hourly average salary of a McDonald's crew member is $7.74 per hour.

According to this the average teaching assistant's salary is $23,200 per year.

According to this (pdf) the starting salary is around $10.50 per hour.

So either your nephew's screwing the district manager or your SIL's getting screwed in a totally different way if she's making less. :)
Thanks for clarifying you've been working the past five days straight.

The hourly average salary of a McDonald's crew member is $7.74 per hour.

According to this the average teaching assistant's salary is $23,200 per year.

According to this (pdf) the starting salary is around $10.50 per hour.

So either your nephew's screwing the district manager or your SIL's getting screwed in a totally different way if she's making less. :)

No, you would be an idiot in not understanding 'averages.' Depends on the state, dolt. If in NY, they'd both be making more. In AL likely both less.

Where they are? Probably workable on average.
A para-professional is hired to follow an individual student around and aid them due to some disability the student has, such as ADHD, blindness, etc.

They are hired at the lowest wages possible as they aren't required to have anything more than a GED to do the job. My sister in law does make more than minimum wage, but less than $10 per hour. She works as a playground para-professional, basically she's the playground lady...

It does underline that McDonald's does not hire at the minimum though, they pay much more than minimum wage.

It depends on the area and the management in question. The fast food restaurants in my area do not pay more than minimum wage. The only raise I got at Popeye's was when the minimum wage went up, and I worked there for years.