Wow, trump is calm?

Seriously, you're delusional. That's magat thinking right there. You constantly criticize Biden's mental state while the whole country sees trump going stark raving bonkers every single day.
I am not.

Krugman went from: "Boy he's on fire behind the scenes" to "he should voluntarily step out of the race" in just two months. Delusional are the people on this site who are still saying his brain is working.

There are quite a few in media that were all on about how great he was "behind the scenes" that are not all "he needs to go"... and it isn't because what I observe cannot be observed by them... it's because it can.
I am not.

Krugman went from: "Boy he's on fire behind the scenes" to "he should voluntarily step out of the race" in just two months. Delusional are the people on this site who are still saying his brain is working.
Krugman is a conservative. And so is the editorial board of the NYTimes.
Harris would win, let her!
Says you and Doug, but nobody in the media is pushing her name. Personally I think there is no other choice for y'all. Removing an intersectional woman to replace her with a white guy even if he is gay, or pretty much any man, will cause the college kids to sit at home rather than vote.
Krugman is a conservative. And so is the editorial board of the NYTimes.
Krugman is not a conservative. That is just deliberate ignorance. This is the same BS as the "RINO" folks talking about actual conservatives speaking out. You don't like what he is saying now, from "super supporter" to "man he should leave" and suddenly, to you he's a DINO... Absurd.
Says you and Doug, but nobody in the media is pushing her name. Personally I think there is no other choice for y'all. Removing an intersectional woman to replace her with a white guy even if he is gay, or pretty much any man, will cause the college kids to sit at home rather than vote.
I don't get the fascination with Harris. She's done absolutely nothing. The VP is not supposed to do anything.
He is a conservative. You do know all he writes about is economics. One time he shares your--oops, not your proTrump views--now he is a respected expert on politics..
What I know is all he writes about are leftist economics, he literally supports only leftists in politics. Including the current braindead President. All the way up to last night.

You are ignorant of Krugman, his political lean, and simply babbling nonsense.
I don't get the fascination with Harris. She's done absolutely nothing. The VP is not supposed to do anything.
Doing nothing is the job of a VP. What did Pence accomplish? Harris gets up in the morning and calls the Whitehouse. If Biden answers, she goes back to bed.