Dixie - In Memoriam
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Back on the ignore list for you! ..Buh-bye!
Well maybe so, but I guess my logic is, if Romney couldn't beat McCain for the nomination in 2008, and McCain lost in 2008... how is Romney going to win in 2012? I just don't see where there was some mass exodus from the Republican party when Romney didn't win the nomination. If we didn't think he was the right guy then, why is he the right guy now? If we thought McCain had a better chance at beating Obama then, why do we think the man who lost to McCain can get the job done now? I just see Romney as a weaker version of McCain... we wanted a 'moderate' in 2008, and we picked McCain over Romney.. the two top 'moderates' we had to pick from... in 2012, we don't want a moderate, we want a conservative. I don't see Romney being the guy... sorry.
ummmm-Ron Paul is also a social conservative~
No he's not. Where do you get that? How is a libertarian a social conservative?
Maybe on a few issues, but overall he's for liberty and freedom. He wants to get the federal government out of peoples lives. He's different than a social conservative.
Ice slut called Paul a social conservative. Damn that bitch is dumb even for just a high school barely grad.
First of all it is no secret that he leans libertarian...it is also a FACT that he is pro life and anti abortion...GASP yes, there are actual flesh and blood pro life libertarians...and GASP again many of them actually VOTE REPUBLICAN...and GASP again some even hide in republican clothing~ durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
His stance on abortion is a states rights issue.
The libertarians I know vote libertarian.
As for me, I've never voted for a rep or dem in my life.
And I vote every election.
Paul is a registered republican-he adheres to a strict Constitutionalism and he likewise considers himself a libertarian...who is likewise socially conservative! Why do you insist on a your own box, as if, yours is some sort of higher ground? I mean whooptifuckingdo for your libertarian vote.~ Paul is frank and clear about his socially conservative views...PERIOD.
There really are in existence actual and real pro life libertarians...
Let's see:
He thinks the government doesn't have the right to take my money to build a huge legal system to put people in jail for drug posession.
He's anti-federal prohibition which employs drug cartels that cut the heads off children, and exist for no other reason than prohibition itself.
He wants to get rid of the federal reserve.
The income tax, and IRS.
The EPA,
The Department of Education,
Money to countries overseas,
He doesn't think I should be fined for growing my own food for myself, because it limits the amount of food on the market,
He believes that the federal government doesn't have the right to acknowledge marriage.
There's more,,,,,,,,, so is this a socially conservative?
Maybe you can give some facts that contradict my opinion?
Ron Paul on Abortion
Abortion is murder. (Apr 2008)
Roe v. Wade decision was harmful to the Constitution. (Apr 2008)
Define life at conception in law, as scientific statement. (Feb 2008)
Protecting the life of the unborn is protecting liberty. (Feb 2008)
Get the federal government out of abortion decision. (Nov 2007)
Delivered 4000 babies; & assuredly life begins at conception. (Sep 2007)
Sanctity of Life Act: remove federal jurisdiction. (Sep 2007)
Nominate only judges who refuse to legislate from the bench. (Sep 2007)
Save “snowflake babies”: no experiments on frozen embryos. (Sep 2007)
No tax funding for organizations that promote abortion. (Sep 2007)
Embryonic stem cell programs not constitionally authorized. (May 2007)
Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007)
Voted NO on allowing human embryonic stem cell research. (May 2005)
Voted NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions. (Apr 2005)
Voted NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime. (Feb 2004)
Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life. (Oct 2003)
Voted NO on forbidding human cloning for reproduction & medical research. (Feb 2003)
Voted YES on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info. (Sep 2002)
Voted YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad. (May 2001)
Voted NO on federal crime to harm fetus while committing other crimes. (Apr 2001)
Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortions. (Apr 2000)
Voted NO on barring transporting minors to get an abortion. (Jun 1999)
No federal funding of abortion, and pro-life. (Dec 2000)
Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)
Rated 56% by the NRLC, indicating a mixed record on abortion. (Dec 2006)
Bar funding for abortion under federal Obamacare plans. (Jul 2010)
Prohibit federal funding to groups like Planned Parenthood. (Jan 2011)
Report on Medicaid payments to abortion providers. (Apr 2009)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything you listed is the way I would expect him to vote.
That's my money being taken from me for the feds to do with what I think they haven't a right to do.
Nothing you listed says that he says abortion should be reversed.
Everything you list says that the federal government doesn't have the right to take "MY MONEY" to help others get an abortion.
But yes I do agree with you that he isn't for federally funded abortion which is a social conservitive leaning.
This is pretty amazing to me, a few weeks ago, no one had ever heard of Herman Cain. One debate, and he's polling #2 behind a guy who has vowed he isn't running for President!
Hmm.... Worried yet, Dummycrats?![]()
Any time someone quotes a survey, I look to see the details of the survey. Gathering statistical evidence from surveys is notoriously easy to slant in a given direction. Something as simple as choosing to do the survey in a handful of major metro areas would do the trick.
They interviewed 1500 people and want to say they managed a representative cross-sample of the USA? lmao Ok, there is a perfect example of why I like to look at the sources of the data.
especially with a small sample size of 1500.
You are wrong that they all had to do with funding...regardless, you finally acknowledged that he's a republican with a libertarian AND social conservative leaning...it only took 4 responses or so.
I think many would argue that simply being pro-life does not a social conservative make.