Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
Running as a non-politician is always an attention getter to a sizable chunk of the population.
My trouble was with your seeming need to introduce the fact that a candidate is a social conservative into the equation at all? As if social conservatism has been a problem with the economy. My point is that not only has it not been, it has never been.
When is the last time a president had not been elected to anything?
waiting waiting, Bueler?
Running as a non-politician is always an attention getter to a sizable chunk of the population.
We don't currently have any fivers, but would you vote for McCrystal?![]()
When is the last time a president had not been elected to anything?
waiting waiting, Bueler?
I don't think George Washington was ever elected to anything before being elected president.
Let's set the record straight on Herman Cain's 2004 Senate campaign. He did not enter the race expecting to win, he and Mac Collins hoped to force a runoff with Isakson, who was always the favorite to replace Zell Miller. Cain surprisingly took second ahead of Collins, a seasoned politician. So you shitbrains can spin this into "he couldn't even win a measly senate race" all you like, but he wasn't trying to win the race, just force a runoff.
This is like everything else you people trot out... misinterpreted, misconstrued, misunderstood.... and spun with your own brand of stupidity like no one else can do! Oh, your pinhead buddies are cheering you with hands in the air... but the rest of America is tuning your ass out. You are quickly becoming irrelevant to mainstream Americans, because you don't have sense enough to see what is happening in the world around you. You all live in some Huff-PO Bubble World, where everyone thinks and behaves like a liberal. Well guess what? They don't!
great, Your boy has zero chance
glad you did that grand wizard
pizza boy nor any other non elected official is going to win, thanks for the ancient history lesson
Gary Johnson was a two time gov rated near the top of governers.
He shrank gov, he's the dude
If that's all you got on Cain, he'll beat your fucking brains out. You want to make fun of him rescuing Godfather's from bankruptcy, and never being corrupted by political office... and then there is the "boy" thing you seem to be stuck on like a sheet-wearing redneck. That's it? That's all the game you're gonna bring, shitstain? Good fucking luck!